var coordinatesBB = [] //var url = "" //old link var url = "" // URL to API var url2 = "" var pvURL = "" /*TODO#1: -get current data from the api and create local test data (apiData foler) -add connection handeling (error messages when there isnt a connection and then using the local test data) */ var localShadowData = "/3dclient4simstadtapi/public/test/APIdata/shadowData.json" var buildingFunctionSort var constructionYearSortPick var heightSortPick var heatedVolumeSortPick var totalSurfaceAreaSortPick var roofTypeSortPick var uValueSortPick var shadowdata async function fetchPvPotentialJSON() { var bottomLat = coordinatesBB[1] var leftLng = coordinatesBB[0] var rightLng = coordinatesBB[2] var topLat = coordinatesBB[3] const response = await fetch(pvURL, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ "boundingBox": { "bottomLat": bottomLat, //48.779004965, "leftLng": leftLng, //9.1686843081, "lodType": "LOD2", "rightLng": rightLng, //9.175336684, "topLat": topLat //48.7822869656 }, "cityGMLRef": "campusLOD2" }), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4xMjM=" } }) const data = await response.json(); return data } async function fetchshadowDataJSON() { var bottomLat = coordinatesBB[1] var leftLng = coordinatesBB[0] var rightLng = coordinatesBB[2] var topLat = coordinatesBB[3]// var day = "1"; const response = await fetch(url2 + day, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ "boundingBox": { "bottomLat": bottomLat, //48.779004965, "leftLng": leftLng, //9.1686843081, "lodType": "LOD2", "rightLng": rightLng, //9.175336684, "topLat": topLat //48.7822869656 }, "cityGMLRef": "campusLOD2" }), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4xMjM=" } }) const data = await response.json(); return data } async function fetchDataJSON() { var bottomLat = coordinatesBB[1] var leftLng = coordinatesBB[0] var rightLng = coordinatesBB[2] var topLat = coordinatesBB[3]// const response = await fetch(url, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ "boundingBox": { "bottomLat": bottomLat, //48.779004965, "leftLng": leftLng, //9.1686843081, "lodType": "LOD2", "rightLng": rightLng, //9.175336684, "topLat": topLat //48.7822869656 }, "cityGMLRef": "campusLOD2", "interestedAttributes": [ "uValue", "volume", "height", "heatedVolume", "yearOfConstruction", "buildingFunction", "monthlyHeating", "monthlyCooling", "pvPotential", "roofType", "totalSurfaceArea" ], "properies": { "physicsUseScenario": false } }), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4xMjM=" } }) const data = await response.json() return data } document.getElementById("loader").style.visibility = "hidden" async function getLocalShadowdata(){ // gets the response from the api and put it inside a constant const response = await fetch(localShadowData); //the response have to be converted to json type file, so it can be used const data = await response.json(); console.log(data) // shadowData=data; return data; } function processData() { console.log(coordinatesBB) console.log("Waiting for data....") timeout(25000, fetchshadowDataJSON()).then((response)=>{ console.log(response) shadowdata = response ; }).catch((error)=>{ //catching the error(no connection)/ timeout and displaying an alert for the user // shadowdata= getLocalShadowdata(); console.log(shadowdata); //loadLocalAPIshadowData here... }) timeout(10000, fetchPvPotentialJSON()).then((response)=>{ console.log(response) }).catch((error) => { console.log(error) }) timeout(10000, fetchDataJSON()).then((response)=>{ calculateData(response); }).catch((error) => { console.log(error) /* fetch("/3dclient4simstadtapi/public/test/APIdata/buildingInformation.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(text => calculateData( JSON.parse(text))) */ }) } function calculateData(data){ console.log(data); document.getElementById("cesiumContainer").style.opacity = "1"; document.getElementById("loader").style.visibility = "hidden" console.log("....received data") var buildingsMAP = new Map() data.buildings.forEach(bu => { var partsArray = [] var surefacesArray = [] => p.surfaces.forEach(s => surefacesArray.push(new Surface(, s.attributes.uValue, s.attributes.totalSurfaceArea)))) => partsArray.push(new Part(, surefacesArray, p.attributes.volume, p.attributes.height, p.attributes.heatedVolume, p.attributes.yearOfConstruction, p.attributes.buildingFunction, p.attributes.monthlyHeating, p.attributes.monthlyCooling, p.attributes.roofType))) buildingsMAP.set(, new Building(, partsArray)) //puts buildings with parts and surfaces in a map }) var partHeightMAP = new Map() var partVolumeMAP = new Map() var partHeatedVolumeMAP = new Map() var partConstructionYearMAP = new Map() var partBuildingTypeMAP = new Map() var partMonthlyHeatingMAP = new Map() var partMonthlyCoolingMAP = new Map() var surfaceUValueMAP = new Map() var partRoofTypeMAP = new Map() var surfaceTotalSurfaceAreaMAP = new Map() //fill height, heated volume and construction year map buildingsMAP.forEach(b => { => { if (part.height !== undefined) { partHeightMAP.set(, part.height) } if (part.volume !== undefined) { partVolumeMAP.set(, part.volume) } if (part.heatedVolume !== undefined) { partHeatedVolumeMAP.set(, part.heatedVolume) } if (part.yearOfConstruction !== undefined && part.yearOfConstruction <= "2020") { partConstructionYearMAP.set(, part.yearOfConstruction) } if (part.buildingFunction !== undefined) { partBuildingTypeMAP.set(, part.buildingFunction) } if (part.monthlyHeating !== undefined) { partMonthlyHeatingMAP.set(, part.monthlyHeating) } if (part.monthlyCooling !== undefined) { partMonthlyCoolingMAP.set(, part.monthlyCooling) } if (part.roofType !== undefined) { partRoofTypeMAP.set(, part.roofType) } part.surfaces.forEach(s => { if (s.uValue !== undefined) { surfaceUValueMAP.set(, s.uValue) } }) //totalSurfaceArea surfaceTotalSurfaceAreaMAP.set(, part.surfaces) }) }) //sort maps const heightSort = new Map([...partHeightMAP.entries()].sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])); const heatedVolumeSort = new Map([...partHeatedVolumeMAP.entries()].sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])); const constructionYearSort = new Map([...partConstructionYearMAP.entries()].sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1])); const uValueSort = new Map([...surfaceUValueMAP.entries()].sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])); //for Properties Single Buildings buildingFunctionSortPick = new Map([...partBuildingTypeMAP.entries()].sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])); constructionYearSortPick = new Map([...partConstructionYearMAP.entries()].sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1])); heightSortPick = new Map([...partHeightMAP.entries()].sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])); heatedVolumeSortPick = new Map([...partHeatedVolumeMAP.entries()].sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])); totalSurfaceAreaSortPick = new Map([...surfaceTotalSurfaceAreaMAP.entries()].sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])); roofTypeSortPick = new Map([...partRoofTypeMAP.entries()].sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])); uValueSortPick = new Map([...surfaceUValueMAP.entries()].sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])); //fill arrays needed for charts heightSort.forEach((value, key) => addHeightInfosToArrays(key, value)) heatedVolumeSort.forEach((value, key) => addHeatedVolumeInfosToArrays(key, value)) constructionYearSort.forEach((value) => yearOfConstructionValues.push(value)) partBuildingTypeMAP.forEach((value) => buildingTypeValues.push(value)) partMonthlyHeatingMAP.forEach((valueArray, key) => yearlyHeatingDemand(key, valueArray)) partMonthlyCoolingMAP.forEach((valueArray, key) => yearlyCoolingDemand(key, valueArray)) uValueSort.forEach((value, key) => { uValueSurfaces(key, value) uValuesAll.push(value) }) partMonthlyHeatingMAP.forEach((value, key) => addmonthlyHeatingInfosToArrays(key, value)) partMonthlyCoolingMAP.forEach((value, key) => addmonthlyCoolingInfosToArrays(key, value)) partVolumeMAP.forEach((value, key) => addVolumeValues(key, value)) //calculates year of construction frequency yearFrequency() //calculates building type frequency buildingTypeFrequency() //calculates uValue frequency uValueFrequency() //sorts yearly heating & cooling demand for charts sortMap() //disables attributes in chart without values availableAttributes() //color buildings with heating demand document.getElementById("checkbox2").addEventListener("change", function () { if (this.checked) { tileContent.forEach(t => { let tileID = t.getProperty("gml_parent_id") let tileColor = heatingIDColorMAP.get(tileID) if (tileColor !== undefined) { t.color = Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString(tileColor) } else { t.color = new Cesium.Color(1, 1, 1, 1) } }) console.log("colored") } else { tileContent.forEach(t => t.color = new Cesium.Color(1, 1, 1, 1)) console.log("not colored") } }) //color surfaces with uValue document.getElementById("checkbox1").addEventListener("change", function () { if (this.checked) { tileContent.forEach(t => { let tileID = t.getProperty("gml_id") let tileColor = surfaceIDColorMAP.get(tileID) if (tileColor !== undefined) { t.color = Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString(tileColor) } else { t.color = new Cesium.Color(1, 1, 1, 1) } }) console.log("colored") } else { tileContent.forEach(t => t.color = new Cesium.Color(1, 1, 1, 1)) console.log("not colored") } }) } function showAllUVales() { => p.surfaces.forEach(s => console.log(s.uValue))) } function Building(id, parts) { = id = parts this.showAllUVales = showAllUVales } function Part(id, surfaces, volume, height, heatedVolume, yearOfConstruction, buildingFunction, monthlyHeating, monthlyCooling, roofType) { = id; this.surfaces = surfaces this.volume = volume this.height = height this.heatedVolume = heatedVolume this.yearOfConstruction = yearOfConstruction this.buildingFunction = buildingFunction this.monthlyHeating = monthlyHeating this.monthlyCooling = monthlyCooling this.roofType = roofType } function Surface(id, uValue, totalSurfaceArea) { = id; this.uValue = uValue this.totalSurfaceArea = totalSurfaceArea } let tileContent = [] // When the user clicks the button, open the modal var elemurlevt = document.getElementById("submitID"); elemurlevt.addEventListener("click", loadTileset); //Get the modal var modal = document.getElementById("myModal"); var span = document.getElementsByClassName("close")[0]; //close the modal span.onclick = function () { = "none"; deleteTilesetButtons() } // modal closes, when the user clicks anywhere outside of the modal window.onclick = function (event) { if ( == modal) { = "none"; deleteTilesetButtons() } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var tileData = null; var tileset = null; //var tilesetURL = ''; var tilesetURL = ''; var tilesetURLb1 = ''; var tilesetURLb2 = ''; var tilesetURLb4 = ''; var tilesetURLb5 = ''; var tilesetURLb6 = ''; var tilesetURLb7 = ''; var tilesetURLb8 = ''; var localTestTileset = 'test/gmlTileset_v1.json'; var localB1 = 'test/bau1u3.json'; var localB2 = 'test/bau2.json'; var localB4 = 'test/bau4.json'; var localB5 = 'test/bau5.json'; var localB6 = 'test/bau6.json'; var localB7 = 'test/bau7.json'; var localB8 = 'test/bau8.json'; function timeout(ms, promise) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { setTimeout(function() { reject(new Error("timeout")) }, ms) promise.then(resolve, reject) }) } function pageLoad() { if (window.location.hash === "#load-bau1") { loadAndZoomToTileset(tilesetURLb1); }if (window.location.hash === "#load-bau2") { loadAndZoomToTileset(tilesetURLb2); }if (window.location.hash === "#load-bau4") { loadAndZoomToTileset(tilesetURLb4); }if (window.location.hash === "#load-bau5") { loadAndZoomToTileset(tilesetURLb5); }if (window.location.hash === "#load-bau6") { loadAndZoomToTileset(tilesetURLb6); }if (window.location.hash === "#load-bau7") { loadAndZoomToTileset(tilesetURLb7); }if (window.location.hash === "#load-bau8") { loadAndZoomToTileset(tilesetURLb8); } } //fetching the tileset and handling the connection async function fetchTileset(){ timeout(1000, fetch(tilesetURL)).then((response)=>{ loadAndZoomToTileset(tilesetURL); }).catch((error)=>{ //catching the error(no connection)/ timeout and displaying an alert for the user //var errorString = error["stack"]+"\n"+error["message"]; // formatting the error array swal({text:"Could not connect to Server. Using now: local data",icon:"info" } ); console.log("Using local test data"); loadAndZoomToTileset(localTestTileset); //TODO#3: fix the link so the local tileset can be loaded }) } /* NOTE #1: -load the models but the are in the too high in the "air" -building view doesn´t work because all buildings are grouped together -surfaces are also broken -->this fixme is the problem of the backendteam ! ? maybe add old menu back and the option to also load the new ones */ //loads tileset after submit button is clicked function loadTileset() { viewer.scene.primitives.remove(tileset); tileContent = []; = "block"; fetchTileset(); //var userurl = document.getElementById("3Durl").value; //returns the chosen area from the dropdown } //loads the tileset from the url into the cesium viewer and zooms to it function loadAndZoomToTileset(url){ tileset=viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({ url: url })); viewer.zoomTo(tileset, new Cesium.HeadingPitchRange(0, -0.5, 0)); = "none"; saveTilesetContent(tileset) deleteTilesetButtons() } function useContent(content) { content.forEach(cont => { var element = document.createElement("input") element.type = "button" element.value = cont.title element.value = cont.title = "individualTileset" document.getElementById("myList").appendChild(element); element.onclick = function () { tileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({ url: cont.href })); viewer.zoomTo(tileset, new Cesium.HeadingPitchRange(0, -0.5, 0)); = "none"; saveTilesetContent(tileset) deleteTilesetButtons() }; }) } function saveTilesetContent(tileset) { tileset.tileLoad.addEventListener(tile => { const content = tile.content; for (let i = 0; i < content.featuresLength; i++) { let f = content.getFeature(i); tileContent.push(f) } }) } function deleteTilesetButtons() { var x = document.getElementsByName("individualTileset") var len = x.length //checking if there are even tileset to delete if(x.length>0){ parentNode = x[0].parentNode; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { parentNode.removeChild(x[0]); } } }