Commit a7b05016 authored by dobli's avatar dobli
Browse files

Added password repeat and docker confirmation

parent ac243b0d
......@@ -176,6 +176,8 @@ def generate_host_key_files(base_dir, hosts):
key_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR + "/" + EDIT_FILES['host_key']
# ssh-keygen generates public key with .pub postfix
pub_path = key_path + '.pub'
# host_names with sftp_ postfix
sftp_hosts = [f'sftp_{host}' for host in hosts]
# execute ssh-keygen
id_result = run(['ssh-keygen', '-t', 'ed25519', '-f', key_path, '-N', ''],
......@@ -189,8 +191,8 @@ def generate_host_key_files(base_dir, hosts):
split_line = pub_line.split()
# delete last list element
del split_line[-1]
# collect hosts as comma separated string
hosts_line = ','.join(h for h in hosts)
# collect sftp hosts as comma separated string
hosts_line = ','.join(h for h in sftp_hosts)
split_line.insert(0, hosts_line)
# collect parts as space separated string
known_line = ' '.join(sp for sp in split_line)
......@@ -325,6 +327,23 @@ def join_swarm_machine(machine_name, leader_name):
return join_result.returncode == 0
def generate_swarm(machines):
"""Generates a swarm, the first machine will be the initial leader
:machines: list of machines in the swarm
leader = None
for machine in 'machines':
# init swarm with first machine
if leader is None:
leader = machine
print(f'Create initial swarm with leader {leader}')
if init_swarm_machine(leader):
print('Swarm init successful\n')
print(f'Machine {machine} joins swarm of leader {leader}')
if (join_swarm_machine(machine, leader)):
print('Joining swarm successful\n')
# }}}
......@@ -461,14 +480,18 @@ def interactive_command(args):
def main_menu(args):
""" Display main menu
# Base directory for configs
base_dir = args.base_dir
if base_dir is None:
base_dir = os.getcwd()
# Main menu prompts
questions = [{
'Public Building Manager - Main Menu',
'choices': ['Create initial structure', 'Execute command', 'Exit']
'type': 'list',
'name': 'main',
'message': 'Public Building Manager - Main Menu',
'choices': load_main_entires(base_dir)
answers = prompt(questions)
......@@ -502,39 +525,74 @@ def init_menu(args):
'type': 'input',
'name': 'username',
'message': 'Choose a username for the initial user'
'message': 'Choose a username for the admin user'
answers = prompt(questions)
# Ensure passwords match
password_match = False
while not password_match:
password_questions = [{
'type': 'password',
'name': 'password',
'message': 'Choose a password for the admin user:',
'type': 'password',
'name': 'password',
'message': 'Choose a password for the initial user'
'name': 'confirm',
'message': 'Repeat password for the admin user',
answers = prompt(questions)
leader = None
for machine in answers['machines']:
# init swarm with first machine
if leader is None:
leader = machine
print(f'Create initial swarm with leader {leader}')
if init_swarm_machine(leader):
print('Swarm init successful\n')
password_answers = prompt(password_questions)
if password_answers['password'] == password_answers['confirm']:
password_match = True
print(f'Machine {machine} joins swarm of leader {leader}')
if (join_swarm_machine(machine, leader)):
print('Joining swarm successful\n')
print("Passwords did not match, try again")
# Initialize custom configuration dirs and templates
# Generate config files based on input
generate_sftp_file(base_dir, answers['username'], answers['password'])
generate_mosquitto_file(base_dir, answers['username'], answers['password'])
generate_traefik_file(base_dir, answers['username'], answers['password'])
username = answers['username']
password = password_answers['password']
hosts = answers['machines']
generate_sftp_file(base_dir, username, password)
generate_mosquitto_file(base_dir, username, password)
generate_traefik_file(base_dir, username, password)
generate_host_key_files(base_dir, ["host1", "host2"])
generate_host_key_files(base_dir, hosts)
# print(answers)
print(f"Configuration files generated in {base_dir}")
# Check if changes shall be applied to docker environment
generate_questions = [{
'type': 'confirm',
'name': 'generate',
'message': 'Apply changes to docker environment?',
'default': True
generate_answers = prompt(generate_questions)
if generate_answers['generate']:
def load_main_entires(base_dir):
"""Loads entries for main menu depending on available files
:base_dir: directory of configuration files
:returns: entries of main menu
custom_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR
entries = []
if not os.path.exists(custom_path):
entries.append('Create initial structure')
entries.append('Execute command')
return entries
def generate_checkbox_choices(list):
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