#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Python module to assist creating and maintaining docker openHab stacks.""" import crypt from enum import Enum import logging import os from hashlib import md5 from shutil import copy2 from subprocess import PIPE, run import bcrypt import docker import questionary as qust from ruamel.yaml import YAML from prompt_toolkit.styles import Style # Configure YAML yaml = YAML() yaml.indent(mapping=4, sequence=4, offset=2) # Log level during development is info logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) # Prompt style st = Style([ ('qmark', 'fg:#00c4b4 bold'), # token in front of question ('question', 'bold'), # question text ('answer', 'fg:#00c4b4 bold'), # submitted answer question ('pointer', 'fg:#00c4b4 bold'), # pointer for select and checkbox ('selected', 'fg:#00c4b4'), # selected item checkbox ('separator', 'fg:#00c4b4'), # separator in lists ('instruction', '') # user instructions for selections ]) # ****************************** # Constants <<< # ****************************** # Directories for config generation CUSTOM_DIR = 'custom_configs' TEMPLATE_DIR = 'template_configs' COMPOSE_NAME = 'docker-stack.yml' SKELETON_NAME = 'docker-skeleton.yml' TEMPLATES_NAME = 'docker-templates.yml' CONFIG_DIRS = ['mosquitto', 'nodered', 'ssh', 'traefik', 'volumerize', 'postgres', 'pb-framr'] TEMPLATE_FILES = [ 'mosquitto/mosquitto.conf', 'nodered/nodered_package.json', 'pb-framr/logo.svg', 'nodered/nodered_settings.js', 'ssh/sshd_config', 'traefik/traefik.toml' ] EDIT_FILES = { "mosquitto_passwords": "mosquitto/mosquitto_passwords", "sftp_users": "ssh/sftp_users.conf", "traefik_users": "traefik/traefik_users", "id_rsa": "ssh/id_rsa", "host_key": "ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key", "known_hosts": "ssh/known_hosts", "backup_config": "volumerize/backup_config.json", "postgres_user": "postgres/user", "postgres_passwd": "postgres/passwd", "pb_framr_pages": "pb-framr/pages.json" } CONSTRAINTS = {"building": "node.labels.building"} # Default Swarm port SWARM_PORT = 2377 # UID for admin UID = 9001 # Username for admin ADMIN_USER = 'ohadmin' class Service(Enum): SFTP = ("SFTP", "sftp", False) OPENHAB = ("OpenHAB", "openhab", True, 'dashboard') NODERED = ("Node-RED", "nodered", True, 'ballot') POSTGRES = ("Postgre SQL", "postgres", False) MQTT = ("Mosquitto MQTT Broker", "mqtt", False) def __init__(self, fullname, prefix, frontend, icon=None): self.fullname = fullname self.prefix = prefix self.frontend = frontend self.icon = icon # >>> # ****************************** # Compose file functions <<< # ****************************** def generate_initial_compose(base_dir): """Creates the initial compose using the skeleton :base_dir: Folder to place configuration files into """ base_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR template_path = base_dir + '/' + TEMPLATE_DIR # compose file compose = base_path + '/' + COMPOSE_NAME # skeleton file skeleton = template_path + '/' + SKELETON_NAME with open(skeleton, 'r') as skeleton_f, open(compose, 'w+') as compose_f: init_content = yaml.load(skeleton_f) yaml.dump(init_content, compose_f) def add_sftp_service(base_dir, hostname, number=0): """Generates an sftp entry and adds it to the compose file :base_dir: base directory for configuration files :hostname: names of host that the services is added to :number: increment of exposed port to prevent overlaps """ base_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR # compose file compose_path = base_path + '/' + COMPOSE_NAME # service name service_name = f'sftp_{hostname}' # template template = get_service_template(base_dir, Service.SFTP.prefix) # only label contraint is building template['deploy']['placement']['constraints'][0] = ( f"{CONSTRAINTS['building']} == {hostname}") template['ports'] = [f'{2222 + number}:22'] add_or_update_compose_service(compose_path, service_name, template) def add_openhab_service(base_dir, hostname): """Generates an openhab entry and adds it to the compose file :base_dir: base directory for configuration files :hostname: names of host that the services is added to """ base_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR # compose file compose_path = base_path + '/' + COMPOSE_NAME # service name service_name = f'openhab_{hostname}' # template template = get_service_template(base_dir, Service.OPENHAB.prefix) # only label contraint is building template['deploy']['placement']['constraints'][0] = ( f"{CONSTRAINTS['building']} == {hostname}") # include in backups of this building template['deploy']['labels'].append(f'backup={hostname}') # traefik backend template['deploy']['labels'].append(f'traefik.backend={service_name}') # traefik frontend domain->openhab template['deploy']['labels'].extend( generate_traefik_host_labels(hostname, segment='main')) # traefik frontend subdomain openhab_hostname.* -> openhab template['deploy']['labels'].append( f'traefik.sub.frontend.rule=HostRegexp:' f'{service_name}.{{domain:[a-zA-z0-9-]+}}') template['deploy']['labels'].append('traefik.sub.frontend.priority=2') add_or_update_compose_service(compose_path, service_name, template) def add_nodered_service(base_dir, hostname): """Generates an nodered entry and adds it to the compose file :base_dir: base directory for configuration files :hostname: names of host that the services is added to """ base_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR # compose file compose_path = base_path + '/' + COMPOSE_NAME # service name service_name = f'nodered_{hostname}' # template template = get_service_template(base_dir, Service.NODERED.prefix) # only label contraint is building template['deploy']['placement']['constraints'][0] = ( f"{CONSTRAINTS['building']} == {hostname}") template['deploy']['labels'].append(f'traefik.backend={service_name}') template['deploy']['labels'].append(f'backup={hostname}') template['deploy']['labels'].extend( generate_traefik_path_labels(service_name, segment='main')) template['deploy']['labels'].extend( generate_traefik_subdomain_labels(service_name, segment='sub')) add_or_update_compose_service(compose_path, service_name, template) def add_mqtt_service(base_dir, hostname, number=0): """Generates an mqtt entry and adds it to the compose file :base_dir: base directory for configuration files :hostname: names of host that the services is added to :number: increment of exposed port to prevent overlaps """ base_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR # compose file compose_path = base_path + '/' + COMPOSE_NAME # service name service_name = f'mqtt_{hostname}' # template template = get_service_template(base_dir, Service.MQTT.prefix) # only label contraint is building template['deploy']['placement']['constraints'][0] = ( f"{CONSTRAINTS['building']} == {hostname}") # ports incremented by number of services template['ports'] = [f'{1883 + number}:1883', f'{9001 + number}:9001'] add_or_update_compose_service(compose_path, service_name, template) def add_postgres_service(base_dir, hostname): """Generates an postgres entry and adds it to the compose file :base_dir: base directory for configuration files :hostname: names of host that the services is added to """ base_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR # compose file compose_path = base_path + '/' + COMPOSE_NAME # service name service_name = f'postgres_{hostname}' # template template = get_service_template(base_dir, Service.POSTGRES.prefix) # only label contraint is building template['deploy']['placement']['constraints'][0] = ( f"{CONSTRAINTS['building']} == {hostname}") add_or_update_compose_service(compose_path, service_name, template) # Helper functions def get_service_template(base_dir, service_name): """Gets a service template entry from the template yaml :return: yaml entry of a service """ template_path = base_dir + '/' + TEMPLATE_DIR templates = template_path + '/' + TEMPLATES_NAME with open(templates, 'r') as templates_file: template_content = yaml.load(templates_file) return template_content['services'][service_name] def generate_traefik_host_labels(hostname, segment=None, priority=1): """Generates a traefik path url with necessary redirects :hostname: Hostname that gets assigned by the label :segment: Optional traefik segment when using multiple rules :priority: Priority of frontend rule :returns: list of labels for traefik """ label_list = [] # check segment segment = f'.{segment}' if segment is not None else '' # fill list label_list.append( f'traefik{segment}.frontend.rule=HostRegexp:{{domain:{hostname}}}') label_list.append(f'traefik{segment}.frontend.priority={priority}') return label_list def generate_traefik_subdomain_labels(subdomain, segment=None, priority=2): """Generates a traefik subdomain with necessary redirects :subdomain: subdomain that will be assigned to a service :segment: Optional traefik segment when using multiple rules :priority: Priority of frontend rule :returns: list of labels for traefik """ label_list = [] # check segment segment = f'.{segment}' if segment is not None else '' # fill list label_list.append( f'traefik{segment}.frontend.rule=' f'HostRegexp:{subdomain}.{{domain:[a-zA-z0-9-]+}}') label_list.append(f'traefik{segment}.frontend.priority={priority}') return label_list def generate_traefik_path_labels(url_path, segment=None, priority=2): """Generates a traefik path url with necessary redirects :url_path: path that should be used for the site :segment: Optional traefik segment when using multiple rules :priority: Priority of frontend rule :returns: list of labels for traefik """ label_list = [] # check segment segment = f'.{segment}' if segment is not None else '' # fill list label_list.append(f'traefik{segment}.frontend.priority={priority}') label_list.append( f'traefik{segment}.frontend.redirect.regex=^(.*)/{url_path}$$') label_list.append( f'traefik{segment}.frontend.redirect.replacement=$$1/{url_path}/') label_list.append( f'traefik{segment}.frontend.rule=PathPrefix:/{url_path};' f'ReplacePathRegex:^/{url_path}/(.*) /$$1') return label_list def add_or_update_compose_service(compose_path, service_name, service_content): """Adds or replaces a service in a compose file :compose_path: path of the compose file to change :service_name: name of the service to add/replace :service_content: service definition to add """ with open(compose_path, 'r+') as compose_f: # load compose file compose = yaml.load(compose_f) # add / update service with template compose['services'][service_name] = service_content # write content starting from first line compose_f.seek(0) # write new compose content yaml.dump(compose, compose_f) # reduce file to new size compose_f.truncate() # >>> # ****************************** # Config file functions <<< # ****************************** def generate_config_folders(base_dir): """Generate folders for configuration files :base_dir: Path to add folders to """ base_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR if not os.path.exists(base_dir): os.makedirs(base_dir) print(f'Initialize configuration in {base_path}') # generate empty config dirs for d in CONFIG_DIRS: new_dir = base_path + '/' + d if not os.path.exists(new_dir): os.makedirs(new_dir) # copy template configs for template_file in TEMPLATE_FILES: copy_template_config(base_dir, template_file) def copy_template_config(base_dir, config_path): """Copies template configuration files into custom folder :base_dir: path that contains template and custom folders :config_path: relative path of config to copy from template """ custom_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR + "/" + config_path template_path = base_dir + '/' + TEMPLATE_DIR + "/" + config_path logging.info(f'Copy {config_path} from {custom_path} to {template_path}') copy2(template_path, custom_path) def generate_mosquitto_user_line(username, password): """Generates a line for a mosquitto user with a crypt hashed password :username: username to use :password: password that will be hashed (SHA512) :returns: a line as expected by mosquitto """ password_hash = crypt.crypt(password, crypt.mksalt(crypt.METHOD_SHA512)) line = f"{username}:{password_hash}" return line def generate_sftp_user_line(username, password, directories=None): """Generates a line for a sftp user with a hashed password :username: username to use :password: password that will be hashed (SHA512) :directories: list of directories which the user should have :returns: a line as expected by sshd """ # generate user line with hashed password password_hash = crypt.crypt(password, crypt.mksalt(crypt.METHOD_SHA512)) line = f"{username}:{password_hash}:e:{UID}:{UID}" # add directory entries when available if directories: # create comma separated string from list dir_line = ','.join(d for d in directories) line = f"{line}:{dir_line}" return line def generate_traefik_user_line(username, password): """Generates a line for a traefik user with a bcrypt hashed password :username: username to use :password: password that will be hashed (bcrypt) :returns: a line as expected by traefik """ password_hash = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode(), bcrypt.gensalt()) line = f"{username}:{password_hash.decode()}" return line def generate_pb_framr_entry(host, service): """Generates a single entry of the framr file :host: host this entry is intended for :service: entry from service enum :returns: a dict fitting the asked entry """ entry = {} entry['title'] = service.fullname if service == Service.OPENHAB: entry['url'] = f'http://{host}/' pass else: entry['url'] = f'/{service.prefix}_{host}' entry['icon'] = service.icon return entry def generate_mosquitto_file(base_dir, username, password): """Generates a mosquitto password file using mosquitto_passwd system tool :base_dir: path that contains custom config folder :username: username to use :password: password that will be used """ passwd_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR + "/" + EDIT_FILES[ 'mosquitto_passwords'] # ensure file exists if not os.path.exists(passwd_path): open(passwd_path, 'a').close() # execute mosquitto passwd mos_result = run( ['mosquitto_passwd', '-b', passwd_path, username, password], universal_newlines=True) return mos_result.returncode == 0 def generate_sftp_file(base_dir, username, password, direcories=None): """Generates a sftp password file :base_dir: path that contains custom config folder :username: username to use :password: password that will be used :directories: list of directories which the user should have """ # generate line and save it into a file file_content = generate_sftp_user_line(username, password, direcories) create_or_replace_config_file(base_dir, EDIT_FILES['sftp_users'], file_content) def generate_postgres_files(base_dir, username, password): """Generates postgres user and password files :base_dir: path that contains custom config folder :username: username to use :password: password that will be used """ # content is purely username and (hashed) password hashed_password = 'md5' + \ md5(username.encode() + password.encode()).hexdigest() create_or_replace_config_file( base_dir, EDIT_FILES['postgres_user'], username) create_or_replace_config_file( base_dir, EDIT_FILES['postgres_passwd'], hashed_password) def generate_id_rsa_files(base_dir): """Generates id_rsa and id_rsa.pub private/public keys using ssh-keygen :base_dir: path that contains custom config folder """ id_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR + "/" + EDIT_FILES['id_rsa'] # execute ssh-keygen id_result = run( ['ssh-keygen', '-t', 'rsa', '-b', '4096', '-f', id_path, '-N', ''], universal_newlines=True, stdout=PIPE) return id_result.returncode == 0 def generate_host_key_files(base_dir, hosts): """Generates ssh host keys and matching known_hosts using ssh-keygen :base_dir: path that contains custom config folder """ key_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR + "/" + EDIT_FILES['host_key'] # ssh-keygen generates public key with .pub postfix pub_path = key_path + '.pub' # host_names with sftp_ postfix sftp_hosts = [f'sftp_{host}' for host in hosts] # execute ssh-keygen id_result = run(['ssh-keygen', '-t', 'ed25519', '-f', key_path, '-N', ''], universal_newlines=True, stdout=PIPE) # read content of public key as known line known_line = "" with open(pub_path, 'r') as pub_file: pub_line = pub_file.readline() split_line = pub_line.split() # delete last list element del split_line[-1] # collect sftp hosts as comma separated string hosts_line = ','.join(h for h in sftp_hosts) split_line.insert(0, hosts_line) # collect parts as space separated string known_line = ' '.join(sp for sp in split_line) # write new known_line file create_or_replace_config_file(base_dir, EDIT_FILES['known_hosts'], known_line) return id_result.returncode == 0 def generate_traefik_file(base_dir, username, password): """Generates a traefik password file :base_dir: path that contains custom config folder :username: username to use :password: password that will be used """ # generate line and save it into a file file_content = generate_traefik_user_line(username, password) create_or_replace_config_file(base_dir, EDIT_FILES['traefik_users'], file_content) def generate_volumerize_file(base_dir, hosts): """Generates config for volumerize backups :base_dir: path that contains custom config folder :hosts: names of backup hosts """ configs = [] for h in hosts: host_config = { 'description': f'Backup Server on {h}', 'url': f'sftp://ohadmin@sftp_{h}://home/ohadmin/backup_data/{h}' } configs.append(host_config) create_or_replace_config_file( base_dir, EDIT_FILES['backup_config'], configs, json=True) def generate_pb_framr_file(base_dir, frames): """Generates config for pb framr landing page :base_dir: path that contains custom config folder :frames: a dict that contains hosts with matching name and services """ configs = [] for f in frames: building = { 'instance': f['building'], 'entries': [generate_pb_framr_entry(f['host'], s) for s in f['services'] if s.frontend] } configs.append(building) create_or_replace_config_file( base_dir, EDIT_FILES['pb_framr_pages'], configs, json=True) def create_or_replace_config_file(base_dir, config_path, content, json=False): """Creates or replaces a config file with new content :base_dir: path that contains custom config folder :config_path: relative path of config :content: content of the file as a string """ custom_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR + "/" + config_path with open(custom_path, 'w+') as file: if json: import json json.dump(content, file, indent=2) else: file.write(content) # >>> # ****************************** # Docker machine functions <<< # ****************************** def get_machine_list(): """Get a list of docker machine names using the docker-machine system command :returns: a list of machine names managed by docker-machine """ machine_result = run(['docker-machine', 'ls', '-q'], universal_newlines=True, stdout=PIPE) return machine_result.stdout.splitlines() def check_machine_exists(machine_name): """Checks weather a docker machine exists and is available :machine_name: Name of the machine to check :returns: True when machine is available """ machines = get_machine_list() return machine_name in machines def get_machine_env(machine_name): """Gets dict of env settings from a machine :machine_name: Name of the machine to check :returns: Dict of env variables for this machine """ env_result = run(['docker-machine', 'env', machine_name], universal_newlines=True, stdout=PIPE) machine_envs = {} lines = env_result.stdout.splitlines() for line in lines: if 'export' in line: assign = line.split('export ', 1)[1] env_entry = [a.strip('"') for a in assign.split('=', 1)] machine_envs[env_entry[0]] = env_entry[1] return machine_envs def get_machine_ip(machine_name): """Asks for the ip of the docker machine :machine_name: Name of the machine to use for init """ machine_result = run(['docker-machine', 'ip', machine_name], universal_newlines=True, stdout=PIPE) return machine_result.stdout.strip() def init_swarm_machine(machine_name): """Creates a new swarm with the specified machine as leader :machine_name: Name of the machine to use for init :return: True if swarm init was successful """ machine_ip = get_machine_ip(machine_name) init_command = 'docker swarm init --advertise-addr ' + machine_ip init_result = run(['docker-machine', 'ssh', machine_name, init_command], universal_newlines=True) return init_result.returncode == 0 def join_swarm_machine(machine_name, leader_name): """Joins the swarm of the specified leader :machine_name: Name of the machine to join a swarm :leader_name: Name of the swarm leader machine :return: True if join to swarm was successful """ token_command = 'docker swarm join-token manager -q' token_result = run(['docker-machine', 'ssh', leader_name, token_command], universal_newlines=True, stdout=PIPE) token = token_result.stdout.strip() leader_ip = get_machine_ip(leader_name) logging.info(f"Swarm leader with ip {leader_ip} uses token {token}") join_cmd = f'docker swarm join --token {token} {leader_ip}:{SWARM_PORT}' logging.info(f'Machine {machine_name} joins using command {join_cmd}') join_result = run(['docker-machine', 'ssh', machine_name, join_cmd], universal_newlines=True) return join_result.returncode == 0 def generate_swarm(machines): """Generates a swarm, the first machine will be the initial leader :machines: list of machines in the swarm """ leader = None for machine in machines: # init swarm with first machine if leader is None: leader = machine print(f'Create initial swarm with leader {leader}') if init_swarm_machine(leader): print('Swarm init successful\n') assign_label_to_node(leader, 'building', leader, manager=leader) else: print(f'Machine {machine} joins swarm of leader {leader}') if (join_swarm_machine(machine, leader)): print('Joining swarm successful\n') assign_label_to_node(machine, 'building', machine, manager=leader) # >>> # ****************************** # Docker client commands <<< # ****************************** def resolve_service_nodes(service): """Returnes nodes running on a specified service :service: name or id of a service :returns: list of nodes running the service """ node_result = run(['docker', 'service', 'ps', service, '--format', '{{.Node}}', '-f', 'desired-state=running'], universal_newlines=True, stdout=PIPE) return node_result.stdout.splitlines() def get_container_list(manager=None): """Return a list of containers running on a machine :manager: Docker machine to use for command, otherwise local :returns: list of containers """ client = get_docker_client(manager) return [c.name for c in client.containers.list()] def get_service_list(manager=None): """Return a list of services managed by a machine :manager: Docker machine to use for command, otherwise local :returns: list of services """ client = get_docker_client(manager) return [s.name for s in client.services.list()] def assign_label_to_node(nodeid, label, value, manager=None): """Assigns a label to a node (e.g. building) :nodeid: Id or name of the node :label: Label you want to add :value: The value to assign to the label :manager: Docker machine to use for command, otherwise local """ client = get_docker_client(manager) node = client.nodes.get(nodeid) spec = node.attrs['Spec'] spec['Labels'][label] = value node.update(spec) logging.info(f'Assign label {label} with value {value} to {nodeid}') client.close() def run_command_in_service(service, command, building=None): """Runs a command in a service based on its name. When no matching container is found or the service name is ambigous an error will be displayed and the function exits :param service: Name of the service to execute command :param command: Command to execute :param building: Optional building, make service unambigous (Default: None) """ client = get_docker_client(building) # Find containers matching name service_name_filter = {"name": service} containers = client.containers.list(filters=service_name_filter) # Ensure match is unambigous if (len(containers) > 1): print(f'Found multiple containers matching service name {service}, ' 'ensure service is unambigous') elif (len(containers) < 1): print(f'Found no matching container for service name {service}') else: service_container = containers[0] print(f'Executing {command} in container {service_container.name}' f'({service_container.id}) on building {building}\n') command_exec = service_container.exec_run(command) print(command_exec.output.decode()) client.close() def get_docker_client(manager=None): """Returns docker client instance :manager: Optional machine to use, local otherwise :returns: Docker client instance """ if manager: machine_env = get_machine_env(manager) client = docker.from_env(environment=machine_env) else: client = docker.from_env() return client # >>> # ****************************** # CLI base commands <<< # ****************************** def init_config_dirs_command(args): """Initialize config directories :args: parsed commandline arguments """ base_dir = args.base_dir if base_dir is None: base_dir = os.getcwd() # generate basic config folder generate_config_folders(base_dir) def assign_building_command(args): """Assigns the role of a building to a node :args: parsed commandline arguments """ node = args.node building = args.building print(f'Assign role of building {building} to node {node}') assign_label_to_node(node, 'building', building) def execute_command(args): """Top level function to manage command executions from CLI :args: parsed commandline arguments """ service = args.service command = " ".join(str(x) for x in args.command) # list to string building = args.building run_command_in_service(service, command, building) def restore_command(args): """Top level function to manage command executions from CLI :args: parsed commandline arguments """ building = args.building target = args.target if not check_machine_exists(target): print(f'Machine with name {target} not found') return print(f'Restoring building {building} on machine {target}') get_machine_env(target) def interactive_command(args): """Top level function to start the interactive mode :args: parsed command line arguments """ main_menu(args) # >>> # ****************************** # Interactive menu entries <<< # ****************************** def main_menu(args): """ Display main menu """ # Base directory for configs base_dir = args.base_dir if base_dir is None: base_dir = os.getcwd() # Main menu prompts choice = qust.select('Public Building Manager - Main Menu', choices=load_main_entires(base_dir), style=st).ask() if 'Create' in choice: init_menu(args) elif 'Execute' in choice: exec_menu(args) elif 'User' in choice: user_menu(args) return choice def load_main_entires(base_dir): """Loads entries for main menu depending on available files :base_dir: directory of configuration files :returns: entries of main menu """ custom_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR entries = [] if not os.path.exists(custom_path): entries.append('Create initial structure') else: entries.append('Execute a command in a service container') entries.append('Manage Users') entries.append('Exit') return entries # *** Init Menu Entries *** def init_menu(args): """Menu entry for initial setup and file generation :args: Passed commandline arguments """ # Base directory for configs base_dir = args.base_dir if base_dir is None: base_dir = os.getcwd() # Prompts stack_name = qust.text('Choose a name for your setup', style=st).ask() hosts = qust.checkbox('What docker machines will be used?', choices=generate_cb_choices( get_machine_list()), style=st).ask() # Ensure passwords match password_match = False while not password_match: password = qust.password( 'Choose a password for the ohadmin user:', style=st).ask() confirm = qust.password( 'Repeat password for the ohadmin user:', style=st).ask() if password == confirm: password_match = True else: print("Passwords did not match, try again") # Initialize custom configuration dirs and templates generate_config_folders(base_dir) generate_initial_compose(base_dir) # Generate config files based on input username = ADMIN_USER generate_sftp_file(base_dir, username, password) generate_postgres_files(base_dir, username, password) generate_mosquitto_file(base_dir, username, password) generate_traefik_file(base_dir, username, password) generate_volumerize_file(base_dir, hosts) generate_id_rsa_files(base_dir) generate_host_key_files(base_dir, hosts) frames = [] for i, host in enumerate(hosts): building, services = init_machine_menu(base_dir, host, i) frames.append({'host': host, 'building': building, 'services': services}) # When frames is not empty generate frame config if frames: generate_pb_framr_file(base_dir, frames) # print(answers) print(f"Configuration files for {stack_name} generated in {base_dir}") # Check if changes shall be applied to docker environment generate = qust.confirm( 'Apply changes to docker environment?', default=True, style=st).ask() if generate: generate_swarm(hosts) def init_machine_menu(base_dir, host, increment): """Prompts to select server services :base_dir: Directory of config files :host: docker-machine host :increment: incrementing number to ensure ports are unique :return: choosen building name and services """ # Prompt for services building = qust.text(f'Choose a name for building on server {host}', default=f'{host}', style=st).ask() services = qust.checkbox(f'What services shall {host} provide?', choices=generate_cb_service_choices(checked=True), style=st).ask() if Service.SFTP in services: add_sftp_service(base_dir, host, increment) if Service.OPENHAB in services: add_openhab_service(base_dir, host) if Service.NODERED in services: add_nodered_service(base_dir, host) if Service.MQTT in services: add_mqtt_service(base_dir, host, increment) if Service.POSTGRES in services: add_postgres_service(base_dir, host) return building, services # *** Exec Menu Entries *** def exec_menu(args): """Menu entry for executing commands in services :args: Passed commandline arguments """ machine = docker_client_prompt(" to execute command at") service_name = qust.select( 'Which service container shall execute the command?', choices=get_container_list(machine), style=st).ask() command = qust.text('What command should be executed?', style=st).ask() run_command_in_service(service_name, command, machine) # *** User Menu Entries *** def user_menu(args): """Menu entry for user managment :args: Passed commandline arguments """ choice = qust.select("What do you want to do?", choices=[ 'Add a new user', 'Remove existing user'], style=st).ask() print(choice) # *** Menu Helper Functions *** def generate_cb_choices(list, checked=False): """Generates checkbox entries for lists of strings :list: pyhton list that shall be converted :checked: if true, selections will be checked by default :returns: A list of dicts with name keys """ return [{'name': m, 'checked': checked} for m in list] def generate_cb_service_choices(checked=False): """Generates checkbox entries for the sevice enum :checked: if true, selections will be checked by default :returns: A list of dicts with name keys """ return [ {'name': s.fullname, 'value': s, 'checked': checked} for s in Service ] def docker_client_prompt(message_details=''): """Show list of docker machines and return selection :manager: Optional machine to use, prompt otherwise :returns: Docker client instance """ machine = qust.select(f'Choose manager machine{message_details}', choices=get_machine_list(), style=st).ask() return machine # >>> # ****************************** # Script main (entry) <<< # ****************************** if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='building_manager', description='Generate and manage multi' 'building configurations of openHAB with docker swarm') parser.add_argument( '--base_dir', '-d', help='Directory to creat config folders in, default is current dir') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() # Interactive mode parser_interactive = subparsers.add_parser( 'interactive', help='Starts the interactive mode of the building manager') parser_interactive.set_defaults(func=interactive_command) # Restore command parser_restore = subparsers.add_parser('restore', help='Restore backups') parser_restore.add_argument( 'building', help='Name (label) of the building that shall be restored') parser_restore.add_argument( 'target', help='Name of the machine to restore to') parser_restore.set_defaults(func=restore_command) # Assign building command parser_assign_building = subparsers.add_parser( 'assign_building', help='Assign the role of a building to a node') parser_assign_building.add_argument( 'node', help='Name (or ID) of the node that gets the role assigned') parser_assign_building.add_argument( 'building', help='Name of the building that will be assigned') parser_assign_building.set_defaults(func=assign_building_command) # Execute command parser_exec = subparsers.add_parser( 'exec', help='Execute commands in a service container') parser_exec.add_argument( 'service', help='Name of the service that will run the command') parser_exec.add_argument( 'command', help='Command to be executed', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) parser_exec.add_argument( '--building', '-b', help='Building name (label) of the service if ' 'service location is ambiguous') parser_exec.set_defaults(func=execute_command) # Config commands parser_config = subparsers.add_parser( 'config', help='Manage configuration files') parser_config_subs = parser_config.add_subparsers() # - Config init parser_config_init = parser_config_subs.add_parser( 'init', help='Initialize config file directories') parser_config_init.set_defaults(func=init_config_dirs_command) # Parse arguments into args dict args = parser.parse_args() # when no subcommand is defined show interactive menu try: args.func(args) except AttributeError: interactive_command(args) # >>> # --- vim settings --- # 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