define([ "dojo/aspect", "dojo/_base/declare", // declare "dojo/dom", // domAttr.get dom.isDescendant "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.get dom.isDescendant "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/dom-construct", // connect to domConstruct.empty, domConstruct.destroy "dojo/Evented", "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch "dojo/on", "dojo/domReady", "dojo/sniff", // has("ie") "dojo/Stateful", "dojo/_base/window", // win.body "dojo/window", // winUtils.get "./a11y", // a11y.isTabNavigable "./registry", // registry.byId "./main" // to set dijit.focus ], function(aspect, declare, dom, domAttr, domClass, domConstruct, Evented, lang, on, domReady, has, Stateful, win, winUtils, a11y, registry, dijit){ // module: // dijit/focus // Time of the last focusin event var lastFocusin; // Time of the last touch/mousedown or focusin event var lastTouchOrFocusin; var FocusManager = declare([Stateful, Evented], { // summary: // Tracks the currently focused node, and which widgets are currently "active". // Access via require(["dijit/focus"], function(focus){ ... }). // // A widget is considered active if it or a descendant widget has focus, // or if a non-focusable node of this widget or a descendant was recently clicked. // // Call"curNode", callback) to track the current focused DOMNode, // or"activeStack", callback) to track the currently focused stack of widgets. // // Call focus.on("widget-blur", func) or focus.on("widget-focus", ...) to monitor when // when widgets become active/inactive // // Finally, focus(node) will focus a node, suppressing errors if the node doesn't exist. // curNode: DomNode // Currently focused item on screen curNode: null, // activeStack: dijit/_WidgetBase[] // List of currently active widgets (focused widget and it's ancestors) activeStack: [], constructor: function(){ // Don't leave curNode/prevNode pointing to bogus elements var check = lang.hitch(this, function(node){ if(dom.isDescendant(this.curNode, node)){ this.set("curNode", null); } if(dom.isDescendant(this.prevNode, node)){ this.set("prevNode", null); } }); aspect.before(domConstruct, "empty", check); aspect.before(domConstruct, "destroy", check); }, registerIframe: function(/*DomNode*/ iframe){ // summary: // Registers listeners on the specified iframe so that any click // or focus event on that iframe (or anything in it) is reported // as a focus/click event on the `