# 3D Forum Lindau 2024 ## Hands-on: Developing Web 3D Applications on CesiumJS This project is created as a showcase on how to build a 3D web application with CesiumJS. The application initializes a Cesium Viewer and may include multiple data sources such as - Basemaps (OSM or ArcGIS) - Terrain (from OGC API - 3D GeoVolumes) - 3D tiles (from OGC API - 3D GeoVolumes) - Additional 2D imagery layer - Flood risk (ArcGIS). ![image.png](./image.png) Live Demo: https://ugl.hft-stuttgart.de/lindau2024/final.html ## Default Setting - **Initial View**: The application starts with a view centered at latitude 47.5728539, longitude 9.6473353, and a height of 3500.0 meters. (Near to Lindau) - **Basemap**: Utilizes OpenStreetMap as the base imagery layer. - **3D Tiles**: Loads 3D buildings from SmartMapping ADV basemap.de the URL `https://web3d.basemap.de/cesium/buildings-fly/root.json`. - **Terrain**: Integrates terrain data from the URL `https://web3d.basemap.de/cesium/dgm5-mesh`. - **Additional Imagery**: Includes an ArcGIS MapServer Imagery layer from the URL `https://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/1lplwYilIlo008hQ/arcgis/rest/services/HighFloodRisk_ExportFeatures/MapServer`.