diff --git a/public/content/content.json b/public/content/content.json index 57bda7fc89b5f6caae5b0bda45dee8a3e8228a0c..7528177fb811cd624d0b3e9a4b21d46584931b48 100644 --- a/public/content/content.json +++ b/public/content/content.json @@ -356,5 +356,147 @@ "project":"https://projekt.beuth-hochschule.de/citydoctor2/" }, "refIndex": 7 + }, + { + "item": { + "title": "SolidInjector for CityGML", + "project": "CityDoctor2", + "author": { + "firstName": "Rushikesh", + "lastName": "Padsala", + "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/p/rushikesh-padsala" + }, + "project_year_start": "2019", + "project_year_end": "2021", + "project_is_on_going": true, + "imageLink":"imgs/thumbnails/SolidInjector.png", + "keywords":["CityGML", "Building Solids", "FME"], + "description_en":"SolidInjector for CityGML is a set of FME based workbenches to replace incorrect CityGML building/building-part solid geometries with correct solid geometries as instructed in the OGC CityGML v2.0 encoding conformance requirement which instructs using xlink mechanism of GML to generate building solids.", + "description_de":"SolidInjector für CityGML ist eine Reihe von FME-basierten Workbenches zum Ersetzen von fehlerhaften Solid-Geometrien von CityGML LoD 2 Gebäuden / Gebäudeteilen durch korrekte Solid-Geometrien gemäß der Konformitätsanforderung von OGC CityGML v2.0, die den Xlink-Mechanismus von GML für die Modellierung von Gebäude-Solid-Geometrie nutzt." + }, + "links": { + "youtube": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY904hd2hMI&ab_channel=CIVTutorials", + "demo": "https://gitlab.com/volkercoors/CiD4Sim/-/wikis/usefulTools/FME-Workbenches", + "project":"https://projekt.beuth-hochschule.de/citydoctor2/" + }, + "refIndex": 8 + }, + { + "item": { + "title": "Rainau Water Demand Viewer", + "project": "IN-SOURCE", + "author": { + "firstName": "Rushikesh", + "lastName": "Padsala", + "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/p/rushikesh-padsala" + }, + "project_year_start": "2018", + "project_year_end": "2021", + "project_is_on_going": true, + "imageLink":"imgs/thumbnails/Rainau3DViewer.JPG", + "keywords":["3D City Model", "CityGML", "Water Demand Simulation"], + "description_en":"The Rainau water demand viewer shows per building annual water demand for Rainau, Germany. The water demand simulation for both residential and non-residential buildings is done in an urban energy simulator, SimStadt.", + "description_de":"Der Rainauer Wasserbedarfsviewer zeigt den jährlichen Wasserbedarf pro Gebäude für Rainau, Deutschland. Die Wasserbedarfssimulation für Wohn- und Nichtwohngebäude wird in einem städtischen Energiesimulator, SimStadt, durchgeführt." + }, + "links": { + "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/in-source/rainau-water-demand-viewer/", + "publication":"https://www.mdpi.com/2220-9964/9/11/642", + "project":"https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/in-source" + }, + "refIndex": 9 + }, + { + "item": { + "title": "Gowanus CityGML Viewer", + "project": "IN-SOURCE", + "author": { + "firstName": "Rushikesh", + "lastName": "Padsala", + "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/p/rushikesh-padsala" + }, + "project_year_start": "2018", + "project_year_end": "2021", + "project_is_on_going": true, + "imageLink":"imgs/thumbnails/Gowanus3DViewer.JPG", + "keywords":["3D City Model", "Rhinoceros3D", "CityGML", "Building Energy Simulation"], + "description_en":"The Gowanus CityGML viewer shows the building design scenarios along with its heat energy demand for the NYC's neighborhood of Gowanus, USA. Building geometries are modelled in Rhinoceros3D, coverted to CityGML using FME and its heat demand simulation is done in an urban energy simulator, SimStadt.", + "description_de":"Der Gowanus CityGML-Viewer zeigt verschiedene Gebäudedesignszenarien zusammen mit ihrem Wärmeenergiebedarf für den NYC-Bezirk Gowanus, USA. Die Gebäudegeometrien werden in Rhinoceros3D modelliert, mit FME in CityGML konvertiert und der Wärmebedarf wird in einem städtischen Energiesimulator, SimStadt, simuliert." + }, + "links": { + "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/in-source/gowanus-citygml-viewer/", + "project":"https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/in-source" + }, + "refIndex": 10 + }, + { + "item": { + "title": "Meidling 3D Viewer", + "project": "IN-SOURCE", + "author": { + "firstName": "Rushikesh", + "lastName": "Padsala", + "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/p/rushikesh-padsala" + }, + "project_year_start": "2018", + "project_year_end": "2021", + "project_is_on_going": true, + "imageLink":"imgs/thumbnails/Meidling3DViewer.JPG", + "keywords":["3D City Model", "CityGML", "Building Energy Simulation", "Roof PV Simulation"], + "description_en":"The Meidling 3D viewer shows the building heat energy demand, roof PV potenial and landuse polygons for the district of Meidling, Vienna. Building stock heat energy demand and roof PV potential is simulated using an urban energy simulator, SimStadt.", + "description_de":"Der Meidling 3D-Viewer zeigt den Gebäudeheizenergiebedarf, das Dach-PV-Potenzial und die Landnutzungspolygone für den Bezirk Meidling, Wien. Der Wärmeenergiebedarf des Gebäudebestands und das Dach-PV-Potenzial werden mit einem städtischen Energiesimulator, SimStadt, simuliert." + }, + "links": { + "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/in-source/meidling-3d-viewer/", + "project":"https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/in-source" + }, + "refIndex": 11 + }, + { + "item": { + "title": "CityGML Food Water Energy (FWE) ADE", + "project": "IN-SOURCE", + "author": { + "firstName": "Rushikesh", + "lastName": "Padsala", + "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/p/rushikesh-padsala" + }, + "project_year_start": "2018", + "project_year_end": "2021", + "project_is_on_going": true, + "imageLink":"imgs/thumbnails/FWEADE.PNG", + "keywords":["3D City Model", "CityGML", "ADE", "Food-Water-Energy Nexus", "Data Modelling"], + "description_en":"CityGML FWE ADE allows users to store FWE-related parameters in four spatial layers: building, land use, area, and system. FWE ADE facilitates inputs and outputs for various FWE-related simulations and also acts as a central data exchange platform to connect different urban FWE simulators.", + "description_de":"CityGML FWE ADE ermöglicht es dem Benutzer, FWE-bezogene Parameter in vier räumlichen Ebenen zu speichern: Gebäude, Landnutzung, Fläche und System. FWE ADE erleichtert Eingaben und Ausgaben für verschiedene FWE-bezogene Simulationen und fungiert außerdem als zentrale Datenaustauschplattform, um verschiedene städtische FWE-Simulatoren miteinander zu verbinden." + }, + "links": { + "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/in-source/in-source/FWEADE/", + "project":"https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/in-source" + }, + "refIndex": 12 + }, + + { + "item": { + "title": "Rhinoceros3D/CityEngine to CityGML", + "project": "IN-SOURCE", + "author": { + "firstName": "Rushikesh", + "lastName": "Padsala", + "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/p/rushikesh-padsala" + }, + "project_year_start": "2018", + "project_year_end": "2021", + "project_is_on_going": true, + "imageLink":"imgs/thumbnails/RhinoCityGML.JPG", + "keywords":["3D City Model", "Rhinoceros3D", "ArcGIS CityEngine", "CityGML", "Data Interoperability", "FME"], + "description_en":"Rhinoceros3D/CityEngine to CityGML is a repository of FME workbenches used to convert 2D building footrpint shapefiles with building height attributes or 3D building geometries modelled in Rhinoceros3D to CityGML LoD 1 building-building part models and 3D building multipatch shapefile modelled in ArcGIS CityEngine to CityGML LoD 1 - LoD 2 building models. For self-understanding of the conversion process, annotations are available within the FME workbenches.", + "description_de":"Rhinoceros3D/CityEngine to CityGML ist ein Repository von FME-Workbenches zur Konvertierung von 2D-Gebäudegrundriss-Shapefiles mit Gebäudehöhenattributen oder 3D-Gebäudegeometrien, die in Rhinoceros3D modelliert wurden, in CityGML LoD 1-Gebäude-/Gebäudeteilmodelle und 3D-Gebäudemultipatch-Shapefiles, die in ArcGIS CityEngine modelliert wurden, in CityGML LoD 1 - LoD 2-Gebäudemodelle. Zum Selbstverständnis des Konvertierungsprozesses stehen innerhalb der FME-Workbenches Annotationen zur Verfügung." + }, + "links": { + "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/rushikesh.padsala/rhino-cityengine2citygml", + "publication":"https://repository.corp.at/674/", + "project":"https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/in-source" + }, + "refIndex": 13 } ] diff --git a/public/content/team.json b/public/content/team.json index 685826e61c1b852a0a7898240c1afce7eeba82ff..8220ce62e80294adc928b58f392860e93e612230 100644 --- a/public/content/team.json +++ b/public/content/team.json @@ -86,7 +86,11 @@ "jobTitle_en": "Researcher", "imgUrl": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Profilbilder/_processed_/1/6/csm_Passport_Size_Pic__2__d559dc6245.jpg", "profile_link": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/Rushikesh-Padsala", - "researchTopics": "" + "researchTopics": "Digital Twins | 3D City Models | Geo-Data Management | Spatial Planning | Smart Sustainable Cities", + "optional": { + "researchGateURL": "https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rushikesh-Padsala", + "LinkedInURL": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/rpadsala/" + } }, { "firstName": "Dr. Preston ", diff --git a/public/imgs/thumbnails/Rotterdam3DViewer.JPG b/public/imgs/thumbnails/Rotterdam3DViewer.JPG deleted file mode 100644 index 3678da84579a9381c509a0eabf19cedb622ab7fb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Binary files a/public/imgs/thumbnails/Rotterdam3DViewer.JPG and /dev/null differ