[ { "item": { "title": "Concept and Evaluation of heating demand prediction based on 3D city models and the Energy ADE – case study Helsinki", "project": "Master Thesis", "author": { "firstName": "Maxim", "lastName": "Rossknecht", "hftURL": "https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Maxim-Rossknecht" }, "project_year_start": "2020", "project_year_end": "2020", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink":"imgs/thumbnails/Heating_Demand_Helsinki-1-small.png", "keywords":["SimStadt","CityGML", "Urban Simulation"], "description_en":"The City of Helsinki aims to be carbon neutral by 2035. As the heating of buildings causes the greatest portion of greenhouse gas emission in Helsinki, more energy-efficient buildings may be the key to achieving this goal. In this work, the developed concept enables the simulation and further prediction of the heating demand and resulting CO2 emissions based on a 3D city model in various scenarios. ", "description_de":"Die STadt Helsinki strebt an, bis 2035 klimaneutral zu werden. In der Arbeit wurden auf Basis eines 3D-Stadtmodells verschiedene Szenarien zur Wärmeversorgung simuliert. Dabei wurde zur Simulation die an der HFT entwickelte Software SimStadt eingesetzt. " }, "refIndex": 5, "links": { "demo": "https://kartta.hel.fi/3d/heating/Apps/Helsinki/view.html", "publication": "https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9100602" } }, { "item": { "title": "Vision Zero", "project": "Hackathon", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2019", "project_year_end": "2019", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink":"imgs/thumbnails/visionZero.jpeg", "keywords":["CityGML","3D GIS","GIS Analyst","Urban Analytics"], "description_en":"The VISION ZERO is an application for safety routing with the visualization of 3D grid and heatmap. Developed at hackathon event 'Neue Wege für die Mobilität in Augsburg'. (24 hours time limited)", "description_de":"VISION ZERO ist eine Anwendung zum sicheren Routing mit einer Visualisierung eines 3D Grids und einer Heatmap. Entwickelt bein Hackathon Event 'Neue Wege für die Mobilität in Augsburg'. (24 Stunden Zeit begrenzt)" }, "links": { "youtube": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5jF20yXcWw", "demo": "", "publication":"https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-annals-VI-4-W2-2020-143-2020", "project":"https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/i-city" }, "refIndex": 2 }, { "item": { "title": "3D E-bike", "project": "iCity Project", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2018", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink":"imgs/thumbnails/3DEbike.gif", "keywords":["SensorThings API","CityGML","GIS Analyst","3D GIS","GIS Analyst", "Urban Analytics"], "description_en":"The 3D E-bike Tracking is a 3D web-based visual analytics application designed showing various parameters from sensor systems equipped on the E-bike sharing system in the study area of a city of Stuttgart, Germany.", "description_de":"Das 3D E-bike Tracking ist eine 3D Webanwendung zu visuellen Analyse und ist designed um verschiedene Parameter von Sensor Systemen zu zeigen. Die Sensoren sind am E-bike Sharing Systemes der Stadt Stuttgart (Deutschland) installiert." }, "links": { "youtube": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzvrmpM9zmw", "demo": "http://thunyatheps.com/icityebike/", "publication":"https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-annals-IV-4-W7-115-2018", "project":"https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/i-city" }, "refIndex": 1 }, { "item": { "title": "HFT Smart Platform", "project": "iCity Project", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2020", "project_year_end": "2022", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink":"imgs/thumbnails/hftSmart.JPG", "keywords":["CityGML","3D GIS","GIS Analyst","Urban Analytics"], "description_en":"The VISION ZERO is an application for safety routing with the visualization of 3D grid and heatmap. Developed at hackathon event 'Neue Wege für die Mobilität in Augsburg'. (24 hours time limited)", "description_de":"VISION ZERO ist eine Anwendung zum sicheren Routing mit einer Visualisierung eines 3D Grids und einer Heatmap. Entwickelt bein Hackathon Event 'Neue Wege für die Mobilität in Augsburg'. (24 Stunden Zeit begrenzt)" }, "links": { "demo": "https://icity.hft-stuttgart.de/hftsmartplatform/", "project":"https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/i-city" }, "refIndex": 3 }, { "item": { "title": "COVID-STA", "project": "", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2020", "project_year_end": "", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink":"imgs/thumbnails/covidSta.jpg", "keywords":["SensorThings API","COVID-19", "Urban Analytics"], "description_en":"The OGC SensorThings API server for managing the COVID-19 case statistic data.", "description_de":"Der OGC SensorThings API Server zur Verwaltung der COVID-19 Fallstatistikdaten." }, "links": { "demo": "https://covidsta.hft-stuttgart.de/server/", "project":"https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/news/covid-19-dashboard-von-hft-stuttgart-entwickelt" }, "refIndex": 1 }, { "item": { "title": "3D Wind Simulation", "project": "iCity Project", "author": { "firstName": "Sven", "lastName": "Schneider", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/Sven-Schneider" }, "project_year_start": "2018", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink":"https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/sven.schneider/urbanvis/imgs/thumbnails/Kirchturm_Partikel_2.jpg", "keywords":["CityGML","3D GIS","GIS Analyst","Urban Analytics"], "description_en":"The VISION ZERO is an application for safety routing with the visualization of 3D grid and heatmap. Developed at hackathon event 'Neue Wege für die Mobilität in Augsburg'. (24 hours time limited)", "description_de":"VISION ZERO ist eine Anwendung zum sicheren Routing mit einer Visualisierung eines 3D Grids und einer Heatmap. Entwickelt bein Hackathon Event 'Neue Wege für die Mobilität in Augsburg'. (24 Stunden Zeit begrenzt)" }, "links": { "demo": "urbanvis.hft-stuttgart.de", "publication":"https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9110657 ", "project":"https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/i-city" }, "refIndex": 4 }, { "item": { "title": "Outdoor Mobile Augmented Reality in Urban Planning", "project": "Master Thesis", "author": { "firstName": "Justin ", "lastName": "Jing Hui", "hftURL": "#" }, "project_year_start": "2020", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink":"https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/huijustinjing/justin-hui_ar-visualization/home/ezgif.com-gif-maker.gif", "keywords":["Augmented Reality","Urban Planning"], "description_en":"This thesis aims to develop an outdoor mobile AR application that visualizes the urban environment using the mentioned grayscale masking filters.", "description_de":"Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, eine mobile AR-Anwendung für den Außenbereich zu entwickeln, die die urbane Umgebung mithilfe von Graustufen-Maskierungsfiltern visualisiert." }, "refIndex": 5, "links": { "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/huijustinjing/justin-hui_ar-visualization/home/" } }, { "item": { "title": "Kesselkompass", "project": "M4_Lab", "author": { "firstName": "Patrick", "lastName": "Würstle", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/patrick-wuerstle" }, "project_year_start": "2018", "project_year_end": "2024", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink":"imgs/thumbnails/M4_LabPortal.PNG", "keywords":["CityGML","Participation","Acoustic","Urban Analytics","3D Visualization"], "description_en":"The Kesselkompass platform is an Application developed in the M4_Lab for public participation and the visualization of acoustic, energy, and mobility.", "description_de":"Die Kesselkompass-Plattform ist eine im M4_Lab entwickelte Anwendung zur Bürgerbeteiligung und Visualisierung von Akustik, Energie und Mobilität." }, "links": { "demo": "https://m4lab.hft-stuttgart.de/partizipation/", "project":"https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/m4-lab-innovative-hochschule" }, "refIndex": 3 }, { "item": { "title": "3D Portrayal Service Example", "project": "SmartVillages", "author": { "firstName": "Patrick", "lastName": "Würstle", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/patrick-wuerstle" }, "project_year_start": "2018", "project_year_end": "2020", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink":"imgs/thumbnails/3DPSExampleNiedernhall.PNG", "keywords":["CityGML","3D Visualization", "3D Portrayal Service"], "description_en":"This Example Application shows the visualization of 3D Tiles content such as Buildings and trees served over a 3D Portrayal Service.", "description_de":"Diese Beispielanwendung zeigt die Visualisierung von 3D-Tiles-Inhalten wie Gebäuden und Bäumen, die über einen 3D-Portrayal Service bereitgestellt werden." }, "links": { "demo": "", "project":"https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/smart-villages" }, "refIndex": 3 }, { "item": { "title": "Multi-scale Urban Scenario Interface", "project": "iCity", "author": { "firstName": "Rosanny", "lastName": "Sihombing", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/rosanny-sihombing" }, "project_year_start": "2017", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink":"http://icity.hft-stuttgart.de/musi/logo.png", "keywords":["Energy Simulation Tool", "Urban Planning", "3D Visualization"], "description_en":"Multi-Scale Urban Scenario Interface (MUSI) provides a web-based, scalable software system for energy planning. It considers both economic and energy analysis for retrofit and energy efficiency measurement.", "description_de":"Multi-Scale Urban Scenario Interface (MUSI) bietet ein webbasiertes, skalierbares Softwaresystem für die Energieplanung. Es berücksichtigt sowohl wirtschaftliche als auch energetische Analysen für die Sanierung und Energieeffizienzmessung." }, "links": { "youtube": "https://vimeo.com/435727966", "demo": "http://icity.hft-stuttgart.de/musi.html", "publication":"http://dx.doi.org/10.5220/0010406201100117", "project":"https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/icity-musi" }, "refIndex": 3 }, { "item": { "title": "Heating Grid Disaggregation Algorithm", "project": "ENsource", "author": { "firstName": "Pithon", "lastName": "Kabiro", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/pithon-kabiro" }, "project_year_start": "2019", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink":"imgs/thumbnails/heating_grid_disaggregation.png", "keywords":["Energy System Optimization", "District Heating", "Energy System Modelling"], "description_en":"This tool enables the coupling of Simstadt (a tool that is used to assess building heating demands, developed and validated at HfT Stuttgart) with KomMod (an energy system optimization tool developed at Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg). The tool enables the study of optimal amount of centrally supplied heat and the layout of the supplying heating grid.", "description_de":"Dieses Tool ermöglicht die Kopplung von Simstadt (ein Tool zur Abschätzung des Wärmebedarfs von Gebäuden, entwickelt und validiert an der HfT Stuttgart) mit KomMod (ein am Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg, entwickeltes Tool zur Energiesystemoptimierung). Das Tool ermöglicht die Untersuchung der optimalen Menge an zentral zugeführter Wärme und der Auslegung des versorgenden Wärmenetzes." }, "links": { "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/ensource-2/disaggregation", "publication":"https://doi.org/10.3390/resources10050052", "project":"https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/ensource-2-foerderphase" }, "refIndex": 3 }, { "item": { "title": "Quality ADE for CityGML", "project": "CityDoctor2", "author": { "firstName": "Matthias", "lastName": "Betz", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/matthias-betz" }, "project_year_start": "2019", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink":"imgs/thumbnails/QualityADE_Icon.png", "keywords":["ADE", "CityGML", "Quality"], "description_en":"This ADE enables the storage of validation data in CityGML files themselves. It can be used to improve CityGML file generation or simulation applications.", "description_de":"Die Erweiterung ermöglicht die Speicherung von Validierungsdaten in CityGML Dateien. Die Validierungsdaten können verwendet werden um die Generierung von CityGML Dateien oder Ergebnisse von Simulationen zu verbessern." }, "links": { "demo": "", "publication":"", "project":"https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/citydoctor/qualityade" }, "refIndex": 6 }, { "item": { "title": "CityDoctor2", "project": "CityDoctor2", "author": { "firstName": "Matthias", "lastName": "Betz", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/matthias-betz" }, "project_year_start": "2019", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink":"imgs/thumbnails/CityDoctorScreen.png", "keywords":["Quality", "Validation", "Repairing", "Healing"], "description_en":"CityDoctor2 is able to validate CityGML files for their geometric and semantic correctness and writing the results in CityGML back or write reports in different file formats. It is also capable of repairing some more common errors in geometries.", "description_de":"CityDoctor2 is in der Lage CityGML Dateien auf ihre geometrische und sematische Korrektheit zu überprüfen. Die Ergebnisse können zurück in die CityGML Datei oder in seperate Report Dateien geschrieben werden. CityDoctor2 kann zum Teil häufig vorkommende geometrische Fehler automatisch reparieren." }, "links": { "demo": "", "publication":"https://doi.org/10.1007/s41064-020-00094-0", "project":"https://projekt.beuth-hochschule.de/citydoctor2/" }, "refIndex": 7 } ]