[{ "item": { "title": "CityDemonstrator", "project": "iCity Project", "author": { "firstName": "Sven", "lastName": "Schneider", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/sven-schneider" }, "project_year_start": "2021", "project_year_end": "2024", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "https://citydemonstrator.hft-stuttgart.de/assets/img/iCity_network_1.svg", "keywords": ["Smart City", "Participation", "LIN Stadt"], "description_en": "Learn about Intelligent Cities with our City Demonstrator. Find out what makes our cities Liveable, Intelligent and Sustainable - the LIS city.", "description_de": "Erfahren Sie mehr über intelligente Städte mit dem City Demonstrator. Was macht unsere Städte Lebenswert, Intelligent und Nachhaltig - die LIN Stadt." }, "refIndex": 5, "links": { "demo": "https://citydemonstrator.hft-stuttgart.de/", "project": "http://icity.hft-stuttgart.de/#/" } }, { "item": { "title": "Extraction of window contours from point clouds", "project": "Simstadt 2.0", "author": { "firstName": "Sven", "lastName": "Schneider", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/sven-schneider" }, "project_year_start": "2017", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink": "https://urbanvis.hft-stuttgart.de/imgs/thumbnails/EssenPC.jpg", "keywords": ["CityGML", "Urban Simulation", "SimStadt", "Point Clouds"], "description_en": "As part of Simstadt 2.0, a method was developed to automatically extract window contours from building facedes from high-resolution point clouds to improve simulation accuracy.", "description_de": "Im Rahmen von Simstadt 2.0 wurde eine Methode entwickelt, um Fensterkonturen automatisiert in hochauflösenden Punktwolken zu detektieren und zu extrahieren, um die Simulationsgenauigkeit zu erhöhen." }, "refIndex": 5, "links": { "demo": "https://urbanvis.hft-stuttgart.de/EssenPC.html?", "publication": "https://www.dgpf.de/src/tagung/jt2018/proceedings/proceedings/papers/44_PFGK18_P03_Schneider_Coors.pdf", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/abgeschlossen/simstadt-20" } }, { "item": { "title": "INSPIRER case-studies", "project": "INSPIRER", "author": { "firstName": "Sven", "lastName": "Schneider", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/sven-schneider" }, "project_year_start": "2021", "project_year_end": "2024", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/Inspirer_Testgebiete_thumbnail.jpg", "keywords": ["CityGML", "Urban Planning", "Participation", "Point Clouds", "Augmented Reality"], "description_en": "The INSPIRER project aims to develop an AR App for mobile devices that lets a citizen participate interactively in the city planning process. In the background, point clouds are generated by the mobile device and used to match existing point clouds in order to position and orient the user with respect to integrated virtual 3D content.", "description_de": "Das INSPIRER Projekt hat zum Ziel, die Bürgerbeteiligung in Stadtplanungsprozessen auf moderne Art und Weise, mittels einer im Projekt entwickelten AR App, zu vereinfachen. Mit dem Smartphone aufgenommene Punktwolken werden im Hintergrund mit bereits aufgenommenen Punktowlken registriert, um die Postionierung und Orientierung des Nutzers im Bezug zum virtuellen / augmentieren 3D Inhalt zu gewährleisten. " }, "links": { "demo": "https://urbanvis.hft-stuttgart.de/Testgebiete.html", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/inspirer" } }, { "item": { "title": "3D Wind Simulation", "project": "iCity Project", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2018", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/sven.schneider/urbanvis/imgs/thumbnails/Kirchturm_Partikel_2.jpg", "keywords": ["CityGML", "3D GIS", "GIS Analyst", "Urban Analytics"], "description_en": "Explore different ways of visualizing 3D data such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations in urban enviroments in your web-browser. Select a visualization scheme below and interactively explore the content. Visualizations are based on CesiumJS .", "description_de": "Erkunden Sie verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Visualisierung von 3D-Daten, wie z. B. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)-Simulationen in urbanen Umgebungen in Ihrem Webbrowser. Wählen Sie unten ein Visualisierungsschema aus und erkunden Sie interaktiv den Inhalt. Die Visualisierungen basieren auf CesiumJS ." }, "links": { "demo": "https://urbanvis.hft-stuttgart.de/", "publication": "https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9110657 ", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/i-city" }, "refIndex": 4 }, { "item": { "title": "EnSysLE Dashboard", "project": "EnSysLE", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2021", "project_year_end": "2022", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/ensysle2.jpg", "keywords": ["CityGML", "Energy Simulation", "Building Energy", "CityGML", "Heat Demand Simulation"], "description_en": "This application use 3D virtual city models to visualize and simulate energy supply scenarios in exemplary counties as well as of the electricity and heat system at the federal level in order to derive an assessment of selected forms of market organisation and regulation.", "description_de": "This application use 3D virtual city models to visualize and simulate energy supply scenarios in exemplary counties as well as of the electricity and heat system at the federal level in order to derive an assessment of selected forms of market organisation and regulation." }, "refIndex": 5, "links": { "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/ensysle/application/index.html", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/research/projects/current/ensys-le", "repo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/ensysle/application" } }, { "item": { "title": "GIS-based method for PV Potentials Simulation at Regional Scale", "project": "EnSysLE", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2021", "project_year_end": "2022", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/gis.jpg", "keywords": ["CityGML", "Energy Simulation", "Building Energy", "CityGML", "Heat Demand Simulation"], "description_en": "This work introduces a bottom-up GIS-based method for simulation of ground-mounted PV potentials based on digital landscape models that consider terrain slope, orientation, location-specific irradiation, and land use type, and combines this geoinformatical information with a PV yield model that allows to assess hourly PV generation potential on suitable areas.", "description_de": "This work introduces a bottom-up GIS-based method for simulation of ground-mounted PV potentials based on digital landscape models that consider terrain slope, orientation, location-specific irradiation, and land use type, and combines this geoinformatical information with a PV yield model that allows to assess hourly PV generation potential on suitable areas." }, "refIndex": 5, "links": { "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/research/projects/current/ensys-le", "publication": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2022.03.187" } }, { "item": { "title": "Web-based Region Choose", "project": "Urban Data Platform", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2022", "project_year_end": "2022", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/regionchooser.jpg", "keywords": ["CityGML", "GIS", "BBox finder"], "description_en": "This application is a web based application with a graphical interface that allows users to extract a specific region by drawing bounding region (box/ polygon). Users can get results in any valid ESPG coordinate system.", "description_de": "This application is a web based application with a graphical interface that allows users to extract a specific region by drawing bounding region (box/ polygon). Users can get results in any valid ESPG coordinate system." }, "refIndex": 5, "links": { "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/urbandataplatform/webregionchooser/index.html", "repo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/urbandataplatform/webregionchooser" } }, { "item": { "title": "COVID-STA", "project": "iCity Project", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2020", "project_year_end": "", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/covidSta.jpg", "keywords": ["SensorThings API", "COVID-19", "Urban Analytics", "Sensor"], "description_en": "The COVID-STA is the OGC SensorThings API data server which provides an open standard-based and geospatial-enabled framework to interconnect the COVID-19 statistics and applications over the web.", "description_de": "Der COVID-STA ist der OGC SensorThings API-Datenserver, der ein auf offenen Standards basierendes und raumbezogenes Framework zur Verfügung stellt, um die COVID-19-Statistiken und Anwendungen über das Web miteinander zu verbinden." }, "links": { "demo": "https://covidsta.hft-stuttgart.de/server/", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/news/covid-19-dashboard-von-hft-stuttgart-entwickelt", "publication": "https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-annals-VI-4-W2-2020-135-2020" } }, { "item": { "title": "COVID 19 Dashboard", "project": "iCity Project", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2020", "project_year_end": "", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/covidDB.jpg", "keywords": ["SensorThings API", "COVID-19", "Urban Analytics", "Sensor"], "description_en": "A web application dashboard “COVID 19 Dashboard” visualizing real-time and historical COVID-19 data from COVID-STA", "description_de": "A web application dashboard “COVID 19 Dashboard” visualizing real-time and historical COVID-19 data from COVID-STA" }, "links": { "demo": "https://www.covid19dashboard.org/", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/news/covid-19-dashboard-von-hft-stuttgart-entwickelt", "publication": "https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-annals-VI-4-W2-2020-135-2020" } }, { "item": { "title": "3D E-bike", "project": "iCity Project", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2018", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/3DEbike.gif", "keywords": ["SensorThings API", "CityGML", "GIS Analyst", "3D GIS", "GIS Analyst", "Urban Analytics", "Sensor"], "description_en": "The 3D E-bike Tracking is a 3D web-based visual analytics application designed showing various parameters from sensor systems equipped on the E-bike sharing system in the study area of a city of Stuttgart, Germany.", "description_de": "Das 3D E-bike Tracking ist eine 3D Webanwendung zu visuellen Analyse und ist designed um verschiedene Parameter von Sensor Systemen zu zeigen. Die Sensoren sind am E-bike Sharing Systemes der Stadt Stuttgart (Deutschland) installiert." }, "links": { "youtube": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzvrmpM9zmw", "demo": "https://icity.hft-stuttgart.de/icityebike/index.html", "publication": "https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-annals-IV-4-W7-115-2018", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/i-city" }, "refIndex": 1 }, { "item": { "title": "Manchester 3D", "project": "OGC CityGML Challenge", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2019", "project_year_end": "2019", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/manchester3d.jpg", "keywords": ["SensorThings API", "CityGML", "GIS Analyst", "3D GIS", "GIS Analyst", "Urban Analytics", "Sensor"], "description_en": "Manchester3D participated and won the 2nd award in OGC CityGML Challenge. The resulting tools and visualisation environment are to be made openly available for one year for wider non-commercial experimentation and innovation purposes, in particular as part of a Triangulum Innovation Challenge focused on energy and mobility applications.", "description_de": "Manchester3D participated and won the 2nd award in OGC CityGML Challenge. The resulting tools and visualisation environment are to be made openly available for one year for wider non-commercial experimentation and innovation purposes, in particular as part of a Triangulum Innovation Challenge focused on energy and mobility applications." }, "links": { "demo": "https://steinbeis-3dps.eu/manchester3d/index.html", "project": "https://steinbeis-3dps.eu/manchester3d/index.html" } }, { "item": { "title": "HFT Smart Platform", "project": "iCity Project", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2020", "project_year_end": "2022", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/hftSmart.JPG", "keywords": ["CityGML", "3D GIS", "GIS Analyst", "Urban Analytics"], "description_en": "The HFT Smart Platform aimed at sharing municipal and enviromental information in the city of Stuttgart; making them usable for science, administration and citizens", "description_de": "Die HFT Smart Platform hat das Ziel, kommunale und umweltrelevante Informationen in der Stadt Stuttgart gemeinsam zu nutzen; sie für Wissenschaft, Verwaltung und Bürger nutzbar zu machen" }, "links": { "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/i-city", "publication": "https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-annals-VI-4-W2-2020-157-2020" }, "refIndex": 3 }, { "item": { "title": "OGC 3D GeoVolumes", "project": "iCity Project", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2019", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/geovolumes.jpg", "keywords": ["OGC", "3D GIS", "3D Tiles", "I3S", "gLTF"], "description_en": "The GeoVolumes API is a draft specification from OGC to unify access to global 3D model and terrain data across a range of formats, platforms, and technologies. This implementation uses Node.js with Express framework.", "description_de": "Die GeoVolumes API ist ein Spezifikationsentwurf von OGC, um den Zugriff auf globale 3D-Modell- und Geländedaten über eine Reihe von Formaten, Plattformen und Technologien hinweg zu vereinheitlichen." }, "links": { "demo": "https://steinbeis-3dps.eu/3DGeoVolumes/", "publication": "https://docs.ogc.org/per/20-030.html", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/i-city", "repo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/ogc/3dgeovolumesapi" }, "refIndex": 5 }, { "item": { "title": "OGC 3D Portrayal Services", "project": "IQG4iCity", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2019", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/3dps.jpg", "keywords": ["OGC", "3D GIS", "3D Tiles", "I3S", "gLTF"], "description_en": "The OGC 3D Portrayal Service (3DPS) is a geospatial 3D content delivery implementation specification that specifies how geospatial 3D content is described, selected, and delivered.", "description_de": "Die OGC 3D-Darstellungsdienst (3DPS) ist eine Implementierungsspezifikation für die Bereitstellung von Geodaten-3D-Inhalten, die festlegt, wie Geodaten-3D-Inhalte beschrieben, ausgewählt und bereitgestellt werden." }, "links": { "demo": "https://steinbeis-3dps.eu/3dps", "project": "https://www.ogc.org/standards/3dp", "repo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/ogc/node-3dps" } }, { "item": { "title": "CityGML Data Workflow", "project": "IQG4iCity", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2022", "project_year_end": "2024", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/citygml_workflow.jpg", "keywords": ["OGC", "3D GIS", "3D Tiles", "I3S", "gLTF"], "description_en": "List of the workflows for creating, developing, enriching the 3D city models in CityGML formats.", "description_de": "List of the workflows for creating, developing, enriching the 3D city models in CityGML formats." }, "links": { "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/ict4icity/data_workflow/index.html", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/ict4icity", "repo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/ict4icity" } }, { "item": { "title": "Schwäbisch Hall 3D Viewer", "project": "IQG4iCity", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2022", "project_year_end": "2022", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/iqg4icity/schwabisch_hall/application/img/demo.jpg", "keywords": ["OGC", "3D GIS", "3D Tiles", "I3S", "gLTF"], "description_en": "3D Application represents the digitization of heating networks in the study area of Schwaebisch Hall. This research is to reduce the increased heat losses in particularly networks causing by inefficient operation, low spread between supply and return, high power consumption of network pumps.", "description_de": "3D Application represents the digitization of heating networks in the study area of Schwaebisch Hall. This research is to reduce the increased heat losses in particularly networks causing by inefficient operation, low spread between supply and return, high power consumption of network pumps." }, "links": { "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/iqg4icity/schwabisch_hall/index.html", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/research/projects/current/icity-2-iqg4icity-project", "repo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/iqg4icity/schwabisch_hall" } }, { "item": { "title": "Vision Zero", "project": "Hackathon", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2019", "project_year_end": "2019", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/visionZero.jpeg", "keywords": ["CityGML", "3D GIS", "GIS Analyst", "Urban Analytics"], "description_en": "The VISION ZERO is an application for safety routing with the visualization of 3D grid and heatmap. Developed at hackathon event 'Neue Wege für die Mobilität in Augsburg'. (24 hours time limited)", "description_de": "VISION ZERO ist eine Anwendung zum sicheren Routing mit einer Visualisierung eines 3D Grids und einer Heatmap. Entwickelt bein Hackathon Event 'Neue Wege für die Mobilität in Augsburg'. (24 Stunden Zeit begrenzt)" }, "links": { "youtube": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5jF20yXcWw", "publication": "https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-annals-VI-4-W2-2020-143-2020", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/i-city" } }, { "item": { "title": "NEQModPLUS Case Study", "project": "NEQModPLUS", "author": { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "T. Santhanavanich", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/thunyathep-santhanavanich" }, "project_year_start": "2021", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/neqmodplus.jpg", "keywords": ["CityGML", "Energy Simulation", "Building Energy", "CityGML", "3D GIS", "GIS Analyst", "Urban Analytics"], "description_en": "In the project NeqModPlus we developed models and tools to simulate energy demand and different energy generation systems of buildings and city quarters that can help reach the goal of zero carbon emissions. One of the case studies is a new building of the inner-city campus of the University of Applied Sciences in Stuttgart, Germany.", "description_de": "In the project NeqModPlus we developed models and tools to simulate energy demand and different energy generation systems of buildings and city quarters that can help reach the goal of zero carbon emissions. One of the case studies is a new building of the inner-city campus of the University of Applied Sciences in Stuttgart, Germany. " }, "links": { "demo": "https://steinbeis-3dps.eu/neqmodplus/", "project": "https://kogerec.org/en/research/energy/modelling-nearly-zero-emission-quarters-neqmodplus/" } }, { "item": { "title": "Smart Villages 3D Application ", "project": "SmartVillages Project", "author": { "firstName": "Patrick", "lastName": "Würstle", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/patrick-wuerstle" }, "project_year_start": "2018", "project_year_end": "2020", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/SmartVillages2.png", "keywords": ["CityGML", "3D GIS", "Urban Analytics"], "description_en": "In the SmartVillages project, a cooperation with the LGL (Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landentwicklung - State Office for Geoinformation and Land Development), a platform for visualizing the project results was created.", "description_de": "Im Projekt SmartVillages, eine Kooperation mit dem LGL (Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landentwicklung), wurde eine Plattform zur Visualisierung der Verschiedenen Projektinhalte erstellt." }, "links": { "demo": "https://3dweb.lgl-bw.de/3D/SmartVillages/#/", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/smart-villages", "publication": "https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3396851.3402650" }, "refIndex": 24 }, { "item": { "title": "3D Erlebnispfad Wüstenrot", "project": "SmartVillages Project", "author": { "firstName": "Patrick", "lastName": "Würstle", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/patrick-wuerstle" }, "project_year_start": "2018", "project_year_end": "2020", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/SmartVillages.png", "keywords": ["CityGML", "3D GIS", "Urban Analytics"], "description_en": "In the SmartVillages project, a cooperation with the LGL (Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landentwicklung - State Office for Geoinformation and Land Development), a platform for visualizing the energy experience path in Wüstenrot was created.", "description_de": "Im Projekt SmartVillages, eine Kooperation mit dem LGL (Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landentwicklung), wurde eine Plattform zur Visualisierung des Energeierlebnispfades in Wüstenrot erstellt." }, "links": { "demo": "https://3dweb.lgl-bw.de/3D/EEP-Wuestenrot/#/", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/smart-villages", "publication": "https://gispoint.de/artikelarchiv/gis/2020/gisscience-ausgabe-22020/6479-smart-villages-vernetzung-von-3d-geoinformation-und-umweltrelevanten-sensordaten-im-laendlichen-raum.html" }, "refIndex": 24 }, { "item": { "title": "Kesselkompass", "project": "M4_Lab", "author": { "firstName": "Rushikesh", "lastName": "Padsala", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/rushikesh-padsala" }, "project_year_start": "2018", "project_year_end": "2024", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/M4_LabPortal.PNG", "keywords": ["CityGML", "Participation", "Acoustic", "Urban Analytics", "3D Visualization"], "description_en": "The Kesselkompass platform is an Application developed in the M4_Lab for public participation and the visualization of acoustic, energy, and mobility.", "description_de": "Die Kesselkompass-Plattform ist eine im M4_Lab entwickelte Anwendung zur Bürgerbeteiligung und Visualisierung von Akustik, Energie und Mobilität." }, "links": { "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/partizipation/", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/m4-lab-innovative-hochschule" }, "refIndex": 3 }, { "item": { "title": "Buildicipate", "project": "Buildicipate", "author": { "firstName": "Rushikesh", "lastName": "Padsala", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/rushikesh-padsala" }, "project_year_start": "2021", "project_year_end": "2022", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/Buildicipate.JPG", "keywords": ["Serious Gaming", "3D City Models", "Unreal Engine", "OGC Standards"], "description_en": "Buildicipate is a real world visualization and gaming environment which on one hand puts the control of city development in the hand of citizens for them to explore, build, play and engage in the city development process while on the other hand allows city developers, municipalities and stakeholders to take citizen oriented city development decisions", "description_de": "Buildicipate zielt darauf ab, eine reale Visualisierungs- und Spielumgebung zu entwickeln, die sowohl die Kontrolle über die Stadtentwicklung in die Hände der Bürger legt, um den Stadtentwicklungsprozess zu erforschen, zu bauen, zu spielen und sich daran zu beteiligen, als auch Stadtentwickler, Gemeinden und Interessengruppen in die Lage versetzt, bürgergesteuerte Entscheidungen zur Stadtentwicklung zu treffen." }, "links": { "publication": "http://docs.ogc.org/per/20-058.html", "project": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/buildicipate/webpage/home/", "repo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/buildicipate" }, "refIndex": 13 }, { "item": { "title": "Multi-scale Urban Scenario Interface", "project": "iCity", "author": { "firstName": "Rosanny", "lastName": "Sihombing", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/rosanny-sihombing" }, "project_year_start": "2017", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink": "http://icity.hft-stuttgart.de/musi/logo.png", "keywords": ["Energy Simulation Tool", "Urban Planning", "3D Visualization"], "description_en": "Multi-Scale Urban Scenario Interface (MUSI) provides a web-based, scalable software system for energy planning. It considers both economic and energy analysis for retrofit and energy efficiency measurement.", "description_de": "Multi-Scale Urban Scenario Interface (MUSI) bietet ein webbasiertes, skalierbares Softwaresystem für die Energieplanung. Es berücksichtigt sowohl wirtschaftliche als auch energetische Analysen für die Sanierung und Energieeffizienzmessung." }, "links": { "youtube": "https://vimeo.com/435727966", "demo": "http://icity.hft-stuttgart.de/musi.html", "publication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.5220/0010406201100117", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/icity-musi" }, "refIndex": 3 }, { "item": { "title": "Heating Grid Disaggregation Algorithm", "project": "ENsource", "author": { "firstName": "Pithon", "lastName": "Kabiro", "hftURL": "https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pithon-Kabiro-2" }, "project_year_start": "2019", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/heating_grid_disaggregation.png", "keywords": ["Energy System Optimization", "District Heating", "Energy System Modelling"], "description_en": "This tool enables the coupling of Simstadt (a tool that is used to assess building heating demands, developed and validated at HfT Stuttgart) with KomMod (an energy system optimization tool developed at Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg). The tool enables the study of optimal amount of centrally supplied heat and the layout of the supplying heating grid.", "description_de": "Dieses Tool ermöglicht die Kopplung von Simstadt (ein Tool zur Abschätzung des Wärmebedarfs von Gebäuden, entwickelt und validiert an der HfT Stuttgart) mit KomMod (ein am Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg, entwickeltes Tool zur Energiesystemoptimierung). Das Tool ermöglicht die Untersuchung der optimalen Menge an zentral zugeführter Wärme und der Auslegung des versorgenden Wärmenetzes." }, "links": { "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/ensource-2/disaggregation", "publication": "https://doi.org/10.3390/resources10050052", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/ensource-2-foerderphase" }, "refIndex": 3 }, { "item": { "title": "Energy Dashboard Prototype", "project": "iCity", "author": { "firstName": "Pithon", "lastName": "Kabiro", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/pithon-kabiro" }, "project_year_start": "2018", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/icity_tp31_energy_dashboard.png", "keywords": ["Sensor", "Energy", "SensorThings API"], "description_en": "This tool is used for the continuous monitoring and optimization of energy flows within the Robert Bosch GmbH property at Schwieberdingen. This is achieved by allowing users to interact with historical observations from a variety of energy-related sensors.", "description_de": "Dieses Tool wird für die kontinuierliche Überwachung und Optimierung der Energieflüsse innerhalb der Liegenschaft der Robert Bosch GmbH in Schwieberdingen eingesetzt. Dies wird dadurch erreicht, dass die Benutzer mit historischen Messwerten von einer Vielzahl von energiebezogenen Sensoren interagieren können." }, "links": { "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/icity/energydashboard", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/i-city", "repo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/icity/energydashboard" }, "refIndex": 3 }, { "item": { "title": "Quality ADE for CityGML", "project": "CityDoctor2", "author": { "firstName": "Matthias", "lastName": "Betz", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/matthias-betz" }, "project_year_start": "2019", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/QualityADE_Icon.png", "keywords": ["ADE", "CityGML", "Quality"], "description_en": "This ADE enables the storage of validation data in CityGML files themselves. It can be used to improve CityGML file generation or simulation applications.", "description_de": "Die Erweiterung ermöglicht die Speicherung von Validierungsdaten in CityGML Dateien. Die Validierungsdaten können verwendet werden um die Generierung von CityGML Dateien oder Ergebnisse von Simulationen zu verbessern." }, "links": { "project": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/citydoctor/qualityade", "repo": "https://gitlab.com/volkercoors/agqual3d/-/wikis/CityGml-Quality-ADE" }, "refIndex": 6 }, { "item": { "title": "CityDoctor2", "project": "CityDoctor2", "author": { "firstName": "Matthias", "lastName": "Betz", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/matthias-betz" }, "project_year_start": "2019", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/CityDoctorScreen.png", "keywords": ["Quality", "Validation", "Repairing", "Healing"], "description_en": "CityDoctor2 is able to validate CityGML files for their geometric and semantic correctness and writing the results in CityGML back or write reports in different file formats. It is also capable of repairing some more common errors in geometries.", "description_de": "CityDoctor2 is in der Lage CityGML Dateien auf ihre geometrische und sematische Korrektheit zu überprüfen. Die Ergebnisse können zurück in die CityGML Datei oder in seperate Report Dateien geschrieben werden. CityDoctor2 kann zum Teil häufig vorkommende geometrische Fehler automatisch reparieren." }, "links": { "publication": "https://doi.org/10.1007/s41064-020-00094-0", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/citydoctor-2", "repo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/citydoctor/citydoctor2" }, "refIndex": 7 }, { "item": { "title": "Concept and Evaluation of heating demand prediction based on 3D city models and the Energy ADE – case study Helsinki", "project": "Master Thesis", "author": { "firstName": "Maxim", "lastName": "Rossknecht", "hftURL": "https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Maxim-Rossknecht" }, "project_year_start": "2020", "project_year_end": "2020", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/Heating_Demand_Helsinki-1-small.png", "keywords": ["SimStadt", "CityGML", "Urban Simulation"], "description_en": "The City of Helsinki aims to be carbon neutral by 2035. As the heating of buildings causes the greatest portion of greenhouse gas emission in Helsinki, more energy-efficient buildings may be the key to achieving this goal. In this work, the developed concept enables the simulation and further prediction of the heating demand and resulting CO2 emissions based on a 3D city model in various scenarios. ", "description_de": "Die STadt Helsinki strebt an, bis 2035 klimaneutral zu werden. In der Arbeit wurden auf Basis eines 3D-Stadtmodells verschiedene Szenarien zur Wärmeversorgung simuliert. Dabei wurde zur Simulation die an der HFT entwickelte Software SimStadt eingesetzt. " }, "refIndex": 5, "links": { "demo": "https://kartta.hel.fi/3d/heating/Apps/Helsinki/view.html", "publication": "https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9100602" } }, { "item": { "title": "Outdoor Mobile Augmented Reality in Urban Planning", "project": "Master Thesis", "author": { "firstName": "Justin ", "lastName": "Jing Hui", "hftURL": "https://ugl.hft-stuttgart.de/content/justin/index.html" }, "project_year_start": "2020", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink": "content/justin/ezgif.com-gif-maker.gif", "keywords": ["Augmented Reality", "Urban Planning"], "description_en": "This thesis aims to develop an outdoor mobile AR application that visualizes the urban environment using the mentioned grayscale masking filters.", "description_de": "Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, eine mobile AR-Anwendung für den Außenbereich zu entwickeln, die die urbane Umgebung mithilfe von Graustufen-Maskierungsfiltern visualisiert." }, "refIndex": 5, "links": { "demo": "content/justin/index.html", "publication": "content/justin/thesis.pdf" } }, { "item": { "title": "Occlusion Screening using 3D city models as a reference database for mobile AR-Applications", "project": "Master Thesis", "author": { "firstName": "Muhammad", "lastName": "Alfakhori", "hftURL": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/muhammad-alfakhori" }, "project_year_start": "2021", "project_year_end": "2022", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "content/muhamamd/UGLthumbnail.gif", "keywords": ["Augmented Reality", "Mixed Reality", "Occlusion", "HoloLens"], "description_en": "Creating an immersive Augmented Reality (AR) experience requires aligning the digital content with the real environment, including position and occlusion, where the digital content is hidden behind the real objects.", "description_de": "Die Erstellung eines immersiven Augmented Reality (AR)-Erlebnisses erfordert die Abstimmung der digitalen Inhalte mit der realen Umgebung. Insbesondere die Position und Okklusion sind entscheidende Aspekte. Dabei ist es notwendig, dass digitale Objekte von realen Objekten verdeckt werden." }, "links": { "publication": "content/muhamamd/1_PG3_Alfakhori_Muhamamd_MasterThesis.pdf", "youtube": "https://youtu.be/qOv7h1MvUX8" }, "refIndex": 14 }, { "item": { "title": "Development of I3S Encoding of CityGML 3.0 for Indoor Modelling", "project": "Master Thesis", "author": { "firstName": "Sanghmitra", "lastName": "Banerjee" }, "project_year_start": "2022", "project_year_end": "2023", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/smtra.jpg", "keywords": ["CityGML", "Indexed 3D Scene Layer", "Building Scene Layer", "I3S BSL", "3D GIS", "SensorThings", "Indoor Modelling"], "description_en": "The thesis includes the development of conceptual mapping between the elements of CityGML 3.0 building objects and Indexed 3D Scene (I3S) Building Scene Layer (BSL), a new addition to OGC I3S implementation, to support future development of tools, which can encode CityGML 3.0 elements to I3S without any data losses.", "description_de": "Die Arbeit beinhaltet die Entwicklung eines konzeptionellen Mappings zwischen den Elementen von CityGML 3.0-Gebäudeobjekten und dem Indexed 3D Scene (I3S) Building Scene Layer (BSL), einer neuen Ergänzung der OGC I3S-Implementierung, um die zukünftige Entwicklung von Tools zu unterstützen, die CityGML 3.0-Elemente ohne Datenverluste in I3S kodieren können." }, "links": { }, "refIndex": 9 }, { "item": { "title": "Office Layout design using Augmented and Mixed Reality ", "project": "Master Thesis", "author": { "firstName": "Juan Sebastián", "lastName": "Sardi Barzallo", "hftURL": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/juan-sardi-barzallo-23a5a1b7/" }, "project_year_start": "2022", "project_year_end": "2023", "project_is_on_going": false, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/juan.jpg", "keywords": ["Augmented Reality", "Mixed Reality", "BIM Integration", "Dynamo", "3D GIS", "Hololens 2", "AEC"], "description_en": "The goal of the thesis project is to optimize the process of architectural design review between professionals and stakeholders to achieve better communication and proper understanding of projects in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. The research combines the Mixed Reality (MR) experience with Autodesk Revit, in a workflow that transfers the design modifications made by the user using a head-mounted device (Microsoft HoloLens 2).", "description_de": "Das Ziel des Dissertationsprojekts ist es, den Prozess der architektonischen Entwurfsprüfung zwischen Fachleuten und Interessenvertretern zu optimieren, um eine bessere Kommunikation und ein besseres Verständnis von Projekten in der Architektur-, Ingenieur- und Bauindustrie (AEC) zu erreichen. Die Forschung kombiniert die Mixed-Reality-Erfahrung (MR) mit Autodesk Revit in einem Arbeitsablauf, der die vom Benutzer vorgenommenen Entwurfsänderungen über ein am Kopf getragenes Gerät (Microsoft HoloLens 2) überträgt." }, "links": { }, "refIndex": 9 }, { "item": { "title": "SolidInjector for CityGML", "project": "CityDoctor2", "author": { "firstName": "Rushikesh", "lastName": "Padsala", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/p/rushikesh-padsala" }, "project_year_start": "2019", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/SolidInjector.png", "keywords": ["CityGML", "Building Solids", "FME"], "description_en": "SolidInjector for CityGML is a set of FME based workbenches to replace incorrect CityGML building/building-part solid geometries with correct solid geometries as instructed in the OGC CityGML v2.0 encoding conformance requirement which instructs using xlink mechanism of GML to generate building solids.", "description_de": "SolidInjector für CityGML ist eine Reihe von FME-basierten Workbenches zum Ersetzen von fehlerhaften Solid-Geometrien von CityGML LoD 2 Gebäuden / Gebäudeteilen durch korrekte Solid-Geometrien gemäß der Konformitätsanforderung von OGC CityGML v2.0, die den Xlink-Mechanismus von GML für die Modellierung von Gebäude-Solid-Geometrie nutzt." }, "links": { "youtube": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY904hd2hMI&ab_channel=CIVTutorials", "demo": "https://gitlab.com/volkercoors/CiD4Sim/-/wikis/usefulTools/FME-Workbenches-(EN)", "project": "https://projekt.beuth-hochschule.de/citydoctor2/" }, "refIndex": 8 }, { "item": { "title": "Gerlingen Heat Demand Viewer", "project": "iCity", "author": { "firstName": "Rushikesh", "lastName": "Padsala", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/p/rushikesh-padsala" }, "project_year_start": "2017", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/Gerlingen3DViewer.png", "keywords": ["3D City Model", "CityGML", "Heat Demand Simulation"], "description_en": "The Gerlingen heat demand viewer shows system level average heat demand simulation for Gerlingen, Landkreis Ludwigsburg, Germany. The heat demand simulation is done in an urban energy simulator, SimStadt. The aggregation of heat demand results on the system level is done using a grid of 50 x 50m. The aggregation values us then stored in the CityGML Food Water ADE SystemADE and then visualised on the web.", "description_de": "Der Gerlingen-Wärmebedarfs-Viewer zeigt eine Simulation des durchschnittlichen Wärmebedarfs auf Systemebene für Gerlingen, Landkreis Ludwigsburg, Deutschland. Die Wärmebedarfssimulation erfolgt in einem städtischen Energiesimulator, SimStadt. Die Aggregation der Wärmebedarfsergebnisse auf Systemebene erfolgt über ein Raster von 50 x 50 m. Die Aggregationswerte werden von uns dann im CityGML Food Water Energy SystemADE gespeichert und anschließend im Web visualisiert." }, "links": { "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/icity/gerlingen3dviewer/", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/i-city" }, "refIndex": 9 }, { "item": { "title": "Rainau Water Demand Viewer", "project": "IN-SOURCE", "author": { "firstName": "Rushikesh", "lastName": "Padsala", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/p/rushikesh-padsala" }, "project_year_start": "2018", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/Rainau3DViewer.JPG", "keywords": ["3D City Model", "CityGML", "Water Demand Simulation"], "description_en": "The Rainau water demand viewer shows per building annual water demand for Rainau, Germany. The water demand simulation for both residential and non-residential buildings is done in an urban energy simulator, SimStadt.", "description_de": "Der Rainauer Wasserbedarfsviewer zeigt den jährlichen Wasserbedarf pro Gebäude für Rainau, Deutschland. Die Wasserbedarfssimulation für Wohn- und Nichtwohngebäude wird in einem städtischen Energiesimulator, SimStadt, durchgeführt." }, "links": { "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/in-source/rainau-water-demand-viewer/", "publication": "https://www.mdpi.com/2220-9964/9/11/642", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/in-source", "repo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/in-source/rainau-water-demand-viewer/" }, "refIndex": 9 }, { "item": { "title": "Landkreis Ludwigsburg 3D Viewer", "project": "IN-SOURCE", "author": { "firstName": "Rushikesh", "lastName": "Padsala", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/p/rushikesh-padsala" }, "project_year_start": "2018", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/LKR3DViewer.jpg", "keywords": ["3D City Model", "CityGML", "Food Water Energy Simulation"], "description_en": "A web 3D prototype visualising SimStadt's heat demand, water demand, food demand, biomass potential, food potential and PV potential simulation results for the entire Landkreis Ludwigsburg.", "description_de": "Ein Web-3D-Prototyp, der Simulationsergebnisse von Wärmebedarf, Wasserbedarf, Nahrungsbedarf, Biomassepotenzial, Nahrungspotenzial und PV-Potenzial von SimStadt für den gesamten Landkreis Ludwigsburg visualisiert." }, "links": { "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/in-source/lkrludwigsburg3d/", "publication": "https://www.isprs-ann-photogramm-remote-sens-spatial-inf-sci.net/VIII-4-W1-2021/81/2021/", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/in-source", "repo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/in-source/lkrludwigsburg3d/" }, "refIndex": 9 }, { "item": { "title": "Gowanus CityGML Viewer", "project": "IN-SOURCE", "author": { "firstName": "Rushikesh", "lastName": "Padsala", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/p/rushikesh-padsala" }, "project_year_start": "2018", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/Gowanus3DViewer.JPG", "keywords": ["3D City Model", "Rhinoceros3D", "CityGML", "Building Energy Simulation"], "description_en": "The Gowanus CityGML viewer shows the building design scenarios along with its heat energy demand for the NYC's neighborhood of Gowanus, USA. Building geometries are modelled in Rhinoceros3D, coverted to CityGML using FME and its heat demand simulation is done in an urban energy simulator, SimStadt.", "description_de": "Der Gowanus CityGML-Viewer zeigt verschiedene Gebäudedesignszenarien zusammen mit ihrem Wärmeenergiebedarf für den NYC-Bezirk Gowanus, USA. Die Gebäudegeometrien werden in Rhinoceros3D modelliert, mit FME in CityGML konvertiert und der Wärmebedarf wird in einem städtischen Energiesimulator, SimStadt, simuliert." }, "links": { "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/in-source/gowanus-citygml-viewer/", "publication": "https://www.isprs-ann-photogramm-remote-sens-spatial-inf-sci.net/VIII-4-W1-2021/81/2021/", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/in-source" }, "refIndex": 10 }, { "item": { "title": "Meidling 3D Viewer", "project": "IN-SOURCE", "author": { "firstName": "Rushikesh", "lastName": "Padsala", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/p/rushikesh-padsala" }, "project_year_start": "2018", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/Meidling3DViewer.jpg", "keywords": ["3D City Model", "CityGML", "Building Energy Simulation", "Roof PV Simulation"], "description_en": "The Meidling 3D viewer shows the building heat energy demand, roof PV potenial and landuse polygons for the district of Meidling, Vienna. Building stock heat energy demand and roof PV potential is simulated using an urban energy simulator, SimStadt.", "description_de": "Der Meidling 3D-Viewer zeigt den Gebäudeheizenergiebedarf, das Dach-PV-Potenzial und die Landnutzungspolygone für den Bezirk Meidling, Wien. Der Wärmeenergiebedarf des Gebäudebestands und das Dach-PV-Potenzial werden mit einem städtischen Energiesimulator, SimStadt, simuliert." }, "links": { "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/in-source/meidling-3d-viewer/", "publication": "https://www.isprs-ann-photogramm-remote-sens-spatial-inf-sci.net/VIII-4-W1-2021/81/2021/", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/in-source" }, "refIndex": 11 }, { "item": { "title": "CityGML Food Water Energy (FWE) ADE", "project": "IN-SOURCE", "author": { "firstName": "Rushikesh", "lastName": "Padsala", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/p/rushikesh-padsala" }, "project_year_start": "2018", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/FWEADE.PNG", "keywords": ["3D City Model", "CityGML", "ADE", "Food-Water-Energy Nexus", "Data Modelling"], "description_en": "CityGML FWE ADE allows users to store FWE-related parameters in four spatial layers: building, land use, area, and system. FWE ADE facilitates inputs and outputs for various FWE-related simulations and also acts as a central data exchange platform to connect different urban FWE simulators.", "description_de": "CityGML FWE ADE ermöglicht es dem Benutzer, FWE-bezogene Parameter in vier räumlichen Ebenen zu speichern: Gebäude, Landnutzung, Fläche und System. FWE ADE erleichtert Eingaben und Ausgaben für verschiedene FWE-bezogene Simulationen und fungiert außerdem als zentrale Datenaustauschplattform, um verschiedene städtische FWE-Simulatoren miteinander zu verbinden." }, "links": { "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/in-source/in-source/FWEADE/", "publication": "https://www.isprs-ann-photogramm-remote-sens-spatial-inf-sci.net/VIII-4-W1-2021/81/2021/", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/in-source" }, "refIndex": 12 }, { "item": { "title": "Rhinoceros3D/CityEngine to CityGML", "project": "IN-SOURCE", "author": { "firstName": "Rushikesh", "lastName": "Padsala", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/p/rushikesh-padsala" }, "project_year_start": "2018", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/RhinoCityGML.JPG", "keywords": ["3D City Model", "Rhinoceros3D", "ArcGIS CityEngine", "CityGML", "Data Interoperability", "FME"], "description_en": "Rhinoceros3D/CityEngine to CityGML is a repository of FME workbenches used to convert 2D building footrpint shapefiles with building height attributes or 3D building geometries modelled in Rhinoceros3D to CityGML LoD 1 building-building part models and 3D building multipatch shapefile.", "description_de": "Rhinoceros3D/CityEngine to CityGML ist ein Repository von FME-Workbenches zur Konvertierung von 2D-Gebäudegrundriss-Shapefiles mit Gebäudehöhenattributen oder 3D-Gebäudegeometrien, die in Rhinoceros3D modelliert wurden, in CityGML LoD 1-Gebäude-/Gebäudeteilmodelle und 3D-Gebäudemultipatch-Shapefiles, die in ArcGIS CityEngine modelliert wurden, in CityGML LoD 1 - LoD 2-Gebäudemodelle. Zum Selbstverständnis des Konvertierungsprozesses stehen innerhalb der FME-Workbenches Annotationen zur Verfügung." }, "links": { "demo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/rushikesh.padsala/rhino-cityengine2citygml", "publication": "https://repository.corp.at/674/", "project": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/forschung/projekte/aktuell/in-source", "repo": "https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/rushikesh.padsala/rhino-cityengine2citygml" }, "refIndex": 13 }, { "item": { "title": "Repair CityGML Files", "project": "CityDoctor2", "author": { "firstName": "Matthias", "lastName": "Betz", "hftURL": "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/p/matthias-betz" }, "project_year_start": "2019", "project_year_end": "2021", "project_is_on_going": true, "imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/CityDoctorScreen.png", "keywords": ["CityDoctor", "CityGML", "Healing", "Service"], "description_en": "A service for repairing CityGML files. No guarantee that all errors will be fixed.", "description_de": "Ein Service für die Reparatur von CityGML Dateien. Keine Grantie, dass alle Fehler behoben werden.", "internal": true }, "links": { "project": "" }, "refIndex": 15 } ]