libdir . '/phpunit/classes/advanced_testcase.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/tests/generator/lib.php'); class quiz_api_test extends advanced_testcase { protected function setUp(): void { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(); parent::setUp(); $DB->execute('TRUNCATE TABLE {quiz_attempts}'); $DB->execute('TRUNCATE TABLE {quiz_slots}'); } /** * @throws Exception */ public function test_quiz_api() { global $DB; $generator = $this->getDataGenerator(); $quizgen = $generator->get_plugin_generator('mod_quiz'); $questiongen = $generator->get_plugin_generator('core_question'); // Create a course $coursegen = $generator->create_course([ 'fullname' => 'Test Course', 'shortname' => 'testcourse', 'category' => 1, ]); $teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $teacherRoleId = $DB->get_record('role', ['shortname' => 'teacher'])->id; $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($teacher->id, $coursegen->id, $teacherRoleId); $this->setUser($teacher); // Create a quiz in the course $quiz = $quizgen->create_instance([ 'course' => $coursegen->id, 'name' => 'Test Quiz', 'intro' => 'This is a test quiz.', 'attempts' => 1, 'timeopen' => time(), 'timeclose' => time() + 3600, ]); // Create questions and answers $questions = include_once 'fakedata/questions.php'; // Create a question category $context = context_course::instance($coursegen->id); $category = $this->create_question_category($context->id); foreach ($questions as $questiondata) { // Create a question $question = $questiongen->create_question($questiondata['qtype'], null, [ 'category' => $category->id, // question category 'questiontext' => [ 'text' => $questiondata['questiontext'], 'format' => FORMAT_HTML, ], 'name' => 'Test Question', 'contextid' => $context->id, // - a contextid of question usage 'modifiedby' => $teacher->id, ]); // Check the question ID if (!$question) { throw new Exception("Failed to create question."); } // Add answers to the question foreach ($questiondata['answers'] as $answertext => $fraction) { // Check the validity of answer data if (!is_string($answertext) || !is_numeric($fraction)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid answer format."); } error_log("Created answer: Answer Text: $answertext, Fraction: $fraction"); $answer = [ 'question' => $question->id, 'answer' => $answertext, 'fraction' => $fraction, 'feedback' => '', // можно добавить текст обратной связи 'feedbackformat' => FORMAT_MOODLE, ]; $answer_id = $DB->insert_record('question_answers', $answer); // Check the answer ID if (!$answer_id) { throw new Exception("Failed to create answer."); } } error_log("Created question: " . print_r($questiondata, true)); // Get the current maximum slot for the quiz $maxslot = $DB->get_field_sql(" SELECT MAX(slot) FROM {quiz_slots} WHERE quizid = :quizid", ['quizid' => $quiz->id]); // Set the new slot $newslot = $maxslot ? $maxslot + 1 : 1; // Define the number of questions per page $questions_per_page = 1; $current_page = floor(($newslot - 1) / $questions_per_page) + 1; // Check if a record already exists $existing_slot = $DB->get_record('quiz_slots', [ 'quizid' => $quiz->id, 'slot' => $newslot, 'page' => $current_page ]); if ($existing_slot) { echo "Slot and page combination already exists: Quiz ID: {$quiz->id}, Slot: {$newslot}, Page: {$current_page}\n"; continue; // Skip adding this question } // Manually add the question to the quiz via the quiz_slots table $slotdata = [ 'quizid' => $quiz->id, 'questionid' => $question->id, 'slot' => $newslot, // Set a new slot 'page' => $current_page, // Set the current page 'requireprevious' => 0, 'maxmark' => 1.0, // Maximum mark for the question ]; echo "Inserting into quiz_slots with Quiz ID: {$quiz->id}, Slot: {$newslot}, Page: {$current_page}\n"; // Insert the data into the table try { $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction(); $DB->insert_record('quiz_slots', (object)$slotdata); $transaction->allow_commit(); } catch (dml_exception $e) { $transaction->rollback($e); throw new Exception("Failed to add question to quiz: " . $e->getMessage()); } } // Creating students $students = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $students[] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); } // Students course enrollment foreach ($students as $student) { $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($student->id, $coursegen->id, 'student'); } // Create attempts for students manually $all_answers = array_map(function ($question) { return array_keys($question['answers']); }, $questions); $flat_answers = array_merge(...$all_answers); $questions_db = $DB->get_records('question', []); var_dump($questions_db); $question_keys = array_merge( ...array_map(fn($question) => [ $question->id => $question->questiontext ], $questions_db) ); $random_key = array_rand($question_keys); var_dump($random_key, array_column($questions_db, 'id')[$random_key]); $random_question_id = array_column($questions_db, 'id')[$random_key]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($students); $i++) { $this->create_quiz_attempt($quiz->id, $students[$i]->id, $random_question_id, $flat_answers[$random_key], $i); } global $DB; $studentAnswers = []; // Logging the question ID error_log("Question ID: $question->id"); // Logging the question text error_log("Question Text: $question_keys[$random_key]"); $referenceAnswer = $flat_answers[$random_key]; $answers = $DB->get_records('question_attempt_step_data', ['name' => 'answer']); // Logging the number of responses error_log("Number of Answers: " . count($answers)); foreach ($answers as $answer) { // Log each response error_log("Answer: " . $answer->value); $studentAnswers[] = $answer->value; var_dump($answer->value); error_log("Answer: " . $answer->value); } $apiendpoint = get_config('local_asystgrade', 'apiendpoint'); if (!$apiendpoint) { $apiendpoint = ''; // Default setting } error_log('APIendpoint: ' . $apiendpoint); try { $httpClient = new http_client(); $apiClient = client::getInstance($apiendpoint, $httpClient); error_log('ApiClient initiated.'); error_log('Sending data to API and getting grade'); $data = [ 'referenceAnswer' => $referenceAnswer, 'studentAnswers' => $studentAnswers ]; var_dump($data); error_log("Data to send to API: " . print_r($data, true)); $response = $apiClient->send_data($data); $grades = json_decode($response, true); error_log('Grade obtained: ' . print_r($grades, true)); } catch (Exception $e) { error_log('Error sending data to API: ' . $e->getMessage()); return; } var_dump($grades); // Check the result $this->assertNotEmpty($grades); $this->assertEquals($grades[0]['predicted_grade'], 'correct'); $this->assertEquals($grades[6]['predicted_grade'], 'incorrect'); } private function create_question_category($contextid) { global $DB; $category = [ 'name' => 'Test Category', 'contextid' => $contextid, 'parent' => 0, 'info' => '', 'infoformat' => FORMAT_MOODLE, ]; // Use Moodle API to create a category $categoryid = $DB->insert_record('question_categories', (object)$category); if (!$categoryid) { throw new coding_exception("Failed to create category."); } return $DB->get_record('question_categories', array('id' => $categoryid)); } private function create_quiz_attempt($quizid, $userid, $questionid, $exapmle_answers, $student_id) { global $DB; $sql = "SELECT MAX(attempt) as max_attempt FROM {quiz_attempts} WHERE quiz = :quizid AND userid = :userid"; $params = array('quizid' => $quizid, 'userid' => $userid); $record = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params); // Set unique attempt number $attempt_number = ($record && $record->max_attempt) ? $record->max_attempt + 1 : 1; // Generate unique id for uniqueid // This query takes the maximum uniqueid value from the table and adds 1 $uniqueid = $DB->get_field_sql('SELECT COALESCE(MAX(uniqueid), 0) + 1 FROM {quiz_attempts}'); $attempt = [ 'quiz' => $quizid, 'userid' => $userid, 'attempt' => $attempt_number, 'timestart' => time() - 3600, 'timefinish' => time(), 'sumgrades' => 10, 'layout' => '1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,0,6,0', // array of slot numbers on the page in order 'uniqueid' => $uniqueid, ]; $question_attempt = [ 'questionusageid' => $uniqueid, // Linked to the test attempt 'slot' => 1, // Question slot number in the test 'behaviour' => 'manualgraded', // Essay requires manual grading 'questionid' => $questionid, // Question ID 'variant' => 1, // Question variant 'maxmark' => 10.0, // Maximum score for the question 'minfraction' => 0.0, // Minimum fraction of the score 'maxfraction' => 1.0, // Maximum fraction of the score 'flagged' => 0, // Flag indicating whether the question was flagged 'questionsummary' => 'Essay question', // Brief description of the question 'rightanswer' => '', // For essays, there may be no correct answer 'responsesummary' => '', // Summary response (if any) 'timemodified' => time(), // Time of modification ]; // Insert a record into the quiz_attempt* tables try { $DB->insert_record('quiz_attempts', $attempt); $question_attempt_id = $DB->insert_record('question_attempts', $question_attempt); $question_attempt_step = [ 'questionattemptid' => $question_attempt_id, // ID of the question from the `mdl_question_attempts` table 'sequencenumber' => 1, // Step sequence number 'state' => 'complete', // Step state 'fraction' => 0.0, // For essays, this may be 0 until graded 'timecreated' => time(), // Time of step creation 'userid' => $userid, // ID of the user who created the step ]; $question_attempt_step_id = $DB->insert_record('question_attempt_steps', $question_attempt_step); // Example of how to shorten the answer length $answer_length = strlen($exapmle_answers) - ($student_id * strlen($exapmle_answers) / 6); // Reduce the answer by 10 characters for each subsequent student $student_answer = substr($exapmle_answers, 0, $answer_length); // Saving the answer text $question_attempt_step_data_answer = [ 'attemptstepid' => $question_attempt_step_id, // ID of the step from the `mdl_question_attempt_steps` table 'name' => 'answer', // Data name (e.g., 'answer') 'value' => $student_answer, // User's answer ]; // Saving the answer format $question_attempt_step_data_format = [ 'attemptstepid' => $question_attempt_step_id, // ID of the step from the `mdl_question_attempt_steps` table 'name' => 'answerformat', // Data name (e.g., 'answerformat') 'value' => '1', // Answer format (1 = HTML, 0 = plain text, etc.) ]; // Inserting data into the question_attempt_step_data table $DB->insert_record('question_attempt_step_data', $question_attempt_step_data_answer); $DB->insert_record('question_attempt_step_data', $question_attempt_step_data_format); echo `Quiz attempt inserted successfully. $quizid\n`; } catch (dml_write_exception $e) { // Handling database write errors echo "Error inserting quiz attempt: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } } }