import * as L from 'leaflet'; import { getJSON } from '../util'; import { IGeocoder, GeocoderOptions, GeocodingCallback, geocodingParams, GeocodingResult, reverseParams } from './api'; export interface MapQuestOptions extends GeocoderOptions {} /** * Implementation of the [MapQuest Geocoding API]( */ export class MapQuest implements IGeocoder { options: MapQuestOptions = { serviceUrl: '' }; constructor(options?: Partial) { L.Util.setOptions(this, options); // MapQuest seems to provide URI encoded API keys, // so to avoid encoding them twice, we decode them here this.options.apiKey = decodeURIComponent(this.options.apiKey); } _formatName( string[]) { return parts.filter(s => !!s).join(', '); } geocode(query: string, cb: GeocodingCallback, context?: any): void { const params = geocodingParams(this.options, { key: this.options.apiKey, location: query, limit: 5, outFormat: 'json' }); getJSON( this.options.serviceUrl + '/address', params, L.Util.bind(function(data) { const results: GeocodingResult[] = []; if (data.results && data.results[0].locations) { for (let i = data.results[0].locations.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const loc = data.results[0].locations[i]; const center = L.latLng(loc.latLng); results[i] = { name: this._formatName(loc.street, loc.adminArea4, loc.adminArea3, loc.adminArea1), bbox: L.latLngBounds(center, center), center: center }; } }, results); }, this) ); } reverse(location: L.LatLngLiteral, scale: number, cb: GeocodingCallback, context?: any): void { const params = reverseParams(this.options, { key: this.options.apiKey, location: + ',' + location.lng, outputFormat: 'json' }); getJSON( this.options.serviceUrl + '/reverse', params, L.Util.bind(function(data) { const results: GeocodingResult[] = []; if (data.results && data.results[0].locations) { for (let i = data.results[0].locations.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const loc = data.results[0].locations[i]; const center = L.latLng(loc.latLng); results[i] = { name: this._formatName(loc.street, loc.adminArea4, loc.adminArea3, loc.adminArea1), bbox: L.latLngBounds(center, center), center: center }; } }, results); }, this) ); } } /** * [Class factory method]( for {@link MapQuest} * @param options the options */ export function mapQuest(options?: Partial) { return new MapQuest(options); }