import * as L from 'leaflet'; import { getJSON } from '../util'; import { IGeocoder, GeocoderOptions, GeocodingCallback, geocodingParams, GeocodingResult, reverseParams } from './api'; export interface NeutrinoOptions extends GeocoderOptions { userId: string; } /** * Implementation of the [Neutrino API]( */ export class Neutrino implements IGeocoder { options: NeutrinoOptions = { userId: undefined, apiKey: undefined, serviceUrl: '' }; constructor(options?: Partial) { L.Util.setOptions(this, options); } // geocode(query: string, cb: GeocodingCallback, context?: any): void { const params = geocodingParams(this.options, { apiKey: this.options.apiKey, userId: this.options.userId, //get three words and make a dot based string address: query.split(/\s+/).join('.') }); getJSON(this.options.serviceUrl + 'geocode-address', params, data => { const results: GeocodingResult[] = []; if (data.locations) { data.geometry = data.locations[0]; const center = L.latLng(data.geometry['latitude'], data.geometry['longitude']); const bbox = L.latLngBounds(center, center); results[0] = { name: data.geometry.address, bbox: bbox, center: center }; }, results); }); } suggest(query: string, cb: GeocodingCallback, context?: any): void { return this.geocode(query, cb, context); } // reverse(location: L.LatLngLiteral, scale: number, cb: GeocodingCallback, context?: any): void { const params = reverseParams(this.options, { apiKey: this.options.apiKey, userId: this.options.userId, latitude:, longitude: location.lng }); getJSON(this.options.serviceUrl + 'geocode-reverse', params, data => { const results: GeocodingResult[] = []; if (data.status.status == 200 && data.found) { const center = L.latLng(, location.lng); const bbox = L.latLngBounds(center, center); results[0] = { name: data.address, bbox: bbox, center: center }; }, results); }); } } /** * [Class factory method]( for {@link Neutrino} * @param options the options */ export function neutrino(options?: Partial) { return new Neutrino(options); }