import * as L from 'leaflet'; import { IGeocoder, GeocodingCallback, GeocodingResult } from './api'; export interface OpenLocationCodeOptions { OpenLocationCode: OpenLocationCodeApi; codeLength?: number; } export interface OpenLocationCodeApi { encode(latitude: number, longitude: number, codeLength?: number): string; decode(code: string): CodeArea; } export interface CodeArea { latitudeLo: number; longitudeLo: number; latitudeHi: number; longitudeHi: number; latitudeCenter: number; longitudeCenter: number; codeLength: number; } /** * Implementation of the [Plus codes]( (formerly OpenLocationCode) (requires [open-location-code]( */ export class OpenLocationCode implements IGeocoder { options: OpenLocationCodeOptions; constructor(options?: Partial) { L.Util.setOptions(this, options); } geocode(query: string, cb: GeocodingCallback, context?: any) { try { const decoded = this.options.OpenLocationCode.decode(query); const result: GeocodingResult = { name: query, center: L.latLng(decoded.latitudeCenter, decoded.longitudeCenter), bbox: L.latLngBounds( L.latLng(decoded.latitudeLo, decoded.longitudeLo), L.latLng(decoded.latitudeHi, decoded.longitudeHi) ) };, [result]); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); // eslint-disable-line no-console, []); } } reverse(location: L.LatLngLiteral, scale: number, cb: GeocodingCallback, context?: any) { try { const code = this.options.OpenLocationCode.encode(, location.lng, this.options.codeLength ); const result = { name: code, center: L.latLng(, location.lng), bbox: L.latLngBounds( L.latLng(, location.lng), L.latLng(, location.lng) ) };, [result]); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); // eslint-disable-line no-console, []); } } } /** * [Class factory method]( for {@link OpenLocationCode} * @param options the options */ export function openLocationCode(options?: Partial) { return new OpenLocationCode(options); }