// placeholder for real language selection
lang_setting = $(this).val();
$.getJSON("./content/content.json", function(result){
stuff = result;
var new_row = document.getElementById("row_main")
new_row.innerHTML = "";
var arrayLength = stuff.length;
console.log("translating content")
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
//Do something
$.getJSON("./content/team.json", function(result){
console.log("translating team")
team = result;
var new_row = document.getElementById("team-section")
new_row.innerHTML = "";
var arrayLength = team.length;
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
//Do something
// alert($(this).val());
var lang_setting = "1"
function language(lang){
//Change the language settings of the general Elements
// declare all the fields
var rgc_about = document.getElementById("rgc_about")
var rgc_group = document.getElementById("rgc_group")
var rgc_contact = document.getElementById("rgc_contact")
var rgc_introduction = document.getElementById("rgc_introduction")
var rgc_introduction2 = document.getElementById("rgc_introduction2")
var rgc_application = document.getElementById("rgc_application")
var rgc_applicationdesc = document.getElementById("rgc_applicationdesc")
var rgc_publication = document.getElementById("rgc_publication")
var rgc_publicationdesc = document.getElementById("rgc_publicationdesc")
var rgc_ourteam = document.getElementById("rgc_ourteam")
var rgc_teamdesc = document.getElementById("rgc_teamdesc")
var rgc_backtotop = document.getElementById("rgc_backtotop")
var rgc_button_next = document.getElementById("nextbutton")
var rgc_button_previous = document.getElementById("previousbutton")
if (lang == "1"){
rgc_about.innerHTML = "About"
rgc_group.innerHTML = "Details about our group to be inserted here ... "
rgc_contact.innerHTML = "Contact"
// rgc_introduction.innerHTML =" (or Vote for new group name)
A research group introduction here ...."
// rgc_introduction2.innerHTML = "The research projects at HFT Stuttgart (University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart)."
rgc_application.innerHTML = " Research Results Explorer"
rgc_applicationdesc.innerHTML = "The results of current and previous research projects of the Digitization and Information Management Research Group can be explored in the following overview. Project results are presented in the form of publications, software repositories, YouTube videos, or direct access to interactive demos, among others. The search function allows to search by keywords or authors (e.g. "iot", "building", "energy", etc.)."
rgc_publication.innerHTML = " Our Publication"
rgc_publicationdesc.innerHTML = "View the latest publications regarding our projects and other research activities. A link to the Publisher, the BiBTeX-Download or directly to the PDF of the article is just a click away."
rgc_ourteam.innerHTML = " Team"
rgc_teamdesc.innerHTML = "Get to know the international and multi-disciplined team members. Feel free to contact us if you have questions to projects or want to collaborate on exciting topics, projects, or publications."
rgc_backtotop.innerHTML = "Back to top"
rgc_button_next.innerHTML = "Next"
rgc_button_previous.innerHTML = "Previous"
var matches = document.getElementsByClassName('profile');
for (var i=0; i