Commit 18e99253 authored by Joe TS Dell's avatar Joe TS Dell
Browse files

update team

parent 6d37ebcc
"firstName": "Prof. Dr. Volker",
"lastName": "Coors",
"jobTitle_en": "Lab Leader",
"imgUrl": "/imgs/avatar/volker.Coors.jpg",
"profile_link": "",
"researchTopics": "Smart Cities | OGC Standards | Sensors & IoT | 3D City Models | 3D Web Visualization | 3D Simulation | Big Data",
"optional": {
"researchGateURL": "",
"LinkedInURL": ""
"firstName": "Joe T.",
"lastName": "Santhanavanich",
"jobTitle_en": "Researcher",
"imgUrl": "/imgs/avatar/JoeSquare.jpg",
"profile_link": "",
"researchTopics": "Smart Cities | OGC Standards | Sensors & IoT | 3D City Models | 3D Web Visualization | 3D Simulation | Big Data"
"researchTopics": "Smart Cities | OGC Standards | Sensors & IoT | 3D City Models | 3D Web Visualization | 3D Simulation | Big Data",
"optional": {
"researchGateURL": "",
"googleScholarURL": "",
"LinkedInURL": ""
"firstName": "Patrick",
......@@ -68,33 +68,46 @@ function addTeam(item) {
} else {
var html_team = ``
var optional_profile_url_link = ``
if ('optional' in item) {
if ('researchGateURL' in item.optional) {
if (item.optional.researchGateURL !== "") {
optional_profile_url_link += `<a class="p-2 fa-lg" href="${item.optional.researchGateURL}" target="_blank">
<i class="fab fa-researchgate"></i>
if ('googleScholarURL' in item.optional) {
if (item.optional.googleScholarURL !== "") {
optional_profile_url_link += `<a class="p-2 fa-lg" href="${item.optional.googleScholarURL}" target="_blank">
<i class="fab fa-google"></i>
if ('LinkedInURL' in item.optional) {
if (item.optional.LinkedInURL !== "") {
optional_profile_url_link += `<a class="p-2 fa-lg" href="${item.optional.LinkedInURL}" target="_blank">
<i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i>
if (optional_profile_url_link !== "") {
optional_profile_url_link = `<ul class="list-unstyled mb-0">${optional_profile_url_link}</ul>`
var html_team = `
<div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 mb-lg-0 mb-5">
<div class="avatar mx-auto">
<img src="${item.imgUrl}" class="rounded-circle z-depth-1" width="150px">
<h5 class="font-weight-bold mt-4 mb-3">${item.firstName} ${item.lastName}</h5>
<p class="text-uppercase blue-text"><strong>Researcher</strong></p>
<p class="text-uppercase blue-text"><strong>${item.jobTitle_en}</strong></p>
<a href=${item.profile_link} target="_blank">
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm profile">See full profile</button>
<p class="grey-text">Research topic: ${item.researchTopics}</p>
<ul class="list-unstyled mb-0">
<a class="p-2 fa-lg" href="" target="_blank">
<i class="fab fa-researchgate"></i>
<a class="p-2 fa-lg" href="" target="_blank">
<i class="fab fa-google"></i>
<a class="p-2 fa-lg" href="" target="_blank">
<i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i>
new_row.innerHTML = new_row.innerHTML + html_team
......@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ Website for Geoinformatic Research Group (Prof. Coors)
### Tasks for Joe:
- [x] fixing the Callback Logic on the Publication Section
- [ ] Documentation on how to add contents to the web.
- [ ] Upgrade the `public/js/add_paper.js` to support the `URL` and `PDF` link.
- [ ] Team Section
- [x] Upgrade the `public/js/add_paper.js` to support the `URL` and `PDF` link.
- [x] Team Section
- [ ] Combine all scripts together + maintaining the GIT.
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