Commit 1e04f788 authored by Joe T.S.'s avatar Joe T.S. 🏓
Browse files


parent 2deb2716
......@@ -33,4 +33,5 @@ Website for Geoinformatic Research Group (Prof. Coors)
- [x] Citation Sheet to BIBTEX. [public/js/parse_json_to_bib.js](public/js/parse_json_to_bib.js)
## Issue
- [ ] The GitLab Page does not load the image under the img folder correctly e.g. which is stored at
\ No newline at end of file
- [x] The GitLab Page does not load the image under the img folder correctly e.g. which is stored at as Schneider_2018_02.JPG (Fixed by saving as either .jpg or .JPG everywhere) [03-05-2021]
- [ ] The flag still does not work yet. May be we can use this feature: (To be observed)
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