Commit 73e572ca authored by Joe T.S.'s avatar Joe T.S. 🏓
Browse files

Merge branch 'sihombing-master-patch-53843' into 'master'

add MUSI

See merge request ugl/website!7
parents be6c6c56 2e1031c8
......@@ -186,5 +186,30 @@
"refIndex": 3
"item": {
"title": "Multi-scale Urban Scenario Interface",
"project": "iCity",
"author": {
"firstName": "Rosanny",
"lastName": "Sihombing",
"hftURL": ""
"project_year_start": "2017",
"project_year_end": "2021",
"project_is_on_going": false,
"keywords":["Energy Simulation Tool", "Urban Planning", "3D Visualization"],
"description_en":"Multi-Scale Urban Scenario Interface (MUSI) provides a web-based, scalable software system for energy planning. It considers both economic and energy analysis for retrofit and energy efficiency measurement.",
"description_de":"Multi-Scale Urban Scenario Interface (MUSI) bietet ein webbasiertes, skalierbares Softwaresystem für die Energieplanung. Es berücksichtigt sowohl wirtschaftliche als auch energetische Analysen für die Sanierung und Energieeffizienzmessung."
"links": {
"youtube": "",
"demo": "",
"refIndex": 3
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