Commit 1fa8ddbb authored by Naundorf's avatar Naundorf
Browse files

Update .gitlab-ci.yml

parent c4c8d6b7
Pipeline #6374 failed with stage
in 11 seconds
......@@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ before_script:
Test SSH:
- GITLAB_KEY=$(echo "$GITLAB_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | tr -d '\n')
- ssh -v $USER_NAME "mkdir -p test_dir"
- ssh -J ubuntu@2001:7c0:2320:1:f816:3eff:fe11:e344 $USER_NAME "mkdir -p test_dir"
- scp $USER_NAME:~/test_dir/
- ssh $USER_NAME "chmod 700 test_dir/ && sbatch -p single ./test_dir/ $GITLAB_KEY"
- ssh $USER_NAME "chmod 700 test_dir/ && sbatch -p single ./test_dir/ $GITLAB_KEY"
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