Commit a3cfa895 authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
Browse files

With plot

parent 63ab5d0a
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from pathlib import Path
import shutil
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from run_simstadt_workflow import find_simstadt, SCRIPT_DIR, run_workflow
......@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.WARN)
SIMSTADT2_GLOB = 'Desktop/SimStadt2_0.*/'
REPO_PATH = Path.home() / 'git' / 'simstadt2' / 'TestRepository'
PROJECT_NAME = 'Gruenbuehl'
CITYGMLS = ['Gruenbuehl_LOD2_ALKIS_1010.gml']
CITYGML = 'Gruenbuehl_LOD2_ALKIS_1010.gml'
SURFACES = ['outWalls', 'pitchedRoof']
WINDOW_RATIOS = [0, 0.5, 1]
# Heat demand, with custom BuildingPhysics
......@@ -79,25 +80,36 @@ def parse_results(window_ratio, heat_demand_csv):
heat_demand_MWh = df['Yearly Heating demand'].sum() / 1000
cool_demand_MWh = df['Yearly Cooling demand'].sum() / 1000
heating_demand_MWh = df['Yearly Heating demand'].sum() / 1000
cooling_demand_MWh = df['Yearly Cooling demand'].sum() / 1000
print(f"Window Ratio : {window_ratio * 100} %")
print(f"Total heating demand : {heat_demand_MWh:.0f} MWh / a")
print(f"Total cooling demand : {cool_demand_MWh:.0f} MWh / a")
print(f"Total heating demand : {heating_demand_MWh:.0f} MWh / a")
print(f"Total cooling demand : {cooling_demand_MWh:.0f} MWh / a")
return {'WindowRatio': window_ratio,
'HeatingDemand': heating_demand_MWh,
'CoolingDemand': cooling_demand_MWh}
workflow_path, physics_processor_step = copy_workflow_from_template(TEMPLATE_NAME, PROJECT_PATH)
custom_library_path = set_custom_library(physics_processor_step)
lib_tree = parse_library(custom_library_path)
all_results = []
for window_ratio in WINDOW_RATIOS:
# TODO: Status quo too
set_custom_window_ratio(lib_tree, window_ratio, custom_library_path)
output_files = run_workflow(find_simstadt(SIMSTADT2_GLOB), workflow_path, CITYGMLS)
output_files = run_workflow(find_simstadt(SIMSTADT2_GLOB), workflow_path, [CITYGML])
heat_demand_csv = next(file for file in output_files if 'HEATING_AND_COOLING.csv' in
################### Parse heat demand ########################
parse_results(window_ratio, heat_demand_csv)
all_results.append(parse_results(window_ratio, heat_demand_csv))
df = pd.DataFrame(all_results).set_index('WindowRatio')
plt.title("Demands depending on Window Ratio")
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