Commit f53a83e1 authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
Browse files

Negative width to disable street type.

parent 0bcfd36d
......@@ -41,8 +41,15 @@ TREE_DISTANCE = 10 # [m]
# For display purposes only:
GRID = 100 # [m]
DEFAULT_WIDTHS = {'unclassified': 0}
# If streets from OSM don't have known width, which one should be used?
# Leave empty to get default from similar streets, if available
# Set to -1 if you want to disable trees along the roads
'unclassified': 0,
# 'residential': 8,
# 'motorway': -1,
# 'trunk': -1,
SCRIPT_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
......@@ -125,14 +132,18 @@ def place_trees(forest: Forest, ways: list, region: str, to_local, tree_distance
for way in ways:
way_type = way.tags.get("highway")
width = float(way.tags.get("width", 0))
default_width = default_widths.get(way_type, 0)
if default_width < 0:
# Ignore this type of streets
if width:
# Defined in OSM
color = 'blue'
width = default_widths.get(way_type, 0)
if width:
if default_width:
# From OSM most common width
color = 'orange'
width = default_width
# Unknown
color = 'gray'
......@@ -146,15 +157,13 @@ def place_trees(forest: Forest, ways: list, region: str, to_local, tree_distance
tree_path = road_as_polygon.exterior
displayed_width = width
# NOTE: Could try to guess width depending on highway type.
displayed_width = 1
road_xs, road_ys = zip(*road_xy_s)
plt.plot(road_xs, road_ys, linewidth=displayed_width, c=color, alpha=0.8, zorder=-1)
distances = np.arange(0, tree_path.length, tree_distance)
potential_trees = [tree_path.interpolate(
distance) for distance in distances]
potential_trees = [tree_path.interpolate(distance) for distance in distances]
if tree_path.boundary:
potential_trees += [tree_path.boundary.geoms[-1]]
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