Commit fd00b00f authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
Browse files

l/h should have been mm/h

parent de351b08
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public class EvapotranspirationCalculator {
"dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM;[°C];[%];[W/m²];[0/1];[MJ/(m².h)];[m/s];[kPa];[kPa];[kPa/°C];[MJ/(m².h)];[MJ/(m².h)];[l/h];[l/h]\n");
"dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM;[°C];[%];[W/m²];[0/1];[MJ/(m².h)];[m/s];[kPa];[kPa];[kPa/°C];[MJ/(m².h)];[MJ/(m².h)];[mm/h];[mm/h]\n");
for (int i = startHours; i <= startHours + hours; i++) {
bw.write(String.format("%s;", counter.format(f)));
String[] row = csvValues.get(i + 2);
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