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Created with Raphaël 2.2.021Mar2Feb11Nov12Jul7Jun2May14Apr127431Mar3021Nov6Jul17Jun11822Apr15Mar926Feb25429Jan2117Dec16151411874214Sep11Aug16Jul976Marupdate quality ade to 1.0.0mastermasterMerge branch 'citygml3'quality ade 0.1.4citygml3citygml3update to citygml4j 3.0.0-rc.4added degenerated ring testadded ring self intersection enum to xsdfixed error adapterremoving one list depth of multiple component errorfixed test validationadded type adaptersadd property adaptersMerge branch 'fix-model' into 'citygml3'removing unnecessary propertiesfix-modelfix-modelMerge branch 'citygml3' into fix-modeladded ADE hook propertymake sure that parent pointers are correctly setadded ADEObject interfaceadapted ValidationProperty to be inline-or-by-referenceremoved abstract keyword from concrete classesremove abstract from non abstract typesupdate xsdupdate model for citygml4j 3 and quality ade 1.4.0update gitignoreupdated citygml4j module to support QualityADE version 0.1.4update-citygml4…update-citygml4j-to-0.1.4Update README.mdremoved unnecessary inheritance in java classes1.3-dev1.3-deverrors are listed in lexicographic order, automatically sorted when marshalling1.31.3fixing inheritance abundance where not needed, release 1.3Merge branch 'master' of ade version in testsUpdate README.mdMerge branch 'master' of to version 0.1.2 adjusting to different xsd location and namespaceUpdate .gitlab-ci.ymlfixing tests with new versionupdating to quality ade 0.1.1fixed solid self intersection writing not workingreadme for installation instructionRelease 0.1.0 of citygml4j-quality-ade plugin0. qualityAde.xsd