Commit a224c1fa authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
Browse files

Update NeoPixel to 1.10.3

parent 9d9f4ebf
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
#include "Adafruit_NeoPixel.h"
#if defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
#include <time.h>
#include <time.h>
#if defined(NRF52) || defined(NRF52_SERIES)
......@@ -57,6 +57,14 @@
//#define NRF52_DISABLE_INT
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_NRF52840)
#if defined __has_include
#if __has_include(<pinDefinitions.h>)
#include <pinDefinitions.h>
@brief NeoPixel constructor when length, pin and pixel type are known
at compile-time.
......@@ -69,11 +77,21 @@
@return Adafruit_NeoPixel object. Call the begin() function before use.
Adafruit_NeoPixel::Adafruit_NeoPixel(uint16_t n, uint16_t p, neoPixelType t) :
begun(false), brightness(0), pixels(NULL), endTime(0) {
Adafruit_NeoPixel::Adafruit_NeoPixel(uint16_t n, int16_t p, neoPixelType t)
: begun(false), brightness(0), pixels(NULL), endTime(0) {
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_RP2040)
// Find a free SM on one of the PIO's
sm = pio_claim_unused_sm(pio, false); // don't panic
// Try pio1 if SM not found
if (sm < 0) {
pio = pio1;
sm = pio_claim_unused_sm(pio, true); // panic if no SM is free
init = true;
......@@ -86,12 +104,13 @@ Adafruit_NeoPixel::Adafruit_NeoPixel(uint16_t n, uint16_t p, neoPixelType t) :
'new' keyword with the first constructor syntax (length, pin,
Adafruit_NeoPixel::Adafruit_NeoPixel() :
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400)
begun(false), numLEDs(0), numBytes(0), pin(-1), brightness(0), pixels(NULL),
rOffset(1), gOffset(0), bOffset(2), wOffset(1), endTime(0) {
begun(false), numLEDs(0), numBytes(0), pin(-1), brightness(0),
pixels(NULL), rOffset(1), gOffset(0), bOffset(2), wOffset(1), endTime(0) {
......@@ -99,14 +118,15 @@ Adafruit_NeoPixel::Adafruit_NeoPixel() :
Adafruit_NeoPixel::~Adafruit_NeoPixel() {
if(pin >= 0) pinMode(pin, INPUT);
if (pin >= 0)
pinMode(pin, INPUT);
@brief Configure NeoPixel pin for output.
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::begin(void) {
if(pin >= 0) {
if (pin >= 0) {
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
......@@ -128,7 +148,7 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::updateLength(uint16_t n) {
// Allocate new data -- note: ALL PIXELS ARE CLEARED
numBytes = n * ((wOffset == rOffset) ? 3 : 4);
if((pixels = (uint8_t *)malloc(numBytes))) {
if ((pixels = (uint8_t *)malloc(numBytes))) {
memset(pixels, 0, numBytes);
numLEDs = n;
} else {
......@@ -159,36 +179,71 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::updateType(neoPixelType t) {
wOffset = (t >> 6) & 0b11; // See notes in header file
rOffset = (t >> 4) & 0b11; // regarding R/G/B/W offsets
gOffset = (t >> 2) & 0b11;
bOffset = t & 0b11;
bOffset = t & 0b11;
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400)
is800KHz = (t < 256); // 400 KHz flag is 1<<8
is800KHz = (t < 256); // 400 KHz flag is 1<<8
// If bytes-per-pixel has changed (and pixel data was previously
// allocated), re-allocate to new size. Will clear any data.
if(pixels) {
if (pixels) {
bool newThreeBytesPerPixel = (wOffset == rOffset);
if(newThreeBytesPerPixel != oldThreeBytesPerPixel) updateLength(numLEDs);
if (newThreeBytesPerPixel != oldThreeBytesPerPixel)
// RP2040 specific driver
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_RP2040)
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::rp2040Init(uint8_t pin, bool is800KHz)
uint offset = pio_add_program(pio, &ws2812_program);
if (is800KHz)
// 800kHz, 8 bit transfers
ws2812_program_init(pio, sm, offset, pin, 800000, 8);
// 400kHz, 8 bit transfers
ws2812_program_init(pio, sm, offset, pin, 400000, 8);
// Not a user API
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::rp2040Show(uint8_t pin, uint8_t *pixels, uint32_t numBytes, bool is800KHz)
if (this->init)
// On first pass through initialise the PIO
rp2040Init(pin, is800KHz);
this->init = false;
// Bits for transmission must be shifted to top 8 bits
pio_sm_put_blocking(pio, sm, ((uint32_t)*pixels++)<< 24);
#if defined(ESP8266)
// ESP8266 show() is external to enforce ICACHE_RAM_ATTR execution
extern "C" void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR espShow(
uint16_t pin, uint8_t *pixels, uint32_t numBytes, uint8_t type);
extern "C" IRAM_ATTR void espShow(uint16_t pin, uint8_t *pixels,
uint32_t numBytes, uint8_t type);
#elif defined(ESP32)
extern "C" void espShow(
uint16_t pin, uint8_t *pixels, uint32_t numBytes, uint8_t type);
extern "C" void espShow(uint16_t pin, uint8_t *pixels, uint32_t numBytes,
uint8_t type);
#endif // ESP8266
#if defined(K210)
#if defined(K210)
#define KENDRYTE_K210 1
#if defined(KENDRYTE_K210)
extern "C" void k210Show(
uint8_t pin, uint8_t *pixels, uint32_t numBytes, boolean is800KHz);
#endif //KENDRYTE_K210
extern "C" void k210Show(uint8_t pin, uint8_t *pixels, uint32_t numBytes,
boolean is800KHz);
#endif // KENDRYTE_K210
@brief Transmit pixel data in RAM to NeoPixels.
@note On most architectures, interrupts are temporarily disabled in
......@@ -202,7 +257,8 @@ extern "C" void k210Show(
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
if(!pixels) return;
if (!pixels)
// Data latch = 300+ microsecond pause in the output stream. Rather than
// put a delay at the end of the function, the ending time is noted and
......@@ -210,36 +266,35 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
// subsequent round of data until the latch time has elapsed. This
// allows the mainline code to start generating the next frame of data
// rather than stalling for the latch.
// endTime is a private member (rather than global var) so that multiple
// instances on different pins can be quickly issued in succession (each
// instance doesn't delay the next).
// In order to make this code runtime-configurable to work with any pin,
// SBI/CBI instructions are eschewed in favor of full PORT writes via the
// OUT or ST instructions. It relies on two facts: that peripheral
// functions (such as PWM) take precedence on output pins, so our PORT-
// wide writes won't interfere, and that interrupts are globally disabled
// while data is being issued to the LEDs, so no other code will be
// accessing the PORT. The code takes an initial 'snapshot' of the PORT
// state, computes 'pin high' and 'pin low' values, and writes these back
// to the PORT register as needed.
// NRF52 may use PWM + DMA (if available), may not need to disable interrupt
#if !( defined(NRF52) || defined(NRF52_SERIES) )
while (!canShow())
// endTime is a private member (rather than global var) so that multiple
// instances on different pins can be quickly issued in succession (each
// instance doesn't delay the next).
// In order to make this code runtime-configurable to work with any pin,
// SBI/CBI instructions are eschewed in favor of full PORT writes via the
// OUT or ST instructions. It relies on two facts: that peripheral
// functions (such as PWM) take precedence on output pins, so our PORT-
// wide writes won't interfere, and that interrupts are globally disabled
// while data is being issued to the LEDs, so no other code will be
// accessing the PORT. The code takes an initial 'snapshot' of the PORT
// state, computes 'pin high' and 'pin low' values, and writes these back
// to the PORT register as needed.
// NRF52 may use PWM + DMA (if available), may not need to disable interrupt
#if !(defined(NRF52) || defined(NRF52_SERIES))
noInterrupts(); // Need 100% focus on instruction timing
#if defined(__AVR__)
// AVR MCUs -- ATmega & ATtiny (no XMEGA) ---------------------------------
// AVR MCUs -- ATmega & ATtiny (no XMEGA) ---------------------------------
volatile uint16_t
i = numBytes; // Loop counter
volatile uint8_t
*ptr = pixels, // Pointer to next byte
b = *ptr++, // Current byte value
hi, // PORT w/output bit set high
lo; // PORT w/output bit set low
volatile uint16_t i = numBytes; // Loop counter
volatile uint8_t *ptr = pixels, // Pointer to next byte
b = *ptr++, // Current byte value
hi, // PORT w/output bit set high
lo; // PORT w/output bit set low
// Hand-tuned assembly code issues data to the LED drivers at a specific
// rate. There's separate code for different CPU speeds (8, 12, 16 MHz)
......@@ -259,10 +314,10 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
#if (F_CPU >= 7400000UL) && (F_CPU <= 9500000UL)
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400) // 800 KHz check needed only if 400 KHz support enabled
if(is800KHz) {
if (is800KHz) {
volatile uint8_t n1, n2 = 0; // First, next bits out
volatile uint8_t n1, n2 = 0; // First, next bits out
// Squeezing an 800 KHz stream out of an 8 MHz chip requires code
// specific to each PORT register.
......@@ -273,14 +328,15 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
// PORTD OUTPUT ----------------------------------------------------
#if defined(PORTD)
#if defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
if(port == &PORTD) {
#endif // defined(PORTB/C/F)
#if defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
if (port == &PORTD) {
#endif // defined(PORTB/C/F)
hi = PORTD | pinMask;
hi = PORTD | pinMask;
lo = PORTD & ~pinMask;
n1 = lo;
if(b & 0x80) n1 = hi;
if (b & 0x80)
n1 = hi;
// Dirty trick: RJMPs proceeding to the next instruction are used
// to delay two clock cycles in one instruction word (rather than
......@@ -289,360 +345,618 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
// relative branch.
asm volatile(
"headD:" "\n\t" // Clk Pseudocode
// Bit 7:
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = hi
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 n2 = lo
"out %[port] , %[n1]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = n1
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop
"sbrc %[byte] , 6" "\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x40)
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 0-1 n2 = hi
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop
// Bit 6:
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = hi
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 n1 = lo
"out %[port] , %[n2]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = n2
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop
"sbrc %[byte] , 5" "\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x20)
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 0-1 n1 = hi
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop
// Bit 5:
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = hi
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 n2 = lo
"out %[port] , %[n1]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = n1
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop
"sbrc %[byte] , 4" "\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x10)
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 0-1 n2 = hi
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop
// Bit 4:
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = hi
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 n1 = lo
"out %[port] , %[n2]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = n2
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop
"sbrc %[byte] , 3" "\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x08)
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 0-1 n1 = hi
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop
// Bit 3:
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = hi
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 n2 = lo
"out %[port] , %[n1]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = n1
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop
"sbrc %[byte] , 2" "\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x04)
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 0-1 n2 = hi
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop
// Bit 2:
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = hi
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 n1 = lo
"out %[port] , %[n2]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = n2
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop
"sbrc %[byte] , 1" "\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x02)
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 0-1 n1 = hi
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop
// Bit 1:
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = hi
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 n2 = lo
"out %[port] , %[n1]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = n1
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop
"sbrc %[byte] , 0" "\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x01)
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 0-1 n2 = hi
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo
"sbiw %[count], 1" "\n\t" // 2 i-- (don't act on Z flag yet)
// Bit 0:
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = hi
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 n1 = lo
"out %[port] , %[n2]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = n2
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+" "\n\t" // 2 b = *ptr++
"sbrc %[byte] , 7" "\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x80)
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 0-1 n1 = hi
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo
"brne headD" "\n" // 2 while(i) (Z flag set above)
: [byte] "+r" (b),
[n1] "+r" (n1),
[n2] "+r" (n2),
[count] "+w" (i)
: [port] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTD)),
[ptr] "e" (ptr),
[hi] "r" (hi),
[lo] "r" (lo));
#if defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
"\n\t" // Clk Pseudocode
// Bit 7:
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = hi
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 n2 = lo
"out %[port] , %[n1]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = n1
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop
"sbrc %[byte] , 6"
"\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x40)
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 0-1 n2 = hi
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop
// Bit 6:
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = hi
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 n1 = lo
"out %[port] , %[n2]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = n2
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop
"sbrc %[byte] , 5"
"\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x20)
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 0-1 n1 = hi
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop
// Bit 5:
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = hi
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 n2 = lo
"out %[port] , %[n1]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = n1
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop
"sbrc %[byte] , 4"
"\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x10)
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 0-1 n2 = hi
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop
// Bit 4:
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = hi
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 n1 = lo
"out %[port] , %[n2]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = n2
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop
"sbrc %[byte] , 3"
"\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x08)
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 0-1 n1 = hi
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop
// Bit 3:
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = hi
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 n2 = lo
"out %[port] , %[n1]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = n1
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop
"sbrc %[byte] , 2"
"\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x04)
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 0-1 n2 = hi
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop
// Bit 2:
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = hi
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 n1 = lo
"out %[port] , %[n2]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = n2
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop
"sbrc %[byte] , 1"
"\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x02)
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 0-1 n1 = hi
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop
// Bit 1:
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = hi
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 n2 = lo
"out %[port] , %[n1]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = n1
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop
"sbrc %[byte] , 0"
"\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x01)
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 0-1 n2 = hi
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo
"sbiw %[count], 1"
"\n\t" // 2 i-- (don't act on Z flag yet)
// Bit 0:
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = hi
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 n1 = lo
"out %[port] , %[n2]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = n2
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+"
"\n\t" // 2 b = *ptr++
"sbrc %[byte] , 7"
"\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x80)
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 0-1 n1 = hi
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo
"brne headD"
"\n" // 2 while(i) (Z flag set above)
: [byte] "+r"(b), [n1] "+r"(n1), [n2] "+r"(n2), [count] "+w"(i)
: [port] "I"(_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTD)), [ptr] "e"(ptr), [hi] "r"(hi),
[lo] "r"(lo));
#if defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
} else // other PORT(s)
#endif // defined(PORTB/C/F)
#endif // defined(PORTB/C/F)
#endif // defined(PORTD)
// PORTB OUTPUT ----------------------------------------------------
#if defined(PORTB)
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
if(port == &PORTB) {
#endif // defined(PORTD/C/F)
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
if (port == &PORTB) {
#endif // defined(PORTD/C/F)
// Same as above, just switched to PORTB and stripped of comments.
hi = PORTB | pinMask;
hi = PORTB | pinMask;
lo = PORTB & ~pinMask;
n1 = lo;
if(b & 0x80) n1 = hi;
if (b & 0x80)
n1 = hi;
asm volatile(
"headB:" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n1]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 6" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n2]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 5" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n1]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 4" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n2]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 3" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n1]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 2" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n2]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 1" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n1]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 0" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"sbiw %[count], 1" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n2]" "\n\t"
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 7" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"brne headB" "\n"
: [byte] "+r" (b), [n1] "+r" (n1), [n2] "+r" (n2), [count] "+w" (i)
: [port] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTB)), [ptr] "e" (ptr), [hi] "r" (hi),
[lo] "r" (lo));
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n1]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 6"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"rjmp .+0"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n2]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 5"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"rjmp .+0"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n1]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 4"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"rjmp .+0"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n2]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 3"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"rjmp .+0"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n1]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 2"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"rjmp .+0"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n2]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 1"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"rjmp .+0"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n1]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 0"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"sbiw %[count], 1"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n2]"
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+"
"sbrc %[byte] , 7"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"brne headB"
: [byte] "+r"(b), [n1] "+r"(n1), [n2] "+r"(n2), [count] "+w"(i)
: [port] "I"(_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTB)), [ptr] "e"(ptr), [hi] "r"(hi),
[lo] "r"(lo));
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
#if defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
#if defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
#endif // defined(PORTC/F)
#endif // defined(PORTC/F)
#endif // defined(PORTB)
// PORTC OUTPUT ----------------------------------------------------
#if defined(PORTC)
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTF)
if(port == &PORTC) {
#endif // defined(PORTD/B/F)
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTF)
if (port == &PORTC) {
#endif // defined(PORTD/B/F)
// Same as above, just switched to PORTC and stripped of comments.
hi = PORTC | pinMask;
hi = PORTC | pinMask;
lo = PORTC & ~pinMask;
n1 = lo;
if(b & 0x80) n1 = hi;
if (b & 0x80)
n1 = hi;
asm volatile(
"headC:" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n1]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 6" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n2]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 5" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n1]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 4" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n2]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 3" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n1]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 2" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n2]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 1" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n1]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 0" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"sbiw %[count], 1" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n2]" "\n\t"
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 7" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"brne headC" "\n"
: [byte] "+r" (b), [n1] "+r" (n1), [n2] "+r" (n2), [count] "+w" (i)
: [port] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTC)), [ptr] "e" (ptr), [hi] "r" (hi),
[lo] "r" (lo));
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTF)
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n1]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 6"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"rjmp .+0"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n2]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 5"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"rjmp .+0"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n1]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 4"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"rjmp .+0"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n2]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 3"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"rjmp .+0"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n1]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 2"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"rjmp .+0"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n2]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 1"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"rjmp .+0"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n1]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 0"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"sbiw %[count], 1"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n2]"
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+"
"sbrc %[byte] , 7"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"brne headC"
: [byte] "+r"(b), [n1] "+r"(n1), [n2] "+r"(n2), [count] "+w"(i)
: [port] "I"(_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTC)), [ptr] "e"(ptr), [hi] "r"(hi),
[lo] "r"(lo));
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTF)
#endif // defined(PORTD/B/F)
#if defined(PORTF)
#endif // defined(PORTD/B/F)
#if defined(PORTF)
#endif // defined(PORTC)
// PORTF OUTPUT ----------------------------------------------------
#if defined(PORTF)
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTC)
if(port == &PORTF) {
#endif // defined(PORTD/B/C)
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTC)
if (port == &PORTF) {
#endif // defined(PORTD/B/C)
hi = PORTF | pinMask;
hi = PORTF | pinMask;
lo = PORTF & ~pinMask;
n1 = lo;
if(b & 0x80) n1 = hi;
if (b & 0x80)
n1 = hi;
asm volatile(
"headF:" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n1]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 6" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n2]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 5" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n1]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 4" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n2]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 3" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n1]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 2" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n2]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 1" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n1]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 0" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"sbiw %[count], 1" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n2]" "\n\t"
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 7" "\n\t"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"brne headF" "\n"
: [byte] "+r" (b), [n1] "+r" (n1), [n2] "+r" (n2), [count] "+w" (i)
: [port] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTF)), [ptr] "e" (ptr), [hi] "r" (hi),
[lo] "r" (lo));
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTC)
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n1]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 6"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"rjmp .+0"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n2]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 5"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"rjmp .+0"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n1]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 4"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"rjmp .+0"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n2]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 3"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"rjmp .+0"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n1]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 2"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"rjmp .+0"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n2]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 1"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"rjmp .+0"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n1]"
"rjmp .+0"
"sbrc %[byte] , 0"
"mov %[n2] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"sbiw %[count], 1"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"mov %[n1] , %[lo]"
"out %[port] , %[n2]"
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+"
"sbrc %[byte] , 7"
"mov %[n1] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"brne headF"
: [byte] "+r"(b), [n1] "+r"(n1), [n2] "+r"(n2), [count] "+w"(i)
: [port] "I"(_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTF)), [ptr] "e"(ptr), [hi] "r"(hi),
[lo] "r"(lo));
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTC)
#endif // defined(PORTD/B/C)
#endif // defined(PORTD/B/C)
#endif // defined(PORTF)
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400)
......@@ -660,41 +974,56 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
volatile uint8_t next, bit;
hi = *port | pinMask;
lo = *port & ~pinMask;
hi = *port | pinMask;
lo = *port & ~pinMask;
next = lo;
bit = 8;
asm volatile(
"head20:" "\n\t" // Clk Pseudocode (T = 0)
"st %a[port], %[hi]" "\n\t" // 2 PORT = hi (T = 2)
"sbrc %[byte] , 7" "\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 128)
"mov %[next], %[hi]" "\n\t" // 0-1 next = hi (T = 4)
"st %a[port], %[next]" "\n\t" // 2 PORT = next (T = 6)
"mov %[next] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 next = lo (T = 7)
"dec %[bit]" "\n\t" // 1 bit-- (T = 8)
"breq nextbyte20" "\n\t" // 1-2 if(bit == 0)
"rol %[byte]" "\n\t" // 1 b <<= 1 (T = 10)
"st %a[port], %[lo]" "\n\t" // 2 PORT = lo (T = 12)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 14)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 16)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 18)
"rjmp head20" "\n\t" // 2 -> head20 (next bit out)
"nextbyte20:" "\n\t" // (T = 10)
"st %a[port], %[lo]" "\n\t" // 2 PORT = lo (T = 12)
"nop" "\n\t" // 1 nop (T = 13)
"ldi %[bit] , 8" "\n\t" // 1 bit = 8 (T = 14)
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+" "\n\t" // 2 b = *ptr++ (T = 16)
"sbiw %[count], 1" "\n\t" // 2 i-- (T = 18)
"brne head20" "\n" // 2 if(i != 0) -> (next byte)
: [port] "+e" (port),
[byte] "+r" (b),
[bit] "+r" (bit),
[next] "+r" (next),
[count] "+w" (i)
: [hi] "r" (hi),
[lo] "r" (lo),
[ptr] "e" (ptr));
bit = 8;
asm volatile("head20:"
"\n\t" // Clk Pseudocode (T = 0)
"st %a[port], %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 2 PORT = hi (T = 2)
"sbrc %[byte] , 7"
"\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 128)
"mov %[next], %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 0-1 next = hi (T = 4)
"st %a[port], %[next]"
"\n\t" // 2 PORT = next (T = 6)
"mov %[next] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 next = lo (T = 7)
"dec %[bit]"
"\n\t" // 1 bit-- (T = 8)
"breq nextbyte20"
"\n\t" // 1-2 if(bit == 0)
"rol %[byte]"
"\n\t" // 1 b <<= 1 (T = 10)
"st %a[port], %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 2 PORT = lo (T = 12)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 14)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 16)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 18)
"rjmp head20"
"\n\t" // 2 -> head20 (next bit out)
"\n\t" // (T = 10)
"st %a[port], %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 2 PORT = lo (T = 12)
"\n\t" // 1 nop (T = 13)
"ldi %[bit] , 8"
"\n\t" // 1 bit = 8 (T = 14)
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+"
"\n\t" // 2 b = *ptr++ (T = 16)
"sbiw %[count], 1"
"\n\t" // 2 i-- (T = 18)
"brne head20"
"\n" // 2 if(i != 0) -> (next byte)
: [port] "+e"(port), [byte] "+r"(b), [bit] "+r"(bit),
[next] "+r"(next), [count] "+w"(i)
: [hi] "r"(hi), [lo] "r"(lo), [ptr] "e"(ptr));
#endif // NEO_KHZ400
......@@ -702,7 +1031,7 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
#elif (F_CPU >= 11100000UL) && (F_CPU <= 14300000UL)
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400) // 800 KHz check needed only if 400 KHz support enabled
if(is800KHz) {
if (is800KHz) {
// In the 12 MHz case, an optimized 800 KHz datastream (no dead time
......@@ -717,253 +1046,397 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
// PORTD OUTPUT ----------------------------------------------------
#if defined(PORTD)
#if defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
if(port == &PORTD) {
#endif // defined(PORTB/C/F)
#if defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
if (port == &PORTD) {
#endif // defined(PORTB/C/F)
hi = PORTD | pinMask;
lo = PORTD & ~pinMask;
hi = PORTD | pinMask;
lo = PORTD & ~pinMask;
next = lo;
if(b & 0x80) next = hi;
if (b & 0x80)
next = hi;
// Don't "optimize" the OUT calls into the bitTime subroutine;
// we're exploiting the RCALL and RET as 3- and 4-cycle NOPs!
asm volatile(
"headD:" "\n\t" // (T = 0)
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t" // (T = 1)
"rcall bitTimeD" "\n\t" // Bit 7 (T = 15)
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeD" "\n\t" // Bit 6
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeD" "\n\t" // Bit 5
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeD" "\n\t" // Bit 4
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeD" "\n\t" // Bit 3
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeD" "\n\t" // Bit 2
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeD" "\n\t" // Bit 1
// Bit 0:
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = hi (T = 1)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 3)
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+" "\n\t" // 2 b = *ptr++ (T = 5)
"out %[port] , %[next]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = next (T = 6)
"mov %[next] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 next = lo (T = 7)
"sbrc %[byte] , 7" "\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x80) (T = 8)
"mov %[next] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 0-1 next = hi (T = 9)
"nop" "\n\t" // 1 (T = 10)
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo (T = 11)
"sbiw %[count], 1" "\n\t" // 2 i-- (T = 13)
"brne headD" "\n\t" // 2 if(i != 0) -> (next byte)
"rjmp doneD" "\n\t"
"bitTimeD:" "\n\t" // nop nop nop (T = 4)
"out %[port], %[next]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = next (T = 5)
"mov %[next], %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 next = lo (T = 6)
"rol %[byte]" "\n\t" // 1 b <<= 1 (T = 7)
"sbrc %[byte], 7" "\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x80) (T = 8)
"mov %[next], %[hi]" "\n\t" // 0-1 next = hi (T = 9)
"nop" "\n\t" // 1 (T = 10)
"out %[port], %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo (T = 11)
"ret" "\n\t" // 4 nop nop nop nop (T = 15)
"doneD:" "\n"
: [byte] "+r" (b),
[next] "+r" (next),
[count] "+w" (i)
: [port] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTD)),
[ptr] "e" (ptr),
[hi] "r" (hi),
[lo] "r" (lo));
#if defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
asm volatile("headD:"
"\n\t" // (T = 0)
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"\n\t" // (T = 1)
"rcall bitTimeD"
"\n\t" // Bit 7 (T = 15)
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeD"
"\n\t" // Bit 6
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeD"
"\n\t" // Bit 5
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeD"
"\n\t" // Bit 4
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeD"
"\n\t" // Bit 3
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeD"
"\n\t" // Bit 2
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeD"
"\n\t" // Bit 1
// Bit 0:
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = hi (T = 1)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 3)
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+"
"\n\t" // 2 b = *ptr++ (T = 5)
"out %[port] , %[next]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = next (T = 6)
"mov %[next] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 next = lo (T = 7)
"sbrc %[byte] , 7"
"\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x80) (T = 8)
"mov %[next] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 0-1 next = hi (T = 9)
"\n\t" // 1 (T = 10)
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo (T = 11)
"sbiw %[count], 1"
"\n\t" // 2 i-- (T = 13)
"brne headD"
"\n\t" // 2 if(i != 0) -> (next byte)
"rjmp doneD"
"\n\t" // nop nop nop (T = 4)
"out %[port], %[next]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = next (T = 5)
"mov %[next], %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 next = lo (T = 6)
"rol %[byte]"
"\n\t" // 1 b <<= 1 (T = 7)
"sbrc %[byte], 7"
"\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 0x80) (T = 8)
"mov %[next], %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 0-1 next = hi (T = 9)
"\n\t" // 1 (T = 10)
"out %[port], %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 PORT = lo (T = 11)
"\n\t" // 4 nop nop nop nop (T = 15)
: [byte] "+r"(b), [next] "+r"(next), [count] "+w"(i)
: [port] "I"(_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTD)), [ptr] "e"(ptr),
[hi] "r"(hi), [lo] "r"(lo));
#if defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
} else // other PORT(s)
#endif // defined(PORTB/C/F)
#endif // defined(PORTB/C/F)
#endif // defined(PORTD)
// PORTB OUTPUT ----------------------------------------------------
#if defined(PORTB)
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
if(port == &PORTB) {
#endif // defined(PORTD/C/F)
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
if (port == &PORTB) {
#endif // defined(PORTD/C/F)
hi = PORTB | pinMask;
lo = PORTB & ~pinMask;
hi = PORTB | pinMask;
lo = PORTB & ~pinMask;
next = lo;
if(b & 0x80) next = hi;
if (b & 0x80)
next = hi;
// Same as above, just set for PORTB & stripped of comments
asm volatile(
"headB:" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeB" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeB" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeB" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeB" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeB" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeB" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeB" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[next]" "\n\t"
"mov %[next] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 7" "\n\t"
"mov %[next] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"nop" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"sbiw %[count], 1" "\n\t"
"brne headB" "\n\t"
"rjmp doneB" "\n\t"
"bitTimeB:" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[next]" "\n\t"
"mov %[next], %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rol %[byte]" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte], 7" "\n\t"
"mov %[next], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"nop" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[lo]" "\n\t"
"ret" "\n\t"
"doneB:" "\n"
: [byte] "+r" (b), [next] "+r" (next), [count] "+w" (i)
: [port] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTB)), [ptr] "e" (ptr), [hi] "r" (hi),
[lo] "r" (lo));
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
asm volatile("headB:"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeB"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeB"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeB"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeB"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeB"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeB"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeB"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"rjmp .+0"
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+"
"out %[port] , %[next]"
"mov %[next] , %[lo]"
"sbrc %[byte] , 7"
"mov %[next] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"sbiw %[count], 1"
"brne headB"
"rjmp doneB"
"out %[port], %[next]"
"mov %[next], %[lo]"
"rol %[byte]"
"sbrc %[byte], 7"
"mov %[next], %[hi]"
"out %[port], %[lo]"
: [byte] "+r"(b), [next] "+r"(next), [count] "+w"(i)
: [port] "I"(_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTB)), [ptr] "e"(ptr),
[hi] "r"(hi), [lo] "r"(lo));
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
#if defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
#if defined(PORTC) || defined(PORTF)
#endif // defined(PORTC/F)
#endif // defined(PORTC/F)
#endif // defined(PORTB)
// PORTC OUTPUT ----------------------------------------------------
#if defined(PORTC)
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTF)
if(port == &PORTC) {
#endif // defined(PORTD/B/F)
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTF)
if (port == &PORTC) {
#endif // defined(PORTD/B/F)
hi = PORTC | pinMask;
lo = PORTC & ~pinMask;
hi = PORTC | pinMask;
lo = PORTC & ~pinMask;
next = lo;
if(b & 0x80) next = hi;
if (b & 0x80)
next = hi;
// Same as above, just set for PORTC & stripped of comments
asm volatile(
"headC:" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeC" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeC" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeC" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeC" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeC" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeC" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeC" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[next]" "\n\t"
"mov %[next] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 7" "\n\t"
"mov %[next] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"nop" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"sbiw %[count], 1" "\n\t"
"brne headC" "\n\t"
"rjmp doneC" "\n\t"
"bitTimeC:" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[next]" "\n\t"
"mov %[next], %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rol %[byte]" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte], 7" "\n\t"
"mov %[next], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"nop" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[lo]" "\n\t"
"ret" "\n\t"
"doneC:" "\n"
: [byte] "+r" (b), [next] "+r" (next), [count] "+w" (i)
: [port] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTC)), [ptr] "e" (ptr), [hi] "r" (hi),
[lo] "r" (lo));
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTF)
asm volatile("headC:"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeC"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeC"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeC"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeC"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeC"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeC"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeC"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"rjmp .+0"
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+"
"out %[port] , %[next]"
"mov %[next] , %[lo]"
"sbrc %[byte] , 7"
"mov %[next] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"sbiw %[count], 1"
"brne headC"
"rjmp doneC"
"out %[port], %[next]"
"mov %[next], %[lo]"
"rol %[byte]"
"sbrc %[byte], 7"
"mov %[next], %[hi]"
"out %[port], %[lo]"
: [byte] "+r"(b), [next] "+r"(next), [count] "+w"(i)
: [port] "I"(_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTC)), [ptr] "e"(ptr),
[hi] "r"(hi), [lo] "r"(lo));
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTF)
#endif // defined(PORTD/B/F)
#if defined(PORTF)
#endif // defined(PORTD/B/F)
#if defined(PORTF)
#endif // defined(PORTC)
// PORTF OUTPUT ----------------------------------------------------
#if defined(PORTF)
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTC)
if(port == &PORTF) {
#endif // defined(PORTD/B/C)
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTC)
if (port == &PORTF) {
#endif // defined(PORTD/B/C)
hi = PORTF | pinMask;
lo = PORTF & ~pinMask;
hi = PORTF | pinMask;
lo = PORTF & ~pinMask;
next = lo;
if(b & 0x80) next = hi;
if (b & 0x80)
next = hi;
// Same as above, just set for PORTF & stripped of comments
asm volatile(
"headF:" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeC" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeC" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeC" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeC" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeC" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeC" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rcall bitTimeC" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[next]" "\n\t"
"mov %[next] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 7" "\n\t"
"mov %[next] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"nop" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"sbiw %[count], 1" "\n\t"
"brne headF" "\n\t"
"rjmp doneC" "\n\t"
"bitTimeC:" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[next]" "\n\t"
"mov %[next], %[lo]" "\n\t"
"rol %[byte]" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte], 7" "\n\t"
"mov %[next], %[hi]" "\n\t"
"nop" "\n\t"
"out %[port], %[lo]" "\n\t"
"ret" "\n\t"
"doneC:" "\n"
: [byte] "+r" (b), [next] "+r" (next), [count] "+w" (i)
: [port] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTF)), [ptr] "e" (ptr), [hi] "r" (hi),
[lo] "r" (lo));
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTC)
asm volatile("headF:"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeC"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeC"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeC"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeC"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeC"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeC"
"out %[port], %[hi]"
"rcall bitTimeC"
"out %[port] , %[hi]"
"rjmp .+0"
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+"
"out %[port] , %[next]"
"mov %[next] , %[lo]"
"sbrc %[byte] , 7"
"mov %[next] , %[hi]"
"out %[port] , %[lo]"
"sbiw %[count], 1"
"brne headF"
"rjmp doneC"
"out %[port], %[next]"
"mov %[next], %[lo]"
"rol %[byte]"
"sbrc %[byte], 7"
"mov %[next], %[hi]"
"out %[port], %[lo]"
: [byte] "+r"(b), [next] "+r"(next), [count] "+w"(i)
: [port] "I"(_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTF)), [ptr] "e"(ptr),
[hi] "r"(hi), [lo] "r"(lo));
#if defined(PORTD) || defined(PORTB) || defined(PORTC)
#endif // defined(PORTD/B/C)
#endif // defined(PORTD/B/C)
#endif // defined(PORTF)
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400)
......@@ -974,45 +1447,64 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
volatile uint8_t next, bit;
hi = *port | pinMask;
lo = *port & ~pinMask;
hi = *port | pinMask;
lo = *port & ~pinMask;
next = lo;
bit = 8;
asm volatile(
"head30:" "\n\t" // Clk Pseudocode (T = 0)
"st %a[port], %[hi]" "\n\t" // 2 PORT = hi (T = 2)
"sbrc %[byte] , 7" "\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 128)
"mov %[next], %[hi]" "\n\t" // 0-1 next = hi (T = 4)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 6)
"st %a[port], %[next]" "\n\t" // 2 PORT = next (T = 8)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 10)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 12)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 14)
"nop" "\n\t" // 1 nop (T = 15)
"st %a[port], %[lo]" "\n\t" // 2 PORT = lo (T = 17)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 19)
"dec %[bit]" "\n\t" // 1 bit-- (T = 20)
"breq nextbyte30" "\n\t" // 1-2 if(bit == 0)
"rol %[byte]" "\n\t" // 1 b <<= 1 (T = 22)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 24)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 26)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 28)
"rjmp head30" "\n\t" // 2 -> head30 (next bit out)
"nextbyte30:" "\n\t" // (T = 22)
"nop" "\n\t" // 1 nop (T = 23)
"ldi %[bit] , 8" "\n\t" // 1 bit = 8 (T = 24)
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+" "\n\t" // 2 b = *ptr++ (T = 26)
"sbiw %[count], 1" "\n\t" // 2 i-- (T = 28)
"brne head30" "\n" // 1-2 if(i != 0) -> (next byte)
: [port] "+e" (port),
[byte] "+r" (b),
[bit] "+r" (bit),
[next] "+r" (next),
[count] "+w" (i)
: [hi] "r" (hi),
[lo] "r" (lo),
[ptr] "e" (ptr));
bit = 8;
asm volatile("head30:"
"\n\t" // Clk Pseudocode (T = 0)
"st %a[port], %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 2 PORT = hi (T = 2)
"sbrc %[byte] , 7"
"\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 128)
"mov %[next], %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 0-1 next = hi (T = 4)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 6)
"st %a[port], %[next]"
"\n\t" // 2 PORT = next (T = 8)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 10)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 12)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 14)
"\n\t" // 1 nop (T = 15)
"st %a[port], %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 2 PORT = lo (T = 17)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 19)
"dec %[bit]"
"\n\t" // 1 bit-- (T = 20)
"breq nextbyte30"
"\n\t" // 1-2 if(bit == 0)
"rol %[byte]"
"\n\t" // 1 b <<= 1 (T = 22)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 24)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 26)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 28)
"rjmp head30"
"\n\t" // 2 -> head30 (next bit out)
"\n\t" // (T = 22)
"\n\t" // 1 nop (T = 23)
"ldi %[bit] , 8"
"\n\t" // 1 bit = 8 (T = 24)
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+"
"\n\t" // 2 b = *ptr++ (T = 26)
"sbiw %[count], 1"
"\n\t" // 2 i-- (T = 28)
"brne head30"
"\n" // 1-2 if(i != 0) -> (next byte)
: [port] "+e"(port), [byte] "+r"(b), [bit] "+r"(bit),
[next] "+r"(next), [count] "+w"(i)
: [hi] "r"(hi), [lo] "r"(lo), [ptr] "e"(ptr));
#endif // NEO_KHZ400
......@@ -1020,7 +1512,7 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
#elif (F_CPU >= 15400000UL) && (F_CPU <= 19000000L)
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400) // 800 KHz check needed only if 400 KHz support enabled
if(is800KHz) {
if (is800KHz) {
// WS2811 and WS2812 have different hi/lo duty cycles; this is
......@@ -1031,42 +1523,58 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
volatile uint8_t next, bit;
hi = *port | pinMask;
lo = *port & ~pinMask;
hi = *port | pinMask;
lo = *port & ~pinMask;
next = lo;
bit = 8;
asm volatile(
"head20:" "\n\t" // Clk Pseudocode (T = 0)
"st %a[port], %[hi]" "\n\t" // 2 PORT = hi (T = 2)
"sbrc %[byte], 7" "\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 128)
"mov %[next], %[hi]" "\n\t" // 0-1 next = hi (T = 4)
"dec %[bit]" "\n\t" // 1 bit-- (T = 5)
"st %a[port], %[next]" "\n\t" // 2 PORT = next (T = 7)
"mov %[next] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 next = lo (T = 8)
"breq nextbyte20" "\n\t" // 1-2 if(bit == 0) (from dec above)
"rol %[byte]" "\n\t" // 1 b <<= 1 (T = 10)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 12)
"nop" "\n\t" // 1 nop (T = 13)
"st %a[port], %[lo]" "\n\t" // 2 PORT = lo (T = 15)
"nop" "\n\t" // 1 nop (T = 16)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 18)
"rjmp head20" "\n\t" // 2 -> head20 (next bit out)
"nextbyte20:" "\n\t" // (T = 10)
"ldi %[bit] , 8" "\n\t" // 1 bit = 8 (T = 11)
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+" "\n\t" // 2 b = *ptr++ (T = 13)
"st %a[port], %[lo]" "\n\t" // 2 PORT = lo (T = 15)
"nop" "\n\t" // 1 nop (T = 16)
"sbiw %[count], 1" "\n\t" // 2 i-- (T = 18)
"brne head20" "\n" // 2 if(i != 0) -> (next byte)
: [port] "+e" (port),
[byte] "+r" (b),
[bit] "+r" (bit),
[next] "+r" (next),
[count] "+w" (i)
: [ptr] "e" (ptr),
[hi] "r" (hi),
[lo] "r" (lo));
bit = 8;
asm volatile("head20:"
"\n\t" // Clk Pseudocode (T = 0)
"st %a[port], %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 2 PORT = hi (T = 2)
"sbrc %[byte], 7"
"\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 128)
"mov %[next], %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 0-1 next = hi (T = 4)
"dec %[bit]"
"\n\t" // 1 bit-- (T = 5)
"st %a[port], %[next]"
"\n\t" // 2 PORT = next (T = 7)
"mov %[next] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 next = lo (T = 8)
"breq nextbyte20"
"\n\t" // 1-2 if(bit == 0) (from dec above)
"rol %[byte]"
"\n\t" // 1 b <<= 1 (T = 10)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 12)
"\n\t" // 1 nop (T = 13)
"st %a[port], %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 2 PORT = lo (T = 15)
"\n\t" // 1 nop (T = 16)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 18)
"rjmp head20"
"\n\t" // 2 -> head20 (next bit out)
"\n\t" // (T = 10)
"ldi %[bit] , 8"
"\n\t" // 1 bit = 8 (T = 11)
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+"
"\n\t" // 2 b = *ptr++ (T = 13)
"st %a[port], %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 2 PORT = lo (T = 15)
"\n\t" // 1 nop (T = 16)
"sbiw %[count], 1"
"\n\t" // 2 i-- (T = 18)
"brne head20"
"\n" // 2 if(i != 0) -> (next byte)
: [port] "+e"(port), [byte] "+r"(b), [bit] "+r"(bit),
[next] "+r"(next), [count] "+w"(i)
: [ptr] "e"(ptr), [hi] "r"(hi), [lo] "r"(lo));
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400)
} else { // 400 KHz
......@@ -1078,269 +1586,368 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
volatile uint8_t next, bit;
hi = *port | pinMask;
lo = *port & ~pinMask;
hi = *port | pinMask;
lo = *port & ~pinMask;
next = lo;
bit = 8;
asm volatile(
"head40:" "\n\t" // Clk Pseudocode (T = 0)
"st %a[port], %[hi]" "\n\t" // 2 PORT = hi (T = 2)
"sbrc %[byte] , 7" "\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 128)
"mov %[next] , %[hi]" "\n\t" // 0-1 next = hi (T = 4)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 6)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 8)
"st %a[port], %[next]" "\n\t" // 2 PORT = next (T = 10)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 12)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 14)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 16)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 18)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 20)
"st %a[port], %[lo]" "\n\t" // 2 PORT = lo (T = 22)
"nop" "\n\t" // 1 nop (T = 23)
"mov %[next] , %[lo]" "\n\t" // 1 next = lo (T = 24)
"dec %[bit]" "\n\t" // 1 bit-- (T = 25)
"breq nextbyte40" "\n\t" // 1-2 if(bit == 0)
"rol %[byte]" "\n\t" // 1 b <<= 1 (T = 27)
"nop" "\n\t" // 1 nop (T = 28)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 30)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 32)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 34)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 36)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 38)
"rjmp head40" "\n\t" // 2 -> head40 (next bit out)
"nextbyte40:" "\n\t" // (T = 27)
"ldi %[bit] , 8" "\n\t" // 1 bit = 8 (T = 28)
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+" "\n\t" // 2 b = *ptr++ (T = 30)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 32)
"st %a[port], %[lo]" "\n\t" // 2 PORT = lo (T = 34)
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 36)
"sbiw %[count], 1" "\n\t" // 2 i-- (T = 38)
"brne head40" "\n" // 1-2 if(i != 0) -> (next byte)
: [port] "+e" (port),
[byte] "+r" (b),
[bit] "+r" (bit),
[next] "+r" (next),
[count] "+w" (i)
: [ptr] "e" (ptr),
[hi] "r" (hi),
[lo] "r" (lo));
bit = 8;
asm volatile("head40:"
"\n\t" // Clk Pseudocode (T = 0)
"st %a[port], %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 2 PORT = hi (T = 2)
"sbrc %[byte] , 7"
"\n\t" // 1-2 if(b & 128)
"mov %[next] , %[hi]"
"\n\t" // 0-1 next = hi (T = 4)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 6)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 8)
"st %a[port], %[next]"
"\n\t" // 2 PORT = next (T = 10)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 12)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 14)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 16)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 18)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 20)
"st %a[port], %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 2 PORT = lo (T = 22)
"\n\t" // 1 nop (T = 23)
"mov %[next] , %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 1 next = lo (T = 24)
"dec %[bit]"
"\n\t" // 1 bit-- (T = 25)
"breq nextbyte40"
"\n\t" // 1-2 if(bit == 0)
"rol %[byte]"
"\n\t" // 1 b <<= 1 (T = 27)
"\n\t" // 1 nop (T = 28)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 30)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 32)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 34)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 36)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 38)
"rjmp head40"
"\n\t" // 2 -> head40 (next bit out)
"\n\t" // (T = 27)
"ldi %[bit] , 8"
"\n\t" // 1 bit = 8 (T = 28)
"ld %[byte] , %a[ptr]+"
"\n\t" // 2 b = *ptr++ (T = 30)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 32)
"st %a[port], %[lo]"
"\n\t" // 2 PORT = lo (T = 34)
"rjmp .+0"
"\n\t" // 2 nop nop (T = 36)
"sbiw %[count], 1"
"\n\t" // 2 i-- (T = 38)
"brne head40"
"\n" // 1-2 if(i != 0) -> (next byte)
: [port] "+e"(port), [byte] "+r"(b), [bit] "+r"(bit),
[next] "+r"(next), [count] "+w"(i)
: [ptr] "e"(ptr), [hi] "r"(hi), [lo] "r"(lo));
#endif // NEO_KHZ400
#endif // end F_CPU ifdefs on __AVR__
// END AVR ----------------------------------------------------------------
// END AVR ----------------------------------------------------------------
#elif defined(__arm__)
// ARM MCUs -- Teensy 3.0, 3.1, LC, Arduino Due ---------------------------
// ARM MCUs -- Teensy 3.0, 3.1, LC, Arduino Due, RP2040 -------------------
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_RP2040)
// Use PIO
rp2040Show(pin, pixels, numBytes, is800KHz);
#if defined(TEENSYDUINO) && defined(KINETISK) // Teensy 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6
#define CYCLES_800_T0H (F_CPU / 4000000)
#define CYCLES_800_T1H (F_CPU / 1250000)
#define CYCLES_800 (F_CPU / 800000)
#define CYCLES_400_T0H (F_CPU / 2000000)
#define CYCLES_400_T1H (F_CPU / 833333)
#define CYCLES_400 (F_CPU / 400000)
#elif defined(TEENSYDUINO) && \
defined(KINETISK) // Teensy 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6
#define CYCLES_800_T0H (F_CPU / 4000000)
#define CYCLES_800_T1H (F_CPU / 1250000)
#define CYCLES_800 (F_CPU / 800000)
#define CYCLES_400_T0H (F_CPU / 2000000)
#define CYCLES_400_T1H (F_CPU / 833333)
#define CYCLES_400 (F_CPU / 400000)
uint8_t *p = pixels,
*end = p + numBytes, pix, mask;
volatile uint8_t *set = portSetRegister(pin),
*clr = portClearRegister(pin);
uint32_t cyc;
uint8_t *p = pixels, *end = p + numBytes, pix, mask;
volatile uint8_t *set = portSetRegister(pin), *clr = portClearRegister(pin);
uint32_t cyc;
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400) // 800 KHz check needed only if 400 KHz support enabled
if(is800KHz) {
if (is800KHz) {
while(p < end) {
while (p < end) {
pix = *p++;
for(mask = 0x80; mask; mask >>= 1) {
while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800);
for (mask = 0x80; mask; mask >>= 1) {
while (ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800)
*set = 1;
if(pix & mask) {
while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800_T1H);
if (pix & mask) {
while (ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800_T1H)
} else {
while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800_T0H);
while (ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800_T0H)
*clr = 1;
while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800);
while (ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800)
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400)
} else { // 400 kHz bitstream
while(p < end) {
while (p < end) {
pix = *p++;
for(mask = 0x80; mask; mask >>= 1) {
while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400);
for (mask = 0x80; mask; mask >>= 1) {
while (ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400)
*set = 1;
if(pix & mask) {
while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400_T1H);
if (pix & mask) {
while (ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400_T1H)
} else {
while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400_T0H);
while (ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400_T0H)
*clr = 1;
while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400);
while (ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400)
#endif // NEO_KHZ400
#elif defined(TEENSYDUINO) && (defined(__IMXRT1052__) || defined(__IMXRT1062__))
#define CYCLES_800_T0H (F_CPU_ACTUAL / 4000000)
#define CYCLES_800_T1H (F_CPU_ACTUAL / 1250000)
#define CYCLES_800 (F_CPU_ACTUAL / 800000)
#define CYCLES_400_T0H (F_CPU_ACTUAL / 2000000)
#define CYCLES_400_T1H (F_CPU_ACTUAL / 833333)
#define CYCLES_400 (F_CPU_ACTUAL / 400000)
uint8_t *p = pixels,
*end = p + numBytes, pix, mask;
volatile uint32_t *set = portSetRegister(pin),
*clr = portClearRegister(pin);
uint32_t cyc,
msk = digitalPinToBitMask(pin);
#define CYCLES_800_T0H (F_CPU_ACTUAL / 4000000)
#define CYCLES_800_T1H (F_CPU_ACTUAL / 1250000)
#define CYCLES_800 (F_CPU_ACTUAL / 800000)
#define CYCLES_400_T0H (F_CPU_ACTUAL / 2000000)
#define CYCLES_400_T1H (F_CPU_ACTUAL / 833333)
#define CYCLES_400 (F_CPU_ACTUAL / 400000)
uint8_t *p = pixels, *end = p + numBytes, pix, mask;
volatile uint32_t *set = portSetRegister(pin), *clr = portClearRegister(pin);
uint32_t cyc, msk = digitalPinToBitMask(pin);
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400) // 800 KHz check needed only if 400 KHz support enabled
if(is800KHz) {
if (is800KHz) {
while(p < end) {
while (p < end) {
pix = *p++;
for(mask = 0x80; mask; mask >>= 1) {
while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800);
for (mask = 0x80; mask; mask >>= 1) {
while (ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800)
*set = msk;
if(pix & mask) {
while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800_T1H);
if (pix & mask) {
while (ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800_T1H)
} else {
while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800_T0H);
while (ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800_T0H)
*clr = msk;
while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800);
while (ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800)
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400)
} else { // 400 kHz bitstream
while(p < end) {
while (p < end) {
pix = *p++;
for(mask = 0x80; mask; mask >>= 1) {
while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400);
for (mask = 0x80; mask; mask >>= 1) {
while (ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400)
*set = msk;
if(pix & mask) {
while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400_T1H);
if (pix & mask) {
while (ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400_T1H)
} else {
while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400_T0H);
while (ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400_T0H)
*clr = msk;
while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400);
while (ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400)
#endif // NEO_KHZ400
#elif defined(TEENSYDUINO) && defined(__MKL26Z64__) // Teensy-LC
#if F_CPU == 48000000
uint8_t *p = pixels,
pix, count, dly,
bitmask = digitalPinToBitMask(pin);
uint8_t *p = pixels, pix, count, dly, bitmask = digitalPinToBitMask(pin);
volatile uint8_t *reg = portSetRegister(pin);
uint32_t num = numBytes;
asm volatile(
"L%=_begin:" "\n\t"
"ldrb %[pix], [%[p], #0]" "\n\t"
"lsl %[pix], #24" "\n\t"
"movs %[count], #7" "\n\t"
"L%=_loop:" "\n\t"
"lsl %[pix], #1" "\n\t"
"bcs L%=_loop_one" "\n\t"
"L%=_loop_zero:" "\n\t"
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #0]" "\n\t"
"movs %[dly], #4" "\n\t"
"L%=_loop_delay_T0H:" "\n\t"
"sub %[dly], #1" "\n\t"
"bne L%=_loop_delay_T0H" "\n\t"
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #4]" "\n\t"
"movs %[dly], #13" "\n\t"
"L%=_loop_delay_T0L:" "\n\t"
"sub %[dly], #1" "\n\t"
"bne L%=_loop_delay_T0L" "\n\t"
"b L%=_next" "\n\t"
"L%=_loop_one:" "\n\t"
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #0]" "\n\t"
"movs %[dly], #13" "\n\t"
"L%=_loop_delay_T1H:" "\n\t"
"sub %[dly], #1" "\n\t"
"bne L%=_loop_delay_T1H" "\n\t"
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #4]" "\n\t"
"movs %[dly], #4" "\n\t"
"L%=_loop_delay_T1L:" "\n\t"
"sub %[dly], #1" "\n\t"
"bne L%=_loop_delay_T1L" "\n\t"
"nop" "\n\t"
"L%=_next:" "\n\t"
"sub %[count], #1" "\n\t"
"bne L%=_loop" "\n\t"
"lsl %[pix], #1" "\n\t"
"bcs L%=_last_one" "\n\t"
"L%=_last_zero:" "\n\t"
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #0]" "\n\t"
"movs %[dly], #4" "\n\t"
"L%=_last_delay_T0H:" "\n\t"
"sub %[dly], #1" "\n\t"
"bne L%=_last_delay_T0H" "\n\t"
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #4]" "\n\t"
"movs %[dly], #10" "\n\t"
"L%=_last_delay_T0L:" "\n\t"
"sub %[dly], #1" "\n\t"
"bne L%=_last_delay_T0L" "\n\t"
"b L%=_repeat" "\n\t"
"L%=_last_one:" "\n\t"
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #0]" "\n\t"
"movs %[dly], #13" "\n\t"
"L%=_last_delay_T1H:" "\n\t"
"sub %[dly], #1" "\n\t"
"bne L%=_last_delay_T1H" "\n\t"
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #4]" "\n\t"
"movs %[dly], #1" "\n\t"
"L%=_last_delay_T1L:" "\n\t"
"sub %[dly], #1" "\n\t"
"bne L%=_last_delay_T1L" "\n\t"
"nop" "\n\t"
"L%=_repeat:" "\n\t"
"add %[p], #1" "\n\t"
"sub %[num], #1" "\n\t"
"bne L%=_begin" "\n\t"
"L%=_done:" "\n\t"
: [p] "+r" (p),
[pix] "=&r" (pix),
[count] "=&r" (count),
[dly] "=&r" (dly),
[num] "+r" (num)
: [bitmask] "r" (bitmask),
[reg] "r" (reg)
uint32_t num = numBytes;
asm volatile("L%=_begin:"
"ldrb %[pix], [%[p], #0]"
"lsl %[pix], #24"
"movs %[count], #7"
"lsl %[pix], #1"
"bcs L%=_loop_one"
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #0]"
"movs %[dly], #4"
"sub %[dly], #1"
"bne L%=_loop_delay_T0H"
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #4]"
"movs %[dly], #13"
"sub %[dly], #1"
"bne L%=_loop_delay_T0L"
"b L%=_next"
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #0]"
"movs %[dly], #13"
"sub %[dly], #1"
"bne L%=_loop_delay_T1H"
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #4]"
"movs %[dly], #4"
"sub %[dly], #1"
"bne L%=_loop_delay_T1L"
"sub %[count], #1"
"bne L%=_loop"
"lsl %[pix], #1"
"bcs L%=_last_one"
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #0]"
"movs %[dly], #4"
"sub %[dly], #1"
"bne L%=_last_delay_T0H"
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #4]"
"movs %[dly], #10"
"sub %[dly], #1"
"bne L%=_last_delay_T0L"
"b L%=_repeat"
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #0]"
"movs %[dly], #13"
"sub %[dly], #1"
"bne L%=_last_delay_T1H"
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #4]"
"movs %[dly], #1"
"sub %[dly], #1"
"bne L%=_last_delay_T1L"
"add %[p], #1"
"sub %[num], #1"
"bne L%=_begin"
: [p] "+r"(p), [pix] "=&r"(pix), [count] "=&r"(count),
[dly] "=&r"(dly), [num] "+r"(num)
: [bitmask] "r"(bitmask), [reg] "r"(reg));
#error "Sorry, only 48 MHz is supported, please set Tools > CPU Speed to 48 MHz"
#endif // F_CPU == 48000000
// Begin of support for nRF52 based boards -------------------------
// Begin of support for nRF52 based boards -------------------------
#elif defined(NRF52) || defined(NRF52_SERIES)
// [[[Begin of the Neopixel NRF52 EasyDMA implementation
......@@ -1369,16 +1976,16 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
//#define MAGIC_T1H 12UL | (0x8000) // 0.75us
// WS2812B (rev B) timing is 0.4 and 0.8 us
#define MAGIC_T0H 6UL | (0x8000) // 0.375us
#define MAGIC_T1H 13UL | (0x8000) // 0.8125us
#define MAGIC_T0H 6UL | (0x8000) // 0.375us
#define MAGIC_T1H 13UL | (0x8000) // 0.8125us
// WS2811 (400 khz) timing is 0.5 and 1.2
#define MAGIC_T0H_400KHz 8UL | (0x8000) // 0.5us
#define MAGIC_T1H_400KHz 19UL | (0x8000) // 1.1875us
#define MAGIC_T0H_400KHz 8UL | (0x8000) // 0.5us
#define MAGIC_T1H_400KHz 19UL | (0x8000) // 1.1875us
// For 400Khz, we double value of CTOPVAL
#define CTOPVAL 20UL // 1.25us
#define CTOPVAL_400KHz 40UL // 2.5us
#define CTOPVAL 20UL // 1.25us
#define CTOPVAL_400KHz 40UL // 2.5us
// ---------- END Constants for the EasyDMA implementation -------------
......@@ -1390,14 +1997,14 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
// The number of cycles was hand picked and is guaranteed to be 100%
// organic to preserve freshness and high accuracy.
// ---------- BEGIN Constants for cycle counter implementation ---------
#define CYCLES_800_T0H 18 // ~0.36 uS
#define CYCLES_800_T1H 41 // ~0.76 uS
#define CYCLES_800 71 // ~1.25 uS
#define CYCLES_800_T0H 18 // ~0.36 uS
#define CYCLES_800_T1H 41 // ~0.76 uS
#define CYCLES_800 71 // ~1.25 uS
#define CYCLES_400_T0H 26 // ~0.50 uS
#define CYCLES_400_T1H 70 // ~1.26 uS
#define CYCLES_400 156 // ~2.50 uS
// ---------- END of Constants for cycle counter implementation --------
#define CYCLES_400_T0H 26 // ~0.50 uS
#define CYCLES_400_T1H 70 // ~1.26 uS
#define CYCLES_400 156 // ~2.50 uS
// ---------- END of Constants for cycle counter implementation --------
// To support both the SoftDevice + Neopixels we use the EasyDMA
// feature from the NRF25. However this technique implies to
......@@ -1409,55 +2016,60 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
// If there is not enough memory, we will fall back to cycle counter
// using DWT
uint32_t pattern_size = numBytes*8*sizeof(uint16_t)+2*sizeof(uint16_t);
uint16_t* pixels_pattern = NULL;
uint32_t pattern_size =
numBytes * 8 * sizeof(uint16_t) + 2 * sizeof(uint16_t);
uint16_t *pixels_pattern = NULL;
NRF_PWM_Type* pwm = NULL;
NRF_PWM_Type *pwm = NULL;
// Try to find a free PWM device, which is not enabled
// and has no connected pins
NRF_PWM_Type* PWM[] = {
NRF_PWM_Type *PWM[] = {
#if defined(NRF_PWM3)
for(unsigned int device = 0; device < (sizeof(PWM)/sizeof(PWM[0])); device++) {
if( (PWM[device]->ENABLE == 0) &&
for (unsigned int device = 0; device < (sizeof(PWM) / sizeof(PWM[0]));
device++) {
if ((PWM[device]->ENABLE == 0) &&
(PWM[device]->PSEL.OUT[0] & PWM_PSEL_OUT_CONNECT_Msk) &&
(PWM[device]->PSEL.OUT[1] & PWM_PSEL_OUT_CONNECT_Msk) &&
(PWM[device]->PSEL.OUT[2] & PWM_PSEL_OUT_CONNECT_Msk) &&
) {
(PWM[device]->PSEL.OUT[3] & PWM_PSEL_OUT_CONNECT_Msk)) {
pwm = PWM[device];
// only malloc if there is PWM device available
if ( pwm != NULL ) {
#if defined(ARDUINO_NRF52_ADAFRUIT) // use thread-safe malloc
pixels_pattern = (uint16_t *) rtos_malloc(pattern_size);
pixels_pattern = (uint16_t *) malloc(pattern_size);
if (pwm != NULL) {
#if defined(ARDUINO_NRF52_ADAFRUIT) // use thread-safe malloc
pixels_pattern = (uint16_t *)rtos_malloc(pattern_size);
pixels_pattern = (uint16_t *)malloc(pattern_size);
// Use the identified device to choose the implementation
// If a PWM device is available use DMA
if( (pixels_pattern != NULL) && (pwm != NULL) ) {
if ((pixels_pattern != NULL) && (pwm != NULL)) {
uint16_t pos = 0; // bit position
for(uint16_t n=0; n<numBytes; n++) {
for (uint16_t n = 0; n < numBytes; n++) {
uint8_t pix = pixels[n];
for(uint8_t mask=0x80; mask>0; mask >>= 1) {
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400)
if( !is800KHz ) {
pixels_pattern[pos] = (pix & mask) ? MAGIC_T1H_400KHz : MAGIC_T0H_400KHz;
for (uint8_t mask = 0x80; mask > 0; mask >>= 1) {
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400)
if (!is800KHz) {
pixels_pattern[pos] =
(pix & mask) ? MAGIC_T1H_400KHz : MAGIC_T0H_400KHz;
} else
pixels_pattern[pos] = (pix & mask) ? MAGIC_T1H : MAGIC_T0H;
......@@ -1474,15 +2086,16 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
// Set the PWM to use the 16MHz clock
// Setting of the maximum count
// but keeping it on 16Mhz allows for more granularity just
// in case someone wants to do more fine-tuning of the timing.
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400)
if( !is800KHz ) {
if (!is800KHz) {
} else
......@@ -1501,10 +2114,10 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
pwm->SEQ[0].PTR = (uint32_t)(pixels_pattern) << PWM_SEQ_PTR_PTR_Pos;
// Calculation of the number of steps loaded from memory.
pwm->SEQ[0].CNT = (pattern_size/sizeof(uint16_t)) << PWM_SEQ_CNT_CNT_Pos;
pwm->SEQ[0].CNT = (pattern_size / sizeof(uint16_t)) << PWM_SEQ_CNT_CNT_Pos;
// The following settings are ignored with the current config.
pwm->SEQ[0].REFRESH = 0;
pwm->SEQ[0].REFRESH = 0;
pwm->SEQ[0].ENDDELAY = 0;
// The Neopixel implementation is a blocking algorithm. DMA
......@@ -1512,29 +2125,28 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
// operation we enable the interruption for the end of sequence
// and block the execution thread until the event flag is set by
// the peripheral.
// PSEL must be configured before enabling PWM
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_NRF52840)
// PSEL must be configured before enabling PWM
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_NRF52840)
pwm->PSEL.OUT[0] = g_APinDescription[pin].name;
pwm->PSEL.OUT[0] = g_ADigitalPinMap[pin];
// Enable the PWM
pwm->ENABLE = 1;
// After all of this and many hours of reading the documentation
// we are ready to start the sequence...
pwm->EVENTS_SEQEND[0] = 0;
pwm->EVENTS_SEQEND[0] = 0;
pwm->TASKS_SEQSTART[0] = 1;
// But we have to wait for the flag to be set.
#if defined(ARDUINO_NRF52_ADAFRUIT) || defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_NRF52840)
while (!pwm->EVENTS_SEQEND[0]) {
#if defined(ARDUINO_NRF52_ADAFRUIT) || defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_NRF52840)
// Before leave we clear the flag for the event.
......@@ -1548,40 +2160,39 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
#if defined(ARDUINO_NRF52_ADAFRUIT) // use thread-safe free
}// End of DMA implementation
#if defined(ARDUINO_NRF52_ADAFRUIT) // use thread-safe free
} // End of DMA implementation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef ARDUINO_ARCH_NRF52840
// Fall back to DWT
// Bluefruit Feather 52 uses freeRTOS
// Critical Section is used since it does not block SoftDevice execution
#elif defined(NRF52_DISABLE_INT)
// If you are using the Bluetooth SoftDevice we advise you to not disable
// the interrupts. Disabling the interrupts even for short periods of time
// causes the SoftDevice to stop working.
// Disable the interrupts only in cases where you need high performance for
// the LEDs and if you are not using the EasyDMA feature.
NRF_GPIO_Type* nrf_port = (NRF_GPIO_Type*) digitalPinToPort(pin);
else {
#ifndef ARDUINO_ARCH_NRF52840
// Fall back to DWT
// Bluefruit Feather 52 uses freeRTOS
// Critical Section is used since it does not block SoftDevice execution
#elif defined(NRF52_DISABLE_INT)
// If you are using the Bluetooth SoftDevice we advise you to not disable
// the interrupts. Disabling the interrupts even for short periods of time
// causes the SoftDevice to stop working.
// Disable the interrupts only in cases where you need high performance for
// the LEDs and if you are not using the EasyDMA feature.
NRF_GPIO_Type *nrf_port = (NRF_GPIO_Type *)digitalPinToPort(pin);
uint32_t pinMask = digitalPinToBitMask(pin);
uint32_t CYCLES_X00 = CYCLES_800;
uint32_t CYCLES_X00 = CYCLES_800;
uint32_t CYCLES_X00_T1H = CYCLES_800_T1H;
uint32_t CYCLES_X00_T0H = CYCLES_800_T0H;
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400)
if( !is800KHz )
if (!is800KHz) {
......@@ -1592,36 +2203,39 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
// Tries to re-send the frame if is interrupted by the SoftDevice.
while(1) {
while (1) {
uint8_t *p = pixels;
uint32_t cycStart = DWT->CYCCNT;
uint32_t cyc = 0;
for(uint16_t n=0; n<numBytes; n++) {
for (uint16_t n = 0; n < numBytes; n++) {
uint8_t pix = *p++;
for(uint8_t mask = 0x80; mask; mask >>= 1) {
while(DWT->CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_X00);
cyc = DWT->CYCCNT;
for (uint8_t mask = 0x80; mask; mask >>= 1) {
while (DWT->CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_X00)
cyc = DWT->CYCCNT;
nrf_port->OUTSET |= pinMask;
if(pix & mask) {
while(DWT->CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_X00_T1H);
if (pix & mask) {
while (DWT->CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_X00_T1H)
} else {
while(DWT->CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_X00_T0H);
while (DWT->CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_X00_T0H)
nrf_port->OUTCLR |= pinMask;
while(DWT->CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_X00);
while (DWT->CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_X00)
// If total time longer than 25%, resend the whole data.
// Since we are likely to be interrupted by SoftDevice
if ( (DWT->CYCCNT - cycStart) < ( 8*numBytes*((CYCLES_X00*5)/4) ) ) {
if ((DWT->CYCCNT - cycStart) < (8 * numBytes * ((CYCLES_X00 * 5) / 4))) {
......@@ -1629,40 +2243,43 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
// Enable interrupts again
#elif defined(NRF52_DISABLE_INT)
// Enable interrupts again
#elif defined(NRF52_DISABLE_INT)
// END of NRF52 implementation
// END of NRF52 implementation
#elif defined (__SAMD21E17A__) || defined(__SAMD21G18A__) || defined(__SAMD21E18A__) || defined(__SAMD21J18A__) // Arduino Zero, Gemma/Trinket M0, SODAQ Autonomo and others
#elif defined(__SAMD21E17A__) || defined(__SAMD21G18A__) || \
defined(__SAMD21E18A__) || \
defined(__SAMD21J18A__) // Arduino Zero, Gemma/Trinket M0, SODAQ Autonomo
// and others
// Tried this with a timer/counter, couldn't quite get adequate
// resolution. So yay, you get a load of goofball NOPs...
uint8_t *ptr, *end, p, bitMask, portNum;
uint32_t pinMask;
uint8_t *ptr, *end, p, bitMask, portNum;
uint32_t pinMask;
portNum = g_APinDescription[pin].ulPort;
pinMask = 1ul << g_APinDescription[pin].ulPin;
ptr = pixels;
end = ptr + numBytes;
p = *ptr++;
bitMask = 0x80;
portNum = g_APinDescription[pin].ulPort;
pinMask = 1ul << g_APinDescription[pin].ulPin;
ptr = pixels;
end = ptr + numBytes;
p = *ptr++;
bitMask = 0x80;
volatile uint32_t *set = &(PORT->Group[portNum].OUTSET.reg),
*clr = &(PORT->Group[portNum].OUTCLR.reg);
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400) // 800 KHz check needed only if 400 KHz support enabled
if(is800KHz) {
if (is800KHz) {
for(;;) {
for (;;) {
*set = pinMask;
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;");
if(p & bitMask) {
if (p & bitMask) {
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop;");
......@@ -1673,20 +2290,21 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop;");
if(bitMask >>= 1) {
if (bitMask >>= 1) {
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;");
} else {
if(ptr >= end) break;
p = *ptr++;
if (ptr >= end)
p = *ptr++;
bitMask = 0x80;
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400)
} else { // 400 KHz bitstream
for(;;) {
for (;;) {
*set = pinMask;
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;");
if(p & bitMask) {
if (p & bitMask) {
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
......@@ -1703,29 +2321,195 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;");
if(bitMask >>= 1) {
if (bitMask >>= 1) {
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;");
} else {
if(ptr >= end) break;
p = *ptr++;
if (ptr >= end)
p = *ptr++;
bitMask = 0x80;
#elif defined (__SAMD51__) // M4
#elif defined(XMC1100_XMC2GO) || defined(XMC1100_H_BRIDGE2GO) || defined(XMC1100_Boot_Kit) || defined(XMC1300_Boot_Kit)
// XMC1100/1200/1300 with ARM Cortex M0 are running with 32MHz, XMC1400 runs with 48MHz so may not work
// Tried this with a timer/counter, couldn't quite get adequate
// resolution. So yay, you get a load of goofball NOPs...
uint8_t *ptr, *end, p, bitMask, portNum, bit;
uint8_t *ptr, *end, p, bitMask, portNum;
uint32_t pinMask;
portNum = g_APinDescription[pin].ulPort;
pinMask = 1ul << g_APinDescription[pin].ulPin;
ptr = pixels;
end = ptr + numBytes;
p = *ptr++;
bitMask = 0x80;
XMC_GPIO_PORT_t* XMC_port = mapping_port_pin[ pin ].port;
uint8_t XMC_pin = mapping_port_pin[ pin ].pin;
uint32_t omrhigh = (uint32_t)XMC_GPIO_OUTPUT_LEVEL_HIGH << XMC_pin;
uint32_t omrlow = (uint32_t)XMC_GPIO_OUTPUT_LEVEL_LOW << XMC_pin;
#ifdef NEO_KHZ400 // 800 KHz check needed only if 400 KHz support enabled
if(is800KHz) {
for(;;) {
XMC_port->OMR = omrhigh;
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop;");
if(p & bitMask) {
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop;");
XMC_port->OMR = omrlow;
} else {
XMC_port->OMR = omrlow;
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop;");
if(bitMask >>= 1) {
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;");
} else {
if(ptr >= end) break;
p = *ptr++;
bitMask = 0x80;
#ifdef NEO_KHZ400 // untested code
} else { // 400 KHz bitstream
for(;;) {
XMC_port->OMR = omrhigh;
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;");
if(p & bitMask) {
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;");
XMC_port->OMR = omrlow;
} else {
XMC_port->OMR = omrlow;
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;");
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;");
if(bitMask >>= 1) {
asm("nop; nop; nop;");
} else {
if(ptr >= end) break;
p = *ptr++;
bitMask = 0x80;
#elif defined(XMC4700_Relax_Kit) || defined(XMC4800_Relax_Kit)
// XMC4700 and XMC4800 with ARM Cortex M4 are running with 144MHz
// Tried this with a timer/counter, couldn't quite get adequate
// resolution. So yay, you get a load of goofball NOPs...
uint8_t *ptr, *end, p, bitMask, portNum;
uint32_t pinMask;
ptr = pixels;
end = ptr + numBytes;
p = *ptr++;
bitMask = 0x80;
XMC_GPIO_PORT_t* XMC_port = mapping_port_pin[ pin ].port;
uint8_t XMC_pin = mapping_port_pin[ pin ].pin;
uint32_t omrhigh = (uint32_t)XMC_GPIO_OUTPUT_LEVEL_HIGH << XMC_pin;
uint32_t omrlow = (uint32_t)XMC_GPIO_OUTPUT_LEVEL_LOW << XMC_pin;
#ifdef NEO_KHZ400 // 800 KHz check needed only if 400 KHz support enabled
if(is800KHz) {
for(;;) {
XMC_port->OMR = omrhigh;
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop;");
if(p & bitMask) {
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;");
XMC_port->OMR = omrlow;
} else {
XMC_port->OMR = omrlow;
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;");
if(bitMask >>= 1) {
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;");
} else {
if(ptr >= end) break;
p = *ptr++;
bitMask = 0x80;
#ifdef NEO_KHZ400
} else { // 400 KHz bitstream
// ToDo!
#elif defined(__SAMD51__) // M4
uint8_t *ptr, *end, p, bitMask, portNum, bit;
uint32_t pinMask;
portNum = g_APinDescription[pin].ulPort;
pinMask = 1ul << g_APinDescription[pin].ulPin;
ptr = pixels;
end = ptr + numBytes;
p = *ptr++;
bitMask = 0x80;
volatile uint32_t *set = &(PORT->Group[portNum].OUTSET.reg),
*clr = &(PORT->Group[portNum].OUTCLR.reg);
......@@ -1745,65 +2529,67 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
// seems to work just well enough. When finished, the SysTick
// peripheral is set back to its original state.
uint32_t t0, t1, top, ticks,
saveLoad = SysTick->LOAD, saveVal = SysTick->VAL;
uint32_t t0, t1, top, ticks, saveLoad = SysTick->LOAD, saveVal = SysTick->VAL;
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400) // 800 KHz check needed only if 400 KHz support enabled
if(is800KHz) {
if (is800KHz) {
top = (uint32_t)(F_CPU * 0.00000125); // Bit hi + lo = 1.25 uS
t0 = top - (uint32_t)(F_CPU * 0.00000040); // 0 = 0.4 uS hi
t1 = top - (uint32_t)(F_CPU * 0.00000080); // 1 = 0.8 uS hi
top = (uint32_t)(F_CPU * 0.00000125); // Bit hi + lo = 1.25 uS
t0 = top - (uint32_t)(F_CPU * 0.00000040); // 0 = 0.4 uS hi
t1 = top - (uint32_t)(F_CPU * 0.00000080); // 1 = 0.8 uS hi
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400)
} else { // 400 KHz bitstream
top = (uint32_t)(F_CPU * 0.00000250); // Bit hi + lo = 2.5 uS
t0 = top - (uint32_t)(F_CPU * 0.00000050); // 0 = 0.5 uS hi
t1 = top - (uint32_t)(F_CPU * 0.00000120); // 1 = 1.2 uS hi
} else { // 400 KHz bitstream
top = (uint32_t)(F_CPU * 0.00000250); // Bit hi + lo = 2.5 uS
t0 = top - (uint32_t)(F_CPU * 0.00000050); // 0 = 0.5 uS hi
t1 = top - (uint32_t)(F_CPU * 0.00000120); // 1 = 1.2 uS hi
SysTick->LOAD = top; // Config SysTick for NeoPixel bit freq
SysTick->VAL = top; // Set to start value (counts down)
(void)SysTick->VAL; // Dummy read helps sync up 1st bit
SysTick->LOAD = top; // Config SysTick for NeoPixel bit freq
SysTick->VAL = top; // Set to start value (counts down)
(void)SysTick->VAL; // Dummy read helps sync up 1st bit
for(;;) {
*set = pinMask; // Set output high
for (;;) {
*set = pinMask; // Set output high
ticks = (p & bitMask) ? t1 : t0; // SysTick threshold,
while(SysTick->VAL > ticks); // wait for it
*clr = pinMask; // Set output low
if(!(bitMask >>= 1)) { // Next bit for this byte...done?
if(ptr >= end) break; // If last byte sent, exit loop
p = *ptr++; // Fetch next byte
bitMask = 0x80; // Reset bitmask
while (SysTick->VAL > ticks)
; // wait for it
*clr = pinMask; // Set output low
if (!(bitMask >>= 1)) { // Next bit for this byte...done?
if (ptr >= end)
break; // If last byte sent, exit loop
p = *ptr++; // Fetch next byte
bitMask = 0x80; // Reset bitmask
while(SysTick->VAL <= ticks); // Wait for rollover to 'top'
while (SysTick->VAL <= ticks)
; // Wait for rollover to 'top'
SysTick->LOAD = saveLoad; // Restore SysTick rollover to 1 ms
SysTick->VAL = saveVal; // Restore SysTick value
SysTick->LOAD = saveLoad; // Restore SysTick rollover to 1 ms
SysTick->VAL = saveVal; // Restore SysTick value
#elif defined (ARDUINO_STM32_FEATHER) // FEATHER WICED (120MHz)
#elif defined(ARDUINO_STM32_FEATHER) // FEATHER WICED (120MHz)
// Tried this with a timer/counter, couldn't quite get adequate
// resolution. So yay, you get a load of goofball NOPs...
uint8_t *ptr, *end, p, bitMask;
uint32_t pinMask;
uint8_t *ptr, *end, p, bitMask;
uint32_t pinMask;
pinMask = BIT(PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_bit);
ptr = pixels;
end = ptr + numBytes;
p = *ptr++;
bitMask = 0x80;
pinMask = BIT(PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_bit);
ptr = pixels;
end = ptr + numBytes;
p = *ptr++;
bitMask = 0x80;
volatile uint16_t *set = &(PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_device->regs->BSRRL);
volatile uint16_t *clr = &(PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_device->regs->BSRRH);
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400) // 800 KHz check needed only if 400 KHz support enabled
if(is800KHz) {
if (is800KHz) {
for(;;) {
if(p & bitMask) { // ONE
for (;;) {
if (p & bitMask) { // ONE
// High 800ns
*set = pinMask;
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
......@@ -1849,12 +2635,13 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
"nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;"
"nop; nop; nop; nop;");
if(bitMask >>= 1) {
if (bitMask >>= 1) {
// Move on to the next pixel
} else {
if(ptr >= end) break;
p = *ptr++;
if (ptr >= end)
p = *ptr++;
bitMask = 0x80;
......@@ -1865,17 +2652,17 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
uint8_t *ptr, *end, p, bitMask;
ptr = pixels;
end = ptr + numBytes;
p = *ptr++;
bitMask = 0x80;
uint8_t *ptr, *end, p, bitMask;
ptr = pixels;
end = ptr + numBytes;
p = *ptr++;
bitMask = 0x80;
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400) // 800 KHz check needed only if 400 KHz support enabled
if(is800KHz) {
if (is800KHz) {
for(;;) {
if(p & bitMask) {
for (;;) {
if (p & bitMask) {
// data ONE high
// min: 550 typ: 700 max: 5,500
......@@ -1893,12 +2680,13 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
if(bitMask >>= 1) {
if (bitMask >>= 1) {
// Move on to the next pixel
} else {
if(ptr >= end) break;
p = *ptr++;
if (ptr >= end)
p = *ptr++;
bitMask = 0x80;
......@@ -1908,204 +2696,229 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
uint8_t *p = pixels, *end = p + numBytes,
pix = *p++, mask = 0x80;
uint32_t cyc;
uint8_t *p = pixels, *end = p + numBytes, pix = *p++, mask = 0x80;
uint32_t cyc;
uint32_t saveLoad = SysTick->LOAD, saveVal = SysTick->VAL;
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400) // 800 KHz check needed only if 400 KHz support enabled
if(is800KHz) {
if (is800KHz) {
uint32_t top = (F_CPU / 800000); // 1.25µs
uint32_t t0 = top - (F_CPU / 2500000); // 0.4µs
uint32_t t1 = top - (F_CPU / 1250000); // 0.8µs
uint32_t top = (F_CPU / 800000); // 1.25µs
uint32_t t0 = top - (F_CPU / 2500000); // 0.4µs
uint32_t t1 = top - (F_CPU / 1250000); // 0.8µs
SysTick->LOAD = top - 1; // Config SysTick for NeoPixel bit freq
SysTick->VAL = 0; // Set to start value
for(;;) {
SysTick->VAL = 0; // Set to start value
for (;;) {
LL_GPIO_SetOutputPin(gpioPort, gpioPin);
cyc = (pix & mask) ? t1 : t0;
while(SysTick->VAL > cyc);
while (SysTick->VAL > cyc)
LL_GPIO_ResetOutputPin(gpioPort, gpioPin);
if(!(mask >>= 1)) {
if(p >= end) break;
pix = *p++;
if (!(mask >>= 1)) {
if (p >= end)
pix = *p++;
mask = 0x80;
while(SysTick->VAL <= cyc);
while (SysTick->VAL <= cyc)
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400)
} else { // 400 kHz bitstream
uint32_t top = (F_CPU / 400000); // 2.5µs
uint32_t t0 = top - (F_CPU / 2000000); // 0.5µs
uint32_t t1 = top - (F_CPU / 833333); // 1.2µs
} else { // 400 kHz bitstream
uint32_t top = (F_CPU / 400000); // 2.5µs
uint32_t t0 = top - (F_CPU / 2000000); // 0.5µs
uint32_t t1 = top - (F_CPU / 833333); // 1.2µs
SysTick->LOAD = top - 1; // Config SysTick for NeoPixel bit freq
SysTick->VAL = 0; // Set to start value
for(;;) {
SysTick->VAL = 0; // Set to start value
for (;;) {
LL_GPIO_SetOutputPin(gpioPort, gpioPin);
cyc = (pix & mask) ? t1 : t0;
while(SysTick->VAL > cyc);
while (SysTick->VAL > cyc)
LL_GPIO_ResetOutputPin(gpioPort, gpioPin);
if(!(mask >>= 1)) {
if(p >= end) break;
pix = *p++;
if (!(mask >>= 1)) {
if (p >= end)
pix = *p++;
mask = 0x80;
while(SysTick->VAL <= cyc);
while (SysTick->VAL <= cyc)
#endif // NEO_KHZ400
SysTick->LOAD = saveLoad; // Restore SysTick rollover to 1 ms
SysTick->VAL = saveVal; // Restore SysTick value
#elif defined (NRF51)
uint8_t *p = pixels,
pix, count, mask;
int32_t num = numBytes;
unsigned int bitmask = ( 1 << g_ADigitalPinMap[pin] );
SysTick->LOAD = saveLoad; // Restore SysTick rollover to 1 ms
SysTick->VAL = saveVal; // Restore SysTick value
#elif defined(NRF51)
uint8_t *p = pixels, pix, count, mask;
int32_t num = numBytes;
unsigned int bitmask = (1 << g_ADigitalPinMap[pin]);
volatile unsigned int *reg = (unsigned int *) (0x50000000UL + 0x508);
volatile unsigned int *reg = (unsigned int *)(0x50000000UL + 0x508);
asm volatile(
// "cpsid i" ; disable irq
// b .start
"b L%=_start" "\n\t"
// .nextbit: ; C0
"L%=_nextbit:" "\n\t" //; C0
// str r1, [r3, #0] ; pin := hi C2
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #0]" "\n\t" //; pin := hi C2
// tst r6, r0 ; C3
"tst %[mask], %[pix]" "\n\t"// ; C3
// bne .islate ; C4
"bne L%=_islate" "\n\t" //; C4
// str r1, [r2, #0] ; pin := lo C6
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #4]" "\n\t" //; pin := lo C6
// .islate:
"L%=_islate:" "\n\t"
// lsrs r6, r6, #1 ; r6 >>= 1 C7
"lsr %[mask], %[mask], #1" "\n\t" //; r6 >>= 1 C7
// bne .justbit ; C8
"bne L%=_justbit" "\n\t" //; C8
// ; not just a bit - need new byte
// adds r4, #1 ; r4++ C9
"add %[p], #1" "\n\t" //; r4++ C9
// subs r5, #1 ; r5-- C10
"sub %[num], #1" "\n\t" //; r5-- C10
// bcc .stop ; if (r5<0) goto .stop C11
"bcc L%=_stop" "\n\t" //; if (r5<0) goto .stop C11
// .start:
// movs r6, #0x80 ; reset mask C12
"movs %[mask], #0x80" "\n\t" //; reset mask C12
// nop ; C13
"nop" "\n\t" //; C13
// .common: ; C13
"L%=_common:" "\n\t" //; C13
// str r1, [r2, #0] ; pin := lo C15
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #4]" "\n\t" //; pin := lo C15
// ; always re-load byte - it just fits with the cycles better this way
// ldrb r0, [r4, #0] ; r0 := *r4 C17
"ldrb %[pix], [%[p], #0]" "\n\t" //; r0 := *r4 C17
// b .nextbit ; C20
"b L%=_nextbit" "\n\t" //; C20
// .justbit: ; C10
"L%=_justbit:" "\n\t" //; C10
// ; no nops, branch taken is already 3 cycles
// b .common ; C13
"b L%=_common" "\n\t" //; C13
// .stop:
"L%=_stop:" "\n\t"
// str r1, [r2, #0] ; pin := lo
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #4]" "\n\t" //; pin := lo
// cpsie i ; enable irq
: [p] "+r" (p),
[pix] "=&r" (pix),
[count] "=&r" (count),
[mask] "=&r" (mask),
[num] "+r" (num)
: [bitmask] "r" (bitmask),
[reg] "r" (reg)
// "cpsid i" ; disable irq
// b .start
"b L%=_start"
// .nextbit: ; C0
"\n\t" //; C0
// str r1, [r3, #0] ; pin := hi C2
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #0]"
"\n\t" //; pin := hi C2
// tst r6, r0 ; C3
"tst %[mask], %[pix]"
"\n\t" // ; C3
// bne .islate ; C4
"bne L%=_islate"
"\n\t" //; C4
// str r1, [r2, #0] ; pin := lo C6
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #4]"
"\n\t" //; pin := lo C6
// .islate:
// lsrs r6, r6, #1 ; r6 >>= 1 C7
"lsr %[mask], %[mask], #1"
"\n\t" //; r6 >>= 1 C7
// bne .justbit ; C8
"bne L%=_justbit"
"\n\t" //; C8
// ; not just a bit - need new byte
// adds r4, #1 ; r4++ C9
"add %[p], #1"
"\n\t" //; r4++ C9
// subs r5, #1 ; r5-- C10
"sub %[num], #1"
"\n\t" //; r5-- C10
// bcc .stop ; if (r5<0) goto .stop C11
"bcc L%=_stop"
"\n\t" //; if (r5<0) goto .stop C11
// .start:
// movs r6, #0x80 ; reset mask C12
"movs %[mask], #0x80"
"\n\t" //; reset mask C12
// nop ; C13
"\n\t" //; C13
// .common: ; C13
"\n\t" //; C13
// str r1, [r2, #0] ; pin := lo C15
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #4]"
"\n\t" //; pin := lo C15
// ; always re-load byte - it just fits with the cycles better this way
// ldrb r0, [r4, #0] ; r0 := *r4 C17
"ldrb %[pix], [%[p], #0]"
"\n\t" //; r0 := *r4 C17
// b .nextbit ; C20
"b L%=_nextbit"
"\n\t" //; C20
// .justbit: ; C10
"\n\t" //; C10
// ; no nops, branch taken is already 3 cycles
// b .common ; C13
"b L%=_common"
"\n\t" //; C13
// .stop:
// str r1, [r2, #0] ; pin := lo
"strb %[bitmask], [%[reg], #4]"
"\n\t" //; pin := lo
// cpsie i ; enable irq
: [p] "+r"(p), [pix] "=&r"(pix), [count] "=&r"(count), [mask] "=&r"(mask),
[num] "+r"(num)
: [bitmask] "r"(bitmask), [reg] "r"(reg));
#elif defined(__SAM3X8E__) // Arduino Due
#define SCALE VARIANT_MCK / 2UL / 1000000UL
#define INST (2UL * F_CPU / VARIANT_MCK)
#define TIME_800_0 ((int)(0.40 * SCALE + 0.5) - (5 * INST))
#define TIME_800_1 ((int)(0.80 * SCALE + 0.5) - (5 * INST))
#define PERIOD_800 ((int)(1.25 * SCALE + 0.5) - (5 * INST))
#define TIME_400_0 ((int)(0.50 * SCALE + 0.5) - (5 * INST))
#define TIME_400_1 ((int)(1.20 * SCALE + 0.5) - (5 * INST))
#define PERIOD_400 ((int)(2.50 * SCALE + 0.5) - (5 * INST))
int pinMask, time0, time1, period, t;
Pio *port;
#define SCALE VARIANT_MCK / 2UL / 1000000UL
#define INST (2UL * F_CPU / VARIANT_MCK)
#define TIME_800_0 ((int)(0.40 * SCALE + 0.5) - (5 * INST))
#define TIME_800_1 ((int)(0.80 * SCALE + 0.5) - (5 * INST))
#define PERIOD_800 ((int)(1.25 * SCALE + 0.5) - (5 * INST))
#define TIME_400_0 ((int)(0.50 * SCALE + 0.5) - (5 * INST))
#define TIME_400_1 ((int)(1.20 * SCALE + 0.5) - (5 * INST))
#define PERIOD_400 ((int)(2.50 * SCALE + 0.5) - (5 * INST))
int pinMask, time0, time1, period, t;
Pio *port;
volatile WoReg *portSet, *portClear, *timeValue, *timeReset;
uint8_t *p, *end, pix, mask;
uint8_t *p, *end, pix, mask;
TC_Configure(TC1, 0,
TC_Start(TC1, 0);
pinMask = g_APinDescription[pin].ulPin; // Don't 'optimize' these into
port = g_APinDescription[pin].pPort; // declarations above. Want to
portSet = &(port->PIO_SODR); // burn a few cycles after
portClear = &(port->PIO_CODR); // starting timer to minimize
timeValue = &(TC1->TC_CHANNEL[0].TC_CV); // the initial 'while'.
pinMask = g_APinDescription[pin].ulPin; // Don't 'optimize' these into
port = g_APinDescription[pin].pPort; // declarations above. Want to
portSet = &(port->PIO_SODR); // burn a few cycles after
portClear = &(port->PIO_CODR); // starting timer to minimize
timeValue = &(TC1->TC_CHANNEL[0].TC_CV); // the initial 'while'.
timeReset = &(TC1->TC_CHANNEL[0].TC_CCR);
p = pixels;
end = p + numBytes;
pix = *p++;
mask = 0x80;
p = pixels;
end = p + numBytes;
pix = *p++;
mask = 0x80;
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400) // 800 KHz check needed only if 400 KHz support enabled
if(is800KHz) {
if (is800KHz) {
time0 = TIME_800_0;
time1 = TIME_800_1;
time0 = TIME_800_0;
time1 = TIME_800_1;
period = PERIOD_800;
#if defined(NEO_KHZ400)
} else { // 400 KHz bitstream
time0 = TIME_400_0;
time1 = TIME_400_1;
time0 = TIME_400_0;
time1 = TIME_400_1;
period = PERIOD_400;
for(t = time0;; t = time0) {
if(pix & mask) t = time1;
while(*timeValue < (unsigned)period);
*portSet = pinMask;
for (t = time0;; t = time0) {
if (pix & mask)
t = time1;
while (*timeValue < (unsigned)period)
*portSet = pinMask;
while(*timeValue < (unsigned)t);
while (*timeValue < (unsigned)t)
*portClear = pinMask;
if(!(mask >>= 1)) { // This 'inside-out' loop logic utilizes
if(p >= end) break; // idle time to minimize inter-byte delays.
if (!(mask >>= 1)) { // This 'inside-out' loop logic utilizes
if (p >= end)
break; // idle time to minimize inter-byte delays.
pix = *p++;
mask = 0x80;
while(*timeValue < (unsigned)period); // Wait for last bit
while (*timeValue < (unsigned)period)
; // Wait for last bit
TC_Stop(TC1, 0);
#endif // end Due
// END ARM ----------------------------------------------------------------
// END ARM ----------------------------------------------------------------
#elif defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
// ESP8266 ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ESP8266 ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ESP8266 show() is external to enforce ICACHE_RAM_ATTR execution
espShow(pin, pixels, numBytes, is800KHz);
......@@ -2113,94 +2926,97 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
#elif defined(KENDRYTE_K210)
k210Show(pin, pixels, numBytes, is800KHz);
#elif defined(__ARDUINO_ARC__)
// Arduino 101 -----------------------------------------------------------
#elif defined(__ARDUINO_ARC__)
#define NOPx7 { __builtin_arc_nop(); \
__builtin_arc_nop(); __builtin_arc_nop(); \
__builtin_arc_nop(); __builtin_arc_nop(); \
__builtin_arc_nop(); __builtin_arc_nop(); }
// Arduino 101 -----------------------------------------------------------
#define NOPx7 \
{ \
__builtin_arc_nop(); \
__builtin_arc_nop(); \
__builtin_arc_nop(); \
__builtin_arc_nop(); \
__builtin_arc_nop(); \
__builtin_arc_nop(); \
__builtin_arc_nop(); \
PinDescription *pindesc = &g_APinDescription[pin];
register uint32_t loop = 8 * numBytes; // one loop to handle all bytes and all bits
register uint32_t loop =
8 * numBytes; // one loop to handle all bytes and all bits
register uint8_t *p = pixels;
register uint32_t currByte = (uint32_t) (*p);
register uint32_t currByte = (uint32_t)(*p);
register uint32_t currBit = 0x80 & currByte;
register uint32_t bitCounter = 0;
register uint32_t first = 1;
// The loop is unusual. Very first iteration puts all the way LOW to the wire -
// constant LOW does not affect NEOPIXEL, so there is no visible effect displayed.
// During that very first iteration CPU caches instructions in the loop.
// Because of the caching process, "CPU slows down". NEOPIXEL pulse is very time sensitive
// that's why we let the CPU cache first and we start regular pulse from 2nd iteration
// The loop is unusual. Very first iteration puts all the way LOW to the wire
// - constant LOW does not affect NEOPIXEL, so there is no visible effect
// displayed. During that very first iteration CPU caches instructions in the
// loop. Because of the caching process, "CPU slows down". NEOPIXEL pulse is
// very time sensitive that's why we let the CPU cache first and we start
// regular pulse from 2nd iteration
if (pindesc->ulGPIOType == SS_GPIO) {
register uint32_t reg = pindesc->ulGPIOBase + SS_GPIO_SWPORTA_DR;
uint32_t reg_val = __builtin_arc_lr((volatile uint32_t)reg);
register uint32_t reg_bit_high = reg_val | (1 << pindesc->ulGPIOId);
register uint32_t reg_bit_low = reg_val & ~(1 << pindesc->ulGPIOId);
register uint32_t reg_bit_low = reg_val & ~(1 << pindesc->ulGPIOId);
loop += 1; // include first, special iteration
while(loop--) {
if(!first) {
while (loop--) {
if (!first) {
currByte <<= 1;
// 1 is >550ns high and >450ns low; 0 is 200..500ns high and >450ns low
__builtin_arc_sr(first ? reg_bit_low : reg_bit_high, (volatile uint32_t)reg);
if(currBit) { // ~400ns HIGH (740ns overall)
__builtin_arc_sr(first ? reg_bit_low : reg_bit_high,
(volatile uint32_t)reg);
if (currBit) { // ~400ns HIGH (740ns overall)
// ~340ns HIGH
NOPx7 __builtin_arc_nop();
// 820ns LOW; per spec, max allowed low here is 5000ns */
__builtin_arc_sr(reg_bit_low, (volatile uint32_t)reg);
if(bitCounter >= 8) {
if (bitCounter >= 8) {
bitCounter = 0;
currByte = (uint32_t) (*++p);
currByte = (uint32_t)(*++p);
currBit = 0x80 & currByte;
first = 0;
} else if(pindesc->ulGPIOType == SOC_GPIO) {
} else if (pindesc->ulGPIOType == SOC_GPIO) {
register uint32_t reg = pindesc->ulGPIOBase + SOC_GPIO_SWPORTA_DR;
uint32_t reg_val = MMIO_REG_VAL(reg);
register uint32_t reg_bit_high = reg_val | (1 << pindesc->ulGPIOId);
register uint32_t reg_bit_low = reg_val & ~(1 << pindesc->ulGPIOId);
register uint32_t reg_bit_low = reg_val & ~(1 << pindesc->ulGPIOId);
loop += 1; // include first, special iteration
while(loop--) {
if(!first) {
while (loop--) {
if (!first) {
currByte <<= 1;
MMIO_REG_VAL(reg) = first ? reg_bit_low : reg_bit_high;
if(currBit) { // ~430ns HIGH (740ns overall)
if (currBit) { // ~430ns HIGH (740ns overall)
NOPx7 NOPx7 __builtin_arc_nop();
// ~310ns HIGH
// 850ns LOW; per spec, max allowed low here is 5000ns */
MMIO_REG_VAL(reg) = reg_bit_low;
// 850ns LOW; per spec, max allowed low here is 5000ns */
MMIO_REG_VAL(reg) = reg_bit_low;
if(bitCounter >= 8) {
if (bitCounter >= 8) {
bitCounter = 0;
currByte = (uint32_t) (*++p);
currByte = (uint32_t)(*++p);
currBit = 0x80 & currByte;
......@@ -2212,10 +3028,9 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
#error Architecture not supported
// END ARCHITECTURE SELECT ------------------------------------------------
// END ARCHITECTURE SELECT ------------------------------------------------
#if !( defined(NRF52) || defined(NRF52_SERIES) )
#if !(defined(NRF52) || defined(NRF52_SERIES))
......@@ -2227,15 +3042,16 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
if any, is set to INPUT and the new pin is set to OUTPUT.
@param p Arduino pin number (-1 = no pin).
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setPin(uint16_t p) {
if(begun && (pin >= 0)) pinMode(pin, INPUT);
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setPin(int16_t p) {
if (begun && (pin >= 0))
pinMode(pin, INPUT); // Disable existing out pin
pin = p;
if(begun) {
if (begun) {
pinMode(p, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(p, LOW);
#if defined(__AVR__)
port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(p));
port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(p));
pinMask = digitalPinToBitMask(p);
......@@ -2252,23 +3068,23 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setPin(uint16_t p) {
@param g Green brightness, 0 = minimum (off), 255 = maximum.
@param b Blue brightness, 0 = minimum (off), 255 = maximum.
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setPixelColor(
uint16_t n, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setPixelColor(uint16_t n, uint8_t r, uint8_t g,
uint8_t b) {
if(n < numLEDs) {
if(brightness) { // See notes in setBrightness()
if (n < numLEDs) {
if (brightness) { // See notes in setBrightness()
r = (r * brightness) >> 8;
g = (g * brightness) >> 8;
b = (b * brightness) >> 8;
uint8_t *p;
if(wOffset == rOffset) { // Is an RGB-type strip
p = &pixels[n * 3]; // 3 bytes per pixel
} else { // Is a WRGB-type strip
p = &pixels[n * 4]; // 4 bytes per pixel
p[wOffset] = 0; // But only R,G,B passed -- set W to 0
if (wOffset == rOffset) { // Is an RGB-type strip
p = &pixels[n * 3]; // 3 bytes per pixel
} else { // Is a WRGB-type strip
p = &pixels[n * 4]; // 4 bytes per pixel
p[wOffset] = 0; // But only R,G,B passed -- set W to 0
p[rOffset] = r; // R,G,B always stored
p[rOffset] = r; // R,G,B always stored
p[gOffset] = g;
p[bOffset] = b;
......@@ -2284,24 +3100,24 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setPixelColor(
@param w White brightness, 0 = minimum (off), 255 = maximum, ignored
if using RGB pixels.
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setPixelColor(
uint16_t n, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t w) {
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setPixelColor(uint16_t n, uint8_t r, uint8_t g,
uint8_t b, uint8_t w) {
if(n < numLEDs) {
if(brightness) { // See notes in setBrightness()
if (n < numLEDs) {
if (brightness) { // See notes in setBrightness()
r = (r * brightness) >> 8;
g = (g * brightness) >> 8;
b = (b * brightness) >> 8;
w = (w * brightness) >> 8;
uint8_t *p;
if(wOffset == rOffset) { // Is an RGB-type strip
p = &pixels[n * 3]; // 3 bytes per pixel (ignore W)
} else { // Is a WRGB-type strip
p = &pixels[n * 4]; // 4 bytes per pixel
p[wOffset] = w; // Store W
if (wOffset == rOffset) { // Is an RGB-type strip
p = &pixels[n * 3]; // 3 bytes per pixel (ignore W)
} else { // Is a WRGB-type strip
p = &pixels[n * 4]; // 4 bytes per pixel
p[wOffset] = w; // Store W
p[rOffset] = r; // Store R,G,B
p[rOffset] = r; // Store R,G,B
p[gOffset] = g;
p[bOffset] = b;
......@@ -2315,17 +3131,14 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setPixelColor(
and least significant byte is blue.
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setPixelColor(uint16_t n, uint32_t c) {
if(n < numLEDs) {
uint8_t *p,
r = (uint8_t)(c >> 16),
g = (uint8_t)(c >> 8),
b = (uint8_t)c;
if(brightness) { // See notes in setBrightness()
if (n < numLEDs) {
uint8_t *p, r = (uint8_t)(c >> 16), g = (uint8_t)(c >> 8), b = (uint8_t)c;
if (brightness) { // See notes in setBrightness()
r = (r * brightness) >> 8;
g = (g * brightness) >> 8;
b = (b * brightness) >> 8;
if(wOffset == rOffset) {
if (wOffset == rOffset) {
p = &pixels[n * 3];
} else {
p = &pixels[n * 4];
......@@ -2352,21 +3165,22 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setPixelColor(uint16_t n, uint32_t c) {
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::fill(uint32_t c, uint16_t first, uint16_t count) {
uint16_t i, end;
if(first >= numLEDs) {
if (first >= numLEDs) {
return; // If first LED is past end of strip, nothing to do
// Calculate the index ONE AFTER the last pixel to fill
if(count == 0) {
if (count == 0) {
// Fill to end of strip
end = numLEDs;
} else {
// Ensure that the loop won't go past the last pixel
end = first + count;
if(end > numLEDs) end = numLEDs;
if (end > numLEDs)
end = numLEDs;
for(i = first; i < end; i++) {
for (i = first; i < end; i++) {
this->setPixelColor(i, c);
......@@ -2429,45 +3243,45 @@ uint32_t Adafruit_NeoPixel::ColorHSV(uint16_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val) {
// the constants below are not the multiples of 256 you might expect.
// Convert hue to R,G,B (nested ifs faster than divide+mod+switch):
if(hue < 510) { // Red to Green-1
if (hue < 510) { // Red to Green-1
b = 0;
if(hue < 255) { // Red to Yellow-1
if (hue < 255) { // Red to Yellow-1
r = 255;
g = hue; // g = 0 to 254
} else { // Yellow to Green-1
r = 510 - hue; // r = 255 to 1
g = hue; // g = 0 to 254
} else { // Yellow to Green-1
r = 510 - hue; // r = 255 to 1
g = 255;
} else if(hue < 1020) { // Green to Blue-1
} else if (hue < 1020) { // Green to Blue-1
r = 0;
if(hue < 765) { // Green to Cyan-1
if (hue < 765) { // Green to Cyan-1
g = 255;
b = hue - 510; // b = 0 to 254
} else { // Cyan to Blue-1
g = 1020 - hue; // g = 255 to 1
b = hue - 510; // b = 0 to 254
} else { // Cyan to Blue-1
g = 1020 - hue; // g = 255 to 1
b = 255;
} else if(hue < 1530) { // Blue to Red-1
} else if (hue < 1530) { // Blue to Red-1
g = 0;
if(hue < 1275) { // Blue to Magenta-1
r = hue - 1020; // r = 0 to 254
if (hue < 1275) { // Blue to Magenta-1
r = hue - 1020; // r = 0 to 254
b = 255;
} else { // Magenta to Red-1
} else { // Magenta to Red-1
r = 255;
b = 1530 - hue; // b = 255 to 1
b = 1530 - hue; // b = 255 to 1
} else { // Last 0.5 Red (quicker than % operator)
} else { // Last 0.5 Red (quicker than % operator)
r = 255;
g = b = 0;
// Apply saturation and value to R,G,B, pack into 32-bit result:
uint32_t v1 = 1 + val; // 1 to 256; allows >>8 instead of /255
uint16_t s1 = 1 + sat; // 1 to 256; same reason
uint8_t s2 = 255 - sat; // 255 to 0
uint32_t v1 = 1 + val; // 1 to 256; allows >>8 instead of /255
uint16_t s1 = 1 + sat; // 1 to 256; same reason
uint8_t s2 = 255 - sat; // 255 to 0
return ((((((r * s1) >> 8) + s2) * v1) & 0xff00) << 8) |
(((((g * s1) >> 8) + s2) * v1) & 0xff00) |
( ((((b * s1) >> 8) + s2) * v1) >> 8);
(((((g * s1) >> 8) + s2) * v1) & 0xff00) |
(((((b * s1) >> 8) + s2) * v1) >> 8);
......@@ -2482,44 +3296,41 @@ uint32_t Adafruit_NeoPixel::ColorHSV(uint16_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val) {
This gets more pronounced at lower brightness levels.
uint32_t Adafruit_NeoPixel::getPixelColor(uint16_t n) const {
if(n >= numLEDs) return 0; // Out of bounds, return no color.
if (n >= numLEDs)
return 0; // Out of bounds, return no color.
uint8_t *p;
if(wOffset == rOffset) { // Is RGB-type device
if (wOffset == rOffset) { // Is RGB-type device
p = &pixels[n * 3];
if(brightness) {
if (brightness) {
// Stored color was decimated by setBrightness(). Returned value
// attempts to scale back to an approximation of the original 24-bit
// value used when setting the pixel color, but there will always be
// some error -- those bits are simply gone. Issue is most
// pronounced at low brightness levels.
return (((uint32_t)(p[rOffset] << 8) / brightness) << 16) |
(((uint32_t)(p[gOffset] << 8) / brightness) << 8) |
( (uint32_t)(p[bOffset] << 8) / brightness );
(((uint32_t)(p[gOffset] << 8) / brightness) << 8) |
((uint32_t)(p[bOffset] << 8) / brightness);
} else {
// No brightness adjustment has been made -- return 'raw' color
return ((uint32_t)p[rOffset] << 16) |
((uint32_t)p[gOffset] << 8) |
return ((uint32_t)p[rOffset] << 16) | ((uint32_t)p[gOffset] << 8) |
} else { // Is RGBW-type device
} else { // Is RGBW-type device
p = &pixels[n * 4];
if(brightness) { // Return scaled color
if (brightness) { // Return scaled color
return (((uint32_t)(p[wOffset] << 8) / brightness) << 24) |
(((uint32_t)(p[rOffset] << 8) / brightness) << 16) |
(((uint32_t)(p[gOffset] << 8) / brightness) << 8) |
( (uint32_t)(p[bOffset] << 8) / brightness );
(((uint32_t)(p[gOffset] << 8) / brightness) << 8) |
((uint32_t)(p[bOffset] << 8) / brightness);
} else { // Return raw color
return ((uint32_t)p[wOffset] << 24) |
((uint32_t)p[rOffset] << 16) |
((uint32_t)p[gOffset] << 8) |
return ((uint32_t)p[wOffset] << 24) | ((uint32_t)p[rOffset] << 16) |
((uint32_t)p[gOffset] << 8) | (uint32_t)p[bOffset];
@brief Adjust output brightness. Does not immediately affect what's
currently displayed on the LEDs. The next call to show() will
......@@ -2543,7 +3354,7 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setBrightness(uint8_t b) {
// (color values are interpreted literally; no scaling), 1 = min
// brightness (off), 255 = just below max brightness.
uint8_t newBrightness = b + 1;
if(newBrightness != brightness) { // Compare against prior value
if (newBrightness != brightness) { // Compare against prior value
// Brightness has changed -- re-scale existing data in RAM,
// This process is potentially "lossy," especially when increasing
// brightness. The tight timing in the WS2811/WS2812 code means there
......@@ -2554,15 +3365,17 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setBrightness(uint8_t b) {
// the limited number of steps (quantization) in the old data will be
// quite visible in the re-scaled version. For a non-destructive
// change, you'll need to re-render the full strip data. C'est la vie.
uint8_t c,
*ptr = pixels,
oldBrightness = brightness - 1; // De-wrap old brightness value
uint8_t c, *ptr = pixels,
oldBrightness = brightness - 1; // De-wrap old brightness value
uint16_t scale;
if(oldBrightness == 0) scale = 0; // Avoid /0
else if(b == 255) scale = 65535 / oldBrightness;
else scale = (((uint16_t)newBrightness << 8) - 1) / oldBrightness;
for(uint16_t i=0; i<numBytes; i++) {
c = *ptr;
if (oldBrightness == 0)
scale = 0; // Avoid /0
else if (b == 255)
scale = 65535 / oldBrightness;
scale = (((uint16_t)newBrightness << 8) - 1) / oldBrightness;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) {
c = *ptr;
*ptr++ = (c * scale) >> 8;
brightness = newBrightness;
......@@ -2573,16 +3386,12 @@ void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setBrightness(uint8_t b) {
@brief Retrieve the last-set brightness value for the strip.
@return Brightness value: 0 = minimum (off), 255 = maximum.
uint8_t Adafruit_NeoPixel::getBrightness(void) const {
return brightness - 1;
uint8_t Adafruit_NeoPixel::getBrightness(void) const { return brightness - 1; }
@brief Fill the whole NeoPixel strip with 0 / black / off.
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::clear(void) {
memset(pixels, 0, numBytes);
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::clear(void) { memset(pixels, 0, numBytes); }
// A 32-bit variant of gamma8() that applies the same function
// to all components of a packed RGB or WRGB value.
......@@ -2596,6 +3405,35 @@ uint32_t Adafruit_NeoPixel::gamma32(uint32_t x) {
// someone's storing information in the unused most significant byte
// of an RGB value, but this seems exceedingly rare and if it's
// encountered in reality they can mask values going in or coming out.
for(uint8_t i=0; i<4; i++) y[i] = gamma8(y[i]);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
y[i] = gamma8(y[i]);
return x; // Packed 32-bit return
@brief Fill NeoPixel strip with one or more cycles of hues.
Everyone loves the rainbow swirl so much, now it's canon!
@param first_hue Hue of first pixel, 0-65535, representing one full
cycle of the color wheel. Each subsequent pixel will
be offset to complete one or more cycles over the
length of the strip.
@param reps Number of cycles of the color wheel over the length
of the strip. Default is 1. Negative values can be
used to reverse the hue order.
@param saturation Saturation (optional), 0-255 = gray to pure hue,
default = 255.
@param brightness Brightness/value (optional), 0-255 = off to max,
default = 255. This is distinct and in combination
with any configured global strip brightness.
@param gammify If true (default), apply gamma correction to colors
for better appearance.
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::rainbow(uint16_t first_hue, int8_t reps,
uint8_t saturation, uint8_t brightness, bool gammify) {
for (uint16_t i=0; i<numLEDs; i++) {
uint16_t hue = first_hue + (i * reps * 65536) / numLEDs;
uint32_t color = ColorHSV(hue, saturation, brightness);
if (gammify) color = gamma32(color);
setPixelColor(i, color);
......@@ -37,16 +37,28 @@
#ifdef ARDUINO
#if (ARDUINO >= 100)
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <WProgram.h>
#include <pins_arduino.h>
#if (ARDUINO >= 100)
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <WProgram.h>
#include <pins_arduino.h>
#ifdef USE_TINYUSB // For Serial when selecting TinyUSB
#include <Adafruit_TinyUSB.h>
#ifdef TARGET_LPC1768
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_RP2040)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "hardware/pio.h"
#include "hardware/clocks.h"
#include "rp2040_pio.h"
// The order of primary colors in the NeoPixel data stream can vary among
......@@ -76,42 +88,42 @@
// RGB NeoPixel permutations; white and red offsets are always same
// Offset: W R G B
#define NEO_RGB ((0<<6) | (0<<4) | (1<<2) | (2)) ///< Transmit as R,G,B
#define NEO_RBG ((0<<6) | (0<<4) | (2<<2) | (1)) ///< Transmit as R,B,G
#define NEO_GRB ((1<<6) | (1<<4) | (0<<2) | (2)) ///< Transmit as G,R,B
#define NEO_GBR ((2<<6) | (2<<4) | (0<<2) | (1)) ///< Transmit as G,B,R
#define NEO_BRG ((1<<6) | (1<<4) | (2<<2) | (0)) ///< Transmit as B,R,G
#define NEO_BGR ((2<<6) | (2<<4) | (1<<2) | (0)) ///< Transmit as B,G,R
#define NEO_RGB ((0 << 6) | (0 << 4) | (1 << 2) | (2)) ///< Transmit as R,G,B
#define NEO_RBG ((0 << 6) | (0 << 4) | (2 << 2) | (1)) ///< Transmit as R,B,G
#define NEO_GRB ((1 << 6) | (1 << 4) | (0 << 2) | (2)) ///< Transmit as G,R,B
#define NEO_GBR ((2 << 6) | (2 << 4) | (0 << 2) | (1)) ///< Transmit as G,B,R
#define NEO_BRG ((1 << 6) | (1 << 4) | (2 << 2) | (0)) ///< Transmit as B,R,G
#define NEO_BGR ((2 << 6) | (2 << 4) | (1 << 2) | (0)) ///< Transmit as B,G,R
// RGBW NeoPixel permutations; all 4 offsets are distinct
// Offset: W R G B
#define NEO_WRGB ((0<<6) | (1<<4) | (2<<2) | (3)) ///< Transmit as W,R,G,B
#define NEO_WRBG ((0<<6) | (1<<4) | (3<<2) | (2)) ///< Transmit as W,R,B,G
#define NEO_WGRB ((0<<6) | (2<<4) | (1<<2) | (3)) ///< Transmit as W,G,R,B
#define NEO_WGBR ((0<<6) | (3<<4) | (1<<2) | (2)) ///< Transmit as W,G,B,R
#define NEO_WBRG ((0<<6) | (2<<4) | (3<<2) | (1)) ///< Transmit as W,B,R,G
#define NEO_WBGR ((0<<6) | (3<<4) | (2<<2) | (1)) ///< Transmit as W,B,G,R
#define NEO_WRGB ((0 << 6) | (1 << 4) | (2 << 2) | (3)) ///< Transmit as W,R,G,B
#define NEO_WRBG ((0 << 6) | (1 << 4) | (3 << 2) | (2)) ///< Transmit as W,R,B,G
#define NEO_WGRB ((0 << 6) | (2 << 4) | (1 << 2) | (3)) ///< Transmit as W,G,R,B
#define NEO_WGBR ((0 << 6) | (3 << 4) | (1 << 2) | (2)) ///< Transmit as W,G,B,R
#define NEO_WBRG ((0 << 6) | (2 << 4) | (3 << 2) | (1)) ///< Transmit as W,B,R,G
#define NEO_WBGR ((0 << 6) | (3 << 4) | (2 << 2) | (1)) ///< Transmit as W,B,G,R
#define NEO_RWGB ((1<<6) | (0<<4) | (2<<2) | (3)) ///< Transmit as R,W,G,B
#define NEO_RWBG ((1<<6) | (0<<4) | (3<<2) | (2)) ///< Transmit as R,W,B,G
#define NEO_RGWB ((2<<6) | (0<<4) | (1<<2) | (3)) ///< Transmit as R,G,W,B
#define NEO_RGBW ((3<<6) | (0<<4) | (1<<2) | (2)) ///< Transmit as R,G,B,W
#define NEO_RBWG ((2<<6) | (0<<4) | (3<<2) | (1)) ///< Transmit as R,B,W,G
#define NEO_RBGW ((3<<6) | (0<<4) | (2<<2) | (1)) ///< Transmit as R,B,G,W
#define NEO_RWGB ((1 << 6) | (0 << 4) | (2 << 2) | (3)) ///< Transmit as R,W,G,B
#define NEO_RWBG ((1 << 6) | (0 << 4) | (3 << 2) | (2)) ///< Transmit as R,W,B,G
#define NEO_RGWB ((2 << 6) | (0 << 4) | (1 << 2) | (3)) ///< Transmit as R,G,W,B
#define NEO_RGBW ((3 << 6) | (0 << 4) | (1 << 2) | (2)) ///< Transmit as R,G,B,W
#define NEO_RBWG ((2 << 6) | (0 << 4) | (3 << 2) | (1)) ///< Transmit as R,B,W,G
#define NEO_RBGW ((3 << 6) | (0 << 4) | (2 << 2) | (1)) ///< Transmit as R,B,G,W
#define NEO_GWRB ((1<<6) | (2<<4) | (0<<2) | (3)) ///< Transmit as G,W,R,B
#define NEO_GWBR ((1<<6) | (3<<4) | (0<<2) | (2)) ///< Transmit as G,W,B,R
#define NEO_GRWB ((2<<6) | (1<<4) | (0<<2) | (3)) ///< Transmit as G,R,W,B
#define NEO_GRBW ((3<<6) | (1<<4) | (0<<2) | (2)) ///< Transmit as G,R,B,W
#define NEO_GBWR ((2<<6) | (3<<4) | (0<<2) | (1)) ///< Transmit as G,B,W,R
#define NEO_GBRW ((3<<6) | (2<<4) | (0<<2) | (1)) ///< Transmit as G,B,R,W
#define NEO_GWRB ((1 << 6) | (2 << 4) | (0 << 2) | (3)) ///< Transmit as G,W,R,B
#define NEO_GWBR ((1 << 6) | (3 << 4) | (0 << 2) | (2)) ///< Transmit as G,W,B,R
#define NEO_GRWB ((2 << 6) | (1 << 4) | (0 << 2) | (3)) ///< Transmit as G,R,W,B
#define NEO_GRBW ((3 << 6) | (1 << 4) | (0 << 2) | (2)) ///< Transmit as G,R,B,W
#define NEO_GBWR ((2 << 6) | (3 << 4) | (0 << 2) | (1)) ///< Transmit as G,B,W,R
#define NEO_GBRW ((3 << 6) | (2 << 4) | (0 << 2) | (1)) ///< Transmit as G,B,R,W
#define NEO_BWRG ((1<<6) | (2<<4) | (3<<2) | (0)) ///< Transmit as B,W,R,G
#define NEO_BWGR ((1<<6) | (3<<4) | (2<<2) | (0)) ///< Transmit as B,W,G,R
#define NEO_BRWG ((2<<6) | (1<<4) | (3<<2) | (0)) ///< Transmit as B,R,W,G
#define NEO_BRGW ((3<<6) | (1<<4) | (2<<2) | (0)) ///< Transmit as B,R,G,W
#define NEO_BGWR ((2<<6) | (3<<4) | (1<<2) | (0)) ///< Transmit as B,G,W,R
#define NEO_BGRW ((3<<6) | (2<<4) | (1<<2) | (0)) ///< Transmit as B,G,R,W
#define NEO_BWRG ((1 << 6) | (2 << 4) | (3 << 2) | (0)) ///< Transmit as B,W,R,G
#define NEO_BWGR ((1 << 6) | (3 << 4) | (2 << 2) | (0)) ///< Transmit as B,W,G,R
#define NEO_BRWG ((2 << 6) | (1 << 4) | (3 << 2) | (0)) ///< Transmit as B,R,W,G
#define NEO_BRGW ((3 << 6) | (1 << 4) | (2 << 2) | (0)) ///< Transmit as B,R,G,W
#define NEO_BGWR ((2 << 6) | (3 << 4) | (1 << 2) | (0)) ///< Transmit as B,G,W,R
#define NEO_BGRW ((3 << 6) | (2 << 4) | (1 << 2) | (0)) ///< Transmit as B,G,R,W
// Add NEO_KHZ400 to the color order value to indicate a 400 KHz device.
// All but the earliest v1 NeoPixels expect an 800 KHz data stream, this is
......@@ -134,7 +146,7 @@
#ifdef NEO_KHZ400
typedef uint16_t neoPixelType; ///< 3rd arg to Adafruit_NeoPixel constructor
typedef uint8_t neoPixelType; ///< 3rd arg to Adafruit_NeoPixel constructor
typedef uint8_t neoPixelType; ///< 3rd arg to Adafruit_NeoPixel constructor
// These two tables are declared outside the Adafruit_NeoPixel class
......@@ -149,22 +161,24 @@ for x in range(256):
if x&15 == 15: print
static const uint8_t PROGMEM _NeoPixelSineTable[256] = {
128,124,121,118,115,112,109,106,103,100, 97, 93, 90, 88, 85, 82,
79, 76, 73, 70, 67, 65, 62, 59, 57, 54, 52, 49, 47, 44, 42, 40,
37, 35, 33, 31, 29, 27, 25, 23, 21, 20, 18, 17, 15, 14, 12, 11,
10, 9, 7, 6, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 9,
10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35,
37, 40, 42, 44, 47, 49, 52, 54, 57, 59, 62, 65, 67, 70, 73, 76,
79, 82, 85, 88, 90, 93, 97,100,103,106,109,112,115,118,121,124};
128, 131, 134, 137, 140, 143, 146, 149, 152, 155, 158, 162, 165, 167, 170,
173, 176, 179, 182, 185, 188, 190, 193, 196, 198, 201, 203, 206, 208, 211,
213, 215, 218, 220, 222, 224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234, 235, 237, 238, 240,
241, 243, 244, 245, 246, 248, 249, 250, 250, 251, 252, 253, 253, 254, 254,
254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 254, 254, 254, 253, 253, 252, 251,
250, 250, 249, 248, 246, 245, 244, 243, 241, 240, 238, 237, 235, 234, 232,
230, 228, 226, 224, 222, 220, 218, 215, 213, 211, 208, 206, 203, 201, 198,
196, 193, 190, 188, 185, 182, 179, 176, 173, 170, 167, 165, 162, 158, 155,
152, 149, 146, 143, 140, 137, 134, 131, 128, 124, 121, 118, 115, 112, 109,
106, 103, 100, 97, 93, 90, 88, 85, 82, 79, 76, 73, 70, 67, 65,
62, 59, 57, 54, 52, 49, 47, 44, 42, 40, 37, 35, 33, 31, 29,
27, 25, 23, 21, 20, 18, 17, 15, 14, 12, 11, 10, 9, 7, 6,
5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11,
12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37,
40, 42, 44, 47, 49, 52, 54, 57, 59, 62, 65, 67, 70, 73, 76,
79, 82, 85, 88, 90, 93, 97, 100, 103, 106, 109, 112, 115, 118, 121,
/* Similar to above, but for an 8-bit gamma-correction table.
Copy & paste this snippet into a Python REPL to regenerate:
......@@ -175,49 +189,49 @@ for x in range(256):
if x&15 == 15: print
static const uint8_t PROGMEM _NeoPixelGammaTable[256] = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3,
3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7,
7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12,
13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20,
20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 27, 27, 28, 29, 29,
30, 31, 31, 32, 33, 34, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,
58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75,
76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 96,
97, 99,100,102,103,105,106,108,109,111,112,114,115,117,119,120,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3,
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6,
6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10,
11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17,
17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 24, 24, 25,
25, 26, 27, 27, 28, 29, 29, 30, 31, 31, 32, 33, 34, 34, 35,
36, 37, 38, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48,
49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63,
64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81,
82, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 99, 100, 102,
103, 105, 106, 108, 109, 111, 112, 114, 115, 117, 119, 120, 122, 124, 125,
127, 129, 130, 132, 134, 136, 137, 139, 141, 143, 145, 146, 148, 150, 152,
154, 156, 158, 160, 162, 164, 166, 168, 170, 172, 174, 176, 178, 180, 182,
184, 186, 188, 191, 193, 195, 197, 199, 202, 204, 206, 209, 211, 213, 215,
218, 220, 223, 225, 227, 230, 232, 235, 237, 240, 242, 245, 247, 250, 252,
@brief Class that stores state and functions for interacting with
Adafruit NeoPixels and compatible devices.
class Adafruit_NeoPixel {
// Constructor: number of LEDs, pin number, LED type
Adafruit_NeoPixel(uint16_t n, uint16_t pin=6,
neoPixelType type=NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
Adafruit_NeoPixel(uint16_t n, int16_t pin = 6,
neoPixelType type = NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
void begin(void);
void show(void);
void setPin(uint16_t p);
void setPixelColor(uint16_t n, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
void setPixelColor(uint16_t n, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b,
uint8_t w);
void setPixelColor(uint16_t n, uint32_t c);
void fill(uint32_t c=0, uint16_t first=0, uint16_t count=0);
void setBrightness(uint8_t);
void clear(void);
void updateLength(uint16_t n);
void updateType(neoPixelType t);
void begin(void);
void show(void);
void setPin(int16_t p);
void setPixelColor(uint16_t n, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
void setPixelColor(uint16_t n, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t w);
void setPixelColor(uint16_t n, uint32_t c);
void fill(uint32_t c = 0, uint16_t first = 0, uint16_t count = 0);
void setBrightness(uint8_t);
void clear(void);
void updateLength(uint16_t n);
void updateType(neoPixelType t);
@brief Check whether a call to show() will start sending data
immediately or will 'block' for a required interval. NeoPixels
......@@ -232,10 +246,26 @@ class Adafruit_NeoPixel {
if show() would block (meaning some idle time is available).
bool canShow(void) {
if (endTime > micros()) {
endTime = micros();
// It's normal and possible for endTime to exceed micros() if the
// 32-bit clock counter has rolled over (about every 70 minutes).
// Since both are uint32_t, a negative delta correctly maps back to
// positive space, and it would seem like the subtraction below would
// suffice. But a problem arises if code invokes show() very
// infrequently...the micros() counter may roll over MULTIPLE times in
// that interval, the delta calculation is no longer correct and the
// next update may stall for a very long time. The check below resets
// the latch counter if a rollover has occurred. This can cause an
// extra delay of up to 300 microseconds in the rare case where a
// show() call happens precisely around the rollover, but that's
// neither likely nor especially harmful, vs. other code that might
// stall for 30+ minutes, or having to document and frequently remind
// and/or provide tech support explaining an unintuitive need for
// show() calls at least once an hour.
uint32_t now = micros();
if (endTime > now) {
endTime = now;
return (micros() - endTime) >= 300L;
return (now - endTime) >= 300L;
@brief Get a pointer directly to the NeoPixel data buffer in RAM.
......@@ -251,19 +281,19 @@ class Adafruit_NeoPixel {
writes past the ends of the buffer. Great power, great
responsibility and all that.
uint8_t *getPixels(void) const { return pixels; };
uint8_t getBrightness(void) const;
uint8_t *getPixels(void) const { return pixels; };
uint8_t getBrightness(void) const;
@brief Retrieve the pin number used for NeoPixel data output.
@return Arduino pin number (-1 if not set).
int16_t getPin(void) const { return pin; };
int16_t getPin(void) const { return pin; };
@brief Return the number of pixels in an Adafruit_NeoPixel strip object.
@return Pixel count (0 if not set).
uint16_t numPixels(void) const { return numLEDs; }
uint32_t getPixelColor(uint16_t n) const;
uint16_t numPixels(void) const { return numLEDs; }
uint32_t getPixelColor(uint16_t n) const;
@brief An 8-bit integer sine wave function, not directly compatible
with standard trigonometric units like radians or degrees.
......@@ -276,7 +306,7 @@ class Adafruit_NeoPixel {
a signed int8_t, but you'll most likely want unsigned as this
output is often used for pixel brightness in animation effects.
static uint8_t sine8(uint8_t x) {
static uint8_t sine8(uint8_t x) {
return pgm_read_byte(&_NeoPixelSineTable[x]); // 0-255 in, 0-255 out
......@@ -290,7 +320,7 @@ class Adafruit_NeoPixel {
NeoPixels in average tasks. If you need finer control you'll
need to provide your own gamma-correction function instead.
static uint8_t gamma8(uint8_t x) {
static uint8_t gamma8(uint8_t x) {
return pgm_read_byte(&_NeoPixelGammaTable[x]); // 0-255 in, 0-255 out
......@@ -304,8 +334,8 @@ class Adafruit_NeoPixel {
function. Packed RGB format is predictable, regardless of
LED strand color order.
static uint32_t Color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
return ((uint32_t)r << 16) | ((uint32_t)g << 8) | b;
static uint32_t Color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
return ((uint32_t)r << 16) | ((uint32_t)g << 8) | b;
@brief Convert separate red, green, blue and white values into a
......@@ -319,10 +349,10 @@ class Adafruit_NeoPixel {
function. Packed WRGB format is predictable, regardless of
LED strand color order.
static uint32_t Color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t w) {
return ((uint32_t)w << 24) | ((uint32_t)r << 16) | ((uint32_t)g << 8) | b;
static uint32_t Color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t w) {
return ((uint32_t)w << 24) | ((uint32_t)r << 16) | ((uint32_t)g << 8) | b;
static uint32_t ColorHSV(uint16_t hue, uint8_t sat=255, uint8_t val=255);
static uint32_t ColorHSV(uint16_t hue, uint8_t sat = 255, uint8_t val = 255);
@brief A gamma-correction function for 32-bit packed RGB or WRGB
colors. Makes color transitions appear more perceptially
......@@ -335,31 +365,45 @@ class Adafruit_NeoPixel {
control you'll need to provide your own gamma-correction
function instead.
static uint32_t gamma32(uint32_t x);
static uint32_t gamma32(uint32_t x);
void rainbow(uint16_t first_hue = 0, int8_t reps = 1,
uint8_t saturation = 255, uint8_t brightness = 255,
bool gammify = true);
#ifdef NEO_KHZ400 // If 400 KHz NeoPixel support enabled...
bool is800KHz; ///< true if 800 KHz pixels
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_RP2040)
void rp2040Init(uint8_t pin, bool is800KHz);
void rp2040Show(uint8_t pin, uint8_t *pixels, uint32_t numBytes, bool is800KHz);
bool begun; ///< true if begin() previously called
uint16_t numLEDs; ///< Number of RGB LEDs in strip
uint16_t numBytes; ///< Size of 'pixels' buffer below
int16_t pin; ///< Output pin number (-1 if not yet set)
uint8_t brightness; ///< Strip brightness 0-255 (stored as +1)
uint8_t *pixels; ///< Holds LED color values (3 or 4 bytes each)
uint8_t rOffset; ///< Red index within each 3- or 4-byte pixel
uint8_t gOffset; ///< Index of green byte
uint8_t bOffset; ///< Index of blue byte
uint8_t wOffset; ///< Index of white (==rOffset if no white)
uint32_t endTime; ///< Latch timing reference
#ifdef NEO_KHZ400 // If 400 KHz NeoPixel support enabled...
bool is800KHz; ///< true if 800 KHz pixels
bool begun; ///< true if begin() previously called
uint16_t numLEDs; ///< Number of RGB LEDs in strip
uint16_t numBytes; ///< Size of 'pixels' buffer below
int16_t pin; ///< Output pin number (-1 if not yet set)
uint8_t brightness; ///< Strip brightness 0-255 (stored as +1)
uint8_t *pixels; ///< Holds LED color values (3 or 4 bytes each)
uint8_t rOffset; ///< Red index within each 3- or 4-byte pixel
uint8_t gOffset; ///< Index of green byte
uint8_t bOffset; ///< Index of blue byte
uint8_t wOffset; ///< Index of white (==rOffset if no white)
uint32_t endTime; ///< Latch timing reference
#ifdef __AVR__
volatile uint8_t *port; ///< Output PORT register
uint8_t pinMask; ///< Output PORT bitmask
volatile uint8_t *port; ///< Output PORT register
uint8_t pinMask; ///< Output PORT bitmask
GPIO_TypeDef *gpioPort; ///< Output GPIO PORT
uint32_t gpioPin; ///< Output GPIO PIN
GPIO_TypeDef *gpioPort; ///< Output GPIO PORT
uint32_t gpioPin; ///< Output GPIO PIN
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_RP2040)
PIO pio = pio0;
int sm = 0;
bool init = true;
......@@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ Compatibility notes: Port A is not supported on any AVR processors at this time
- ESP8266 any speed
- ESP32 any speed
- Nordic nRF52 (Adafruit Feather nRF52), nRF51 (micro:bit)
- Infineon XMC1100 BootKit @ 32 MHz
- Infineon XMC1100 2Go @ 32 MHz
- Infineon XMC1300 BootKit @ 32 MHz
- Infineon XMC4700 RelaxKit, XMC4800 RelaxKit, XMC4800 IoT Amazon FreeRTOS Kit @ 144 MHz
Check forks for other architectures not listed here!
......@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "driver/rmt.h"
#if defined(ESP_IDF_VERSION)
#define HAS_ESP_IDF_4
// This code is adapted from the ESP-IDF v3.4 RMT "led_strip" example, altered
// to work with the Arduino version of the ESP-IDF (3.2)
......@@ -89,6 +95,7 @@ void espShow(uint8_t pin, uint8_t *pixels, uint32_t numBytes, boolean is800KHz)
if (!rmt_reserved_channels[i]) {
rmt_reserved_channels[i] = true;
channel = i;
if (channel == ADAFRUIT_RMT_CHANNEL_MAX) {
......@@ -96,6 +103,10 @@ void espShow(uint8_t pin, uint8_t *pixels, uint32_t numBytes, boolean is800KHz)
#if defined(HAS_ESP_IDF_4)
rmt_config_t config = RMT_DEFAULT_CONFIG_TX(pin, channel);
config.clk_div = 2;
// Match default TX config from ESP-IDF version 3.4
rmt_config_t config = {
.rmt_mode = RMT_MODE_TX,
......@@ -113,12 +124,16 @@ void espShow(uint8_t pin, uint8_t *pixels, uint32_t numBytes, boolean is800KHz)
.idle_output_en = true,
rmt_driver_install(, 0, 0);
// Convert NS timings to ticks
uint32_t counter_clk_hz = 0;
#if defined(HAS_ESP_IDF_4)
rmt_get_counter_clock(channel, &counter_clk_hz);
// this emulates the rmt_get_counter_clock() function from ESP-IDF 3.4
if (RMT_LL_HW_BASE->conf_ch[].conf1.ref_always_on == RMT_BASECLK_REF) {
uint32_t div_cnt = RMT_LL_HW_BASE->conf_ch[].conf0.div_cnt;
......@@ -129,6 +144,7 @@ void espShow(uint8_t pin, uint8_t *pixels, uint32_t numBytes, boolean is800KHz)
uint32_t div = div_cnt == 0 ? 256 : div_cnt;
counter_clk_hz = APB_CLK_FREQ / (div);
// NS to tick converter
float ratio = (float)counter_clk_hz / 1e9;
......@@ -17,16 +17,16 @@ static inline uint32_t _getCycleCount(void) {
#ifdef ESP8266
void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR espShow(
uint8_t pin, uint8_t *pixels, uint32_t numBytes, boolean is800KHz) {
IRAM_ATTR void espShow(
uint8_t pin, uint8_t *pixels, uint32_t numBytes, __attribute__((unused)) boolean is800KHz) {
void espShow(
uint8_t pin, uint8_t *pixels, uint32_t numBytes, boolean is800KHz) {
#define CYCLES_800_T0H (F_CPU / 2500000) // 0.4us
#define CYCLES_800_T1H (F_CPU / 1250000) // 0.8us
#define CYCLES_800 (F_CPU / 800000) // 1.25us per bit
#define CYCLES_800_T0H (F_CPU / 2500001) // 0.4us
#define CYCLES_800_T1H (F_CPU / 1250001) // 0.8us
#define CYCLES_800 (F_CPU / 800001) // 1.25us per bit
#define CYCLES_400_T0H (F_CPU / 2000000) // 0.5uS
#define CYCLES_400_T1H (F_CPU / 833333) // 1.2us
#define CYCLES_400 (F_CPU / 400000) // 2.5us per bit
name=Adafruit NeoPixel
maintainer=Adafruit <>
sentence=Arduino library for controlling single-wire-based LED pixels and strip.
// -------------------------------------------------- //
// This file is autogenerated by pioasm; do not edit! //
// -------------------------------------------------- //
// Unless you know what you are doing...
// Lines 47 and 52 have been edited to set transmit bit count
#include "hardware/pio.h"
// ------ //
// ws2812 //
// ------ //
#define ws2812_wrap_target 0
#define ws2812_wrap 3
#define ws2812_T1 2
#define ws2812_T2 5
#define ws2812_T3 3
static const uint16_t ws2812_program_instructions[] = {
// .wrap_target
0x6221, // 0: out x, 1 side 0 [2]
0x1123, // 1: jmp !x, 3 side 1 [1]
0x1400, // 2: jmp 0 side 1 [4]
0xa442, // 3: nop side 0 [4]
// .wrap
static const struct pio_program ws2812_program = {
.instructions = ws2812_program_instructions,
.length = 4,
.origin = -1,
static inline pio_sm_config ws2812_program_get_default_config(uint offset) {
pio_sm_config c = pio_get_default_sm_config();
sm_config_set_wrap(&c, offset + ws2812_wrap_target, offset + ws2812_wrap);
sm_config_set_sideset(&c, 1, false, false);
return c;
#include "hardware/clocks.h"
static inline void ws2812_program_init(PIO pio, uint sm, uint offset, uint pin,
float freq, uint bits) {
pio_gpio_init(pio, pin);
pio_sm_set_consecutive_pindirs(pio, sm, pin, 1, true);
pio_sm_config c = ws2812_program_get_default_config(offset);
sm_config_set_sideset_pins(&c, pin);
sm_config_set_out_shift(&c, false, true,
bits); // <----<<< Length changed to "bits"
sm_config_set_fifo_join(&c, PIO_FIFO_JOIN_TX);
int cycles_per_bit = ws2812_T1 + ws2812_T2 + ws2812_T3;
float div = clock_get_hz(clk_sys) / (freq * cycles_per_bit);
sm_config_set_clkdiv(&c, div);
pio_sm_init(pio, sm, offset, &c);
pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, sm, true);
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