1. 15 Dec, 2020 10 commits
    • Lukas Wiest's avatar
      chore: remove dockertests subpackage · ad257a19
      Lukas Wiest authored
    • Lukas Wiest's avatar
      chore(tests): remove old tests · 89b4b6d9
      Lukas Wiest authored
      tests have to be re-written, preferrably with Mockito
    • Lukas Wiest's avatar
      refactor(rest): refactor TaskUpload to V2 · db826d5d
      Lukas Wiest authored
      - creates tmp dir
      - copies over the stored assignment repo
      - clones student submission repo
      - runs the image the prof specified in its assignment, mounting
          - the assignment repo
          - the subission repo
          - an empty folder expecting the result file to be in after container
      - reads result file
      - converts to moodle understandable instances
      - returns result to moodle
      BREAKING CHANGE: Gitea eliminated
      BREAKING CHANGE: Jenkins eliminated
      BREAKING CHANGE: expected file type changed from zip to text
      BREAKING CHANGE: textfile has to conform new modocot URI
      BREAKING CHANGE: no Jenkins pipe needed in submission repo
      BREAKING CHANGE: no Dockerfile needed in submission repo
    • Lukas Wiest's avatar
      feat(config): add global proxy configuration · 3a59600d
      Lukas Wiest authored
      the previously deleted set proxy from JGitUtil was just...meh
      This checks if we got a proxy set in the properties file
      Additionally the user can provide a list of not-proxy hosts.
      This setup will then check, if a proxy is available and if so,
      make sure it only gets used if the uri is not on the not-proxy list.
    • Lukas Wiest's avatar
      feat(model): add back model structure for moodle feedback · 528d78ec
      Lukas Wiest authored
      Moodle needs this structure to read the information to show.
      What model to finally agree on has to be discussed later
    • Lukas Wiest's avatar
    • Lukas Wiest's avatar
      feat(util): added Docker Util · eebb44ce
      Lukas Wiest authored
      this component initializes an DockerClient on startup,
      then provides a method to run an container with an given image String
      and n given Bind-mounts.
      This method waits for this container to finish before returning,
      so don't call any services that should just be started and left alone!
      For this the library github-java-docker is used:
      For this to work, the container this is run in obviously needs
      access to the docker socket
    • Lukas Wiest's avatar
    • Lukas Wiest's avatar
      refactor(rest): refactor UnitTestUpload to v2 · 13d3ce30
      Lukas Wiest authored
      - defined modocot URI for unittests and submissions
      - directly expect a textfile, not an archive
      - store config file and local repo copy in persistent place,
          instead of using Gitea
      BREAKING CHANGE: file to be uploaded changed from zip to text
      BREAKING CHANGE: no longer uses Gitea
    • Lukas Wiest's avatar
      refactor(util): refactor JGitUtil for V2 · 1547ce00
      Lukas Wiest authored
      - removed proxy setup method
      - reworked clone method
      BREAKING CHANGE: method signature for cloneRepository changed
  2. 01 Jul, 2020 7 commits
  3. 30 Jun, 2020 1 commit