Commit 533350b6 authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
Browse files

Async region extractor. Doesn't block the GUI anymore.

parent 3f7fb108
......@@ -49,12 +49,8 @@ public JavaScriptFXBridge() {
* Launches a background thread in which the hull gets extracted for every CityGML file. The hull gets sent back
* to the JS app in order to be displayed.
* NOTE: To be very honest, I don't really understand concurrency in JavaFX. Eric
public void refreshHulls() {
//NOTE: Could add progress bar?
Task<Void> task = new Task<Void>() {
public Void call() throws IOException {
......@@ -76,28 +72,36 @@ public Void call() throws IOException {
* This method is called from Javascript, with a prepared wktPolygon written in local coordinates.
* This method is called from Javascript, with a prepared wktPolygon written in local coordinates. Executes it in
* the background to avoid freezing the GUI
public int downloadRegionFromCityGMLs(String wktPolygon, String project, String csvCitygmls, String srsName)
throws IOException, ParseException, XPathParseException, NavException {
public void downloadRegionFromCityGMLs(String wktPolygon, String project, String csvCitygmls, String srsName) {
// It doesn't seem possible to pass arrays or list from JS to Java. So csvCitygmls contains names separated by ;
Path[] paths = Stream.of(csvCitygmls.split(";")).map(s -> citygmlPath(project, s)).toArray(Path[]::new);
String proposedName = csvCitygmls.replace(";", "_").replace(".gml", "") + ".gml";
File outputFile = selectSaveFileWithDialog(project, proposedName, "part");
if (outputFile == null) {
return -1;
int count;
Task<Integer> downloadTask = new Task<Integer>() {
public Integer call() throws IOException, XPathParseException, NavException, ParseException {
int count = -1;
try (BufferedWriter gmlWriter = Files.newBufferedWriter(outputFile.toPath())) {
count = RegionExtractor.selectRegionDirectlyFromCityGML(wktPolygon, srsName, gmlWriter, paths);
} + " has been written");
return count;
downloadTask.setOnRunning(e ->"downloadStart"));
downloadTask.setOnSucceeded(e ->"downloadFinished"));
new Thread(downloadTask).start();
public void selectRepository() {
......@@ -150,8 +150,6 @@ const regionChooser = (function(){
var sketch_percentage = Math.round(intersectionArea / polygonArea * 100);
//TODO: Clean this mess. No jquery
li = document.createElement('li');
li.feature = feature;
......@@ -175,6 +173,7 @@ const regionChooser = (function(){
label.textContent = text + ")\n";
// append to DOM element, not to jQuery object
......@@ -244,8 +243,24 @@ const regionChooser = (function(){
dataPanel.append(text + "<br/>\n");
publicScope.downloadRegionFromCityGMLs = function(features) {
//FIXME: Somehow, no feedback comes after large files are downloaded. :(
publicScope.downloadStart = function(){
document.getElementById("download_region_button").disabled = true;
document.documentElement.className = 'wait';
dataPanel.prepend("<h2 id='download_start' class='ok'>Starting to extract region.</h2><br/>\n");
publicScope.downloadFinished = function(){
document.documentElement.className = ''; // Stop waiting
dataPanel.prepend("<h2 class='ok'>Region has been extracted</h2><br/>\n");
var button = document.getElementById("download_region_button");
if (button){ // Region might have been modified since download start
button.disabled = false;
publicScope.downloadFromSelectedCityGMLs = function() {
var features = getSelectedGMLs();
var project = features[0].get("project");
var srsName = features[0].get("srsName");
......@@ -258,38 +273,15 @@ const regionChooser = (function(){
dataPanel.prepend("<h2 class='error'>Sorry, the CityGML files should all be written with the same coordinate system.</h2><br/>\n");
document.documentElement.className = 'wait';
var citygmlNames = => f.get("name"));
// Waiting 100ms in order to let the cursor change
setTimeout(function() {
var start = new Date().getTime();
if (proj4.defs(srsName)){
console.log("Selected region is written in " + srsName + " coordinate system.");
try {
var count = fxapp.downloadRegionFromCityGMLs(sketchAsWKT(srsName), project, citygmlNames.join(";"), srsName);
if (count == -1){
console.log("No output file has been selected.");
} else {
dataPanel.prepend("<h2 class='ok'>Done! (" + count + " buildings found) </h2><br/>\n");
} catch (e) {
console.warn("ERROR : " + e);
dataPanel.prepend("<h2 class='error'>Some problem occured!</h2><br/>\n");
var end = new Date().getTime();
var time = end - start;
console.log('Download Execution time: ' + (time / 1000).toFixed(3) + 's');
setTimeout(function() {
document.getElementById("download_region_button").disabled = false;
document.documentElement.className = ''; // Stop waiting
}, 100);
fxapp.downloadRegionFromCityGMLs(sketchAsWKT(srsName), project, citygmlNames.join(";"), srsName);
} else {
var msg = "ERROR : Unknown coordinate system : \"" + srsName + "\". Cannot extract any region";
dataPanel.append(msg + "<br/>\n");
}, 100);
function displayInfo() {
......@@ -388,15 +380,6 @@ const regionChooser = (function(){
publicScope.downloadFromSelectedCityGMLs = function() {
document.getElementById("download_region_button").disabled = true;
let selectedGMLs = getSelectedGMLs();
selectedGMLs.forEach(f => f.setStyle(utils.polygon_style("#ffff00", 0.8)));
publicScope.selectAllOrNone = function(allOrNone) {
document.querySelectorAll("input.select_citygml").forEach(c => c.checked = allOrNone);
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