Commit f3f5c798 authored by duminil's avatar duminil
Browse files

RegionChooser: CityGML envelope zMin and zMax are kept.

parent 6aab3d8b
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
......@@ -37,11 +37,16 @@
* @param wktPolygon
* @param string
* @return a StringBuffer, full with the extracted Citygml, including header, buildings and footer.
* @throws Exception
* @throws ParseException
* @throws IOException
* @throws XPathEvalException
* @throws NavException
* @throws XPathParseException
* @throws NumberFormatException
static public StringBuffer selectRegionDirectlyFromCityGML(Path citygmlPath, String wktPolygon, String srsName)
throws SAXParseException, XMLStreamException, ParseException, XPathParseException, NavException,
NumberFormatException, XPathEvalException, IOException {
throws ParseException, NumberFormatException, XPathParseException, NavException, XPathEvalException,
IOException {
int buildingsCount = 0;
int foundBuildingsCount = 0;
......@@ -75,7 +80,8 @@ static public StringBuffer selectRegionDirectlyFromCityGML(Path citygmlPath, Str
* region comes from a huge file (e.g. from NYC), it might inherit this header with a huge envelope. Some methods
* might get confused by this wrong envelope, so this method replaces the original envelope with the bounding box
* from the extracting polygon. The real envelope might be even smaller, but it could only be known at the end of the
* parsing, after having analyzed every building. The envelope should be written in the header.
* parsing, after having analyzed every building. The envelope should be written in the header. If present, min and
* max values for Z are kept.
* @param header
* @param envelope
......@@ -84,11 +90,23 @@ static public StringBuffer selectRegionDirectlyFromCityGML(Path citygmlPath, Str
private static String replaceEnvelopeInHeader(String header, Envelope envelope, String srsName) {
//NOTE: Sorry for using a regex to parse XML. The header in itself isn't correct, so this looked like the easiest solution.
String headerWithoutEnvelope = header.replaceFirst("(?is)<gml:boundedBy>.*?</gml:boundedBy>", "");
double zMin = 0;
double zMax = 0;
Pattern boundedByPattern = Pattern.compile(
Matcher matcher = boundedByPattern.matcher(header);
String headerWithoutEnvelope = header;
if (matcher.find()) {
headerWithoutEnvelope = matcher.replaceFirst("");
zMin = Double.valueOf("\\s+")[2]);
zMax = Double.valueOf("\\s+")[2]);
String newEnvelope = "<gml:boundedBy>\r\n" +
" <gml:Envelope srsName=\"" + srsName + "\" srsDimension=\"3\">\r\n" + //NOTE: Would srsDimension="2" be better? Should the original Z get extracted?
" <gml:lowerCorner>" + envelope.getMinX() + " " + envelope.getMinY() + " 0</gml:lowerCorner>\r\n" +
" <gml:upperCorner>" + envelope.getMaxX() + " " + envelope.getMaxY() + " 0</gml:upperCorner>\r\n" +
" <gml:lowerCorner>" + envelope.getMinX() + " " + envelope.getMinY() + " " + zMin
+ "</gml:lowerCorner>\r\n" +
" <gml:upperCorner>" + envelope.getMaxX() + " " + envelope.getMaxY() + " " + zMax
+ "</gml:upperCorner>\r\n" +
" </gml:Envelope>\r\n" +
return headerWithoutEnvelope + newEnvelope;
......@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ public void testExtract3BuildingsFromGSK3Model() throws Throwable {
assertTrue(churchGMLString.contains("<core:CityModel")); // Header
assertTrue(churchGMLString.contains("</core:CityModel")); // Footer
assertTrue("The exported CityGML should contain a new envelope with the correct EPSG", churchGMLString
.contains("<gml:Envelope srsName=\"EPSG:31467\" srsDimension=\"3\">"));
assertTrue("The exported CityGML should contain a new envelope", churchGMLString
......@@ -72,18 +71,17 @@ public void testExtractBuildingsAndChangeEnvelope() throws Throwable {
Path repo = Paths.get("../TestRepository");
Path citygmlPath = repo.resolve("NewYork.proj/FamilyCourt_LOD2_with_PLUTO_attributes.gml");
String familyCourtBuilding = RegionExtractor
.selectRegionDirectlyFromCityGML(citygmlPath, wktPolygon, "EPSG:32118")
.selectRegionDirectlyFromCityGML(citygmlPath, wktPolygon, "EPSG:32118").toString();
assertEquals(countRegexMatches(familyCourtBuilding, "<(core:)?cityObjectMember"), 1);
assertFalse("The exported CityGML shouldn't contain the original envelope", familyCourtBuilding
.contains("<gml:lowerCorner>298393.46959639067 59277.34021543693 -11.892070104139751</gml:lowerCorner>"));
assertFalse("The exported CityGML shouldn't contain the original envelope", familyCourtBuilding
.contains("<gml:upperCorner>305641.79529639013 67101.44881543722 547.7591871983744</gml:upperCorner>"));
assertTrue("The exported CityGML should contain a new envelope", familyCourtBuilding
.contains("<gml:lowerCorner>299721.46983062755 61021.99295737501 "));
assertTrue("The exported CityGML should contain a new envelope", familyCourtBuilding
.contains("<gml:upperCorner>299823.9079725632 61122.68126771413 "));
assertTrue("The exported CityGML should contain a new envelope with the original altitudes", familyCourtBuilding
.contains("<gml:lowerCorner>299721.46983062755 61021.99295737501 -11.89"));
assertTrue("The exported CityGML should contain a new envelope with the original altitudes", familyCourtBuilding
.contains("<gml:upperCorner>299823.9079725632 61122.68126771413 547.75"));
assertTrue("The exported CityGML should contain a new envelope with the correct EPSG", familyCourtBuilding
.contains("<gml:Envelope srsName=\"EPSG:32118\" srsDimension=\"3\">"));
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