Commit 4dd5c69d authored by Pithon Kabiro's avatar Pithon Kabiro
Browse files


parent 2f8e2d17
# iCity TP3.1 Dashboard # Energy Dashboard Prototype
Development of dashboard for Bosch Schwieberdingen A prototype of an energy dashboard for the Bosch Schwieberdingen facility. The development of this dashboard was carried out as part of sub-project 3.1 (_Effizienzsteigerung durch intelligente Vernetzung von Erzeugern und Verbrauchern in Gewerbegebieten am Beispiel der Robert Bosch GmbH, Standort Schwieberdingen_) of the iCity project.
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## Features
- Retrieve raw observations at 15 minute and 60 minute sampling rates
- Aggregate the raw observations for daily or monthly intervals. The currently available aggregation options are `sum`, `maximum`, `minimum` and `average`
- Visualize the raw and aggregated observations using four types of charts: line, heatmap, scatter plot and column. These charts are based on the [Highcharts]( JavaScript library
## Installation
- Clone this repository
- Create a `config.mjs` file and place it in the root of the `public/js` directory. This file should have the following structure:
const CESIUM_ION_ACCESS_TOKEN = "your_cesium_ion_token";
const SENSORTHINGS_API_BASE_URL = "your_sensorthingsapi_server_url";
- Install the application's dependencies
$ npm i
- Start the application (which should be available at `http://localhost:3000`)
$ nodemon index.js
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