Commit d8e51e64 authored by Pithon Kabiro's avatar Pithon Kabiro
Browse files

New function: draw scatter plot

Add the basic structure of scatter plot chart
parent b352f43a
......@@ -573,6 +573,592 @@ const observationsPromisesRLArr = =>
// console.log(x)
// );
const drawScatterPlotHC = function () {
Highcharts.chart("chart-scatter-plot", {
chart: {
type: "scatter",
zoomType: "xy",
title: {
text: "Height Versus Weight of 507 Individuals by Gender",
subtitle: {
text: "Source: Heinz 2003",
xAxis: {
title: {
enabled: true,
text: "Height (cm)",
startOnTick: true,
endOnTick: true,
showLastLabel: true,
yAxis: {
title: {
text: "Weight (kg)",
legend: {
layout: "vertical",
align: "left",
verticalAlign: "top",
x: 100,
y: 70,
floating: true,
backgroundColor: Highcharts.defaultOptions.chart.backgroundColor,
borderWidth: 1,
plotOptions: {
scatter: {
marker: {
radius: 5,
states: {
hover: {
enabled: true,
lineColor: "rgb(100,100,100)",
states: {
hover: {
marker: {
enabled: false,
tooltip: {
headerFormat: "<b>{}</b><br>",
pointFormat: "{point.x} cm, {point.y} kg",
series: [
name: "Female",
color: "rgba(223, 83, 83, .5)",
data: [
[161.2, 51.6],
[167.5, 59.0],
[159.5, 49.2],
[157.0, 63.0],
[155.8, 53.6],
[170.0, 59.0],
[159.1, 47.6],
[166.0, 69.8],
[176.2, 66.8],
[160.2, 75.2],
[172.5, 55.2],
[170.9, 54.2],
[172.9, 62.5],
[153.4, 42.0],
[160.0, 50.0],
[147.2, 49.8],
[168.2, 49.2],
[175.0, 73.2],
[157.0, 47.8],
[167.6, 68.8],
[159.5, 50.6],
[175.0, 82.5],
[166.8, 57.2],
[176.5, 87.8],
[170.2, 72.8],
[174.0, 54.5],
[173.0, 59.8],
[179.9, 67.3],
[170.5, 67.8],
[160.0, 47.0],
[154.4, 46.2],
[162.0, 55.0],
[176.5, 83.0],
[160.0, 54.4],
[152.0, 45.8],
[162.1, 53.6],
[170.0, 73.2],
[160.2, 52.1],
[161.3, 67.9],
[166.4, 56.6],
[168.9, 62.3],
[163.8, 58.5],
[167.6, 54.5],
[160.0, 50.2],
[161.3, 60.3],
[167.6, 58.3],
[165.1, 56.2],
[160.0, 50.2],
[170.0, 72.9],
[157.5, 59.8],
[167.6, 61.0],
[160.7, 69.1],
[163.2, 55.9],
[152.4, 46.5],
[157.5, 54.3],
[168.3, 54.8],
[180.3, 60.7],
[165.5, 60.0],
[165.0, 62.0],
[164.5, 60.3],
[156.0, 52.7],
[160.0, 74.3],
[163.0, 62.0],
[165.7, 73.1],
[161.0, 80.0],
[162.0, 54.7],
[166.0, 53.2],
[174.0, 75.7],
[172.7, 61.1],
[167.6, 55.7],
[151.1, 48.7],
[164.5, 52.3],
[163.5, 50.0],
[152.0, 59.3],
[169.0, 62.5],
[164.0, 55.7],
[161.2, 54.8],
[155.0, 45.9],
[170.0, 70.6],
[176.2, 67.2],
[170.0, 69.4],
[162.5, 58.2],
[170.3, 64.8],
[164.1, 71.6],
[169.5, 52.8],
[163.2, 59.8],
[154.5, 49.0],
[159.8, 50.0],
[173.2, 69.2],
[170.0, 55.9],
[161.4, 63.4],
[169.0, 58.2],
[166.2, 58.6],
[159.4, 45.7],
[162.5, 52.2],
[159.0, 48.6],
[162.8, 57.8],
[159.0, 55.6],
[179.8, 66.8],
[162.9, 59.4],
[161.0, 53.6],
[151.1, 73.2],
[168.2, 53.4],
[168.9, 69.0],
[173.2, 58.4],
[171.8, 56.2],
[178.0, 70.6],
[164.3, 59.8],
[163.0, 72.0],
[168.5, 65.2],
[166.8, 56.6],
[172.7, 105.2],
[163.5, 51.8],
[169.4, 63.4],
[167.8, 59.0],
[159.5, 47.6],
[167.6, 63.0],
[161.2, 55.2],
[160.0, 45.0],
[163.2, 54.0],
[162.2, 50.2],
[161.3, 60.2],
[149.5, 44.8],
[157.5, 58.8],
[163.2, 56.4],
[172.7, 62.0],
[155.0, 49.2],
[156.5, 67.2],
[164.0, 53.8],
[160.9, 54.4],
[162.8, 58.0],
[167.0, 59.8],
[160.0, 54.8],
[160.0, 43.2],
[168.9, 60.5],
[158.2, 46.4],
[156.0, 64.4],
[160.0, 48.8],
[167.1, 62.2],
[158.0, 55.5],
[167.6, 57.8],
[156.0, 54.6],
[162.1, 59.2],
[173.4, 52.7],
[159.8, 53.2],
[170.5, 64.5],
[159.2, 51.8],
[157.5, 56.0],
[161.3, 63.6],
[162.6, 63.2],
[160.0, 59.5],
[168.9, 56.8],
[165.1, 64.1],
[162.6, 50.0],
[165.1, 72.3],
[166.4, 55.0],
[160.0, 55.9],
[152.4, 60.4],
[170.2, 69.1],
[162.6, 84.5],
[170.2, 55.9],
[158.8, 55.5],
[172.7, 69.5],
[167.6, 76.4],
[162.6, 61.4],
[167.6, 65.9],
[156.2, 58.6],
[175.2, 66.8],
[172.1, 56.6],
[162.6, 58.6],
[160.0, 55.9],
[165.1, 59.1],
[182.9, 81.8],
[166.4, 70.7],
[165.1, 56.8],
[177.8, 60.0],
[165.1, 58.2],
[175.3, 72.7],
[154.9, 54.1],
[158.8, 49.1],
[172.7, 75.9],
[168.9, 55.0],
[161.3, 57.3],
[167.6, 55.0],
[165.1, 65.5],
[175.3, 65.5],
[157.5, 48.6],
[163.8, 58.6],
[167.6, 63.6],
[165.1, 55.2],
[165.1, 62.7],
[168.9, 56.6],
[162.6, 53.9],
[164.5, 63.2],
[176.5, 73.6],
[168.9, 62.0],
[175.3, 63.6],
[159.4, 53.2],
[160.0, 53.4],
[170.2, 55.0],
[162.6, 70.5],
[167.6, 54.5],
[162.6, 54.5],
[160.7, 55.9],
[160.0, 59.0],
[157.5, 63.6],
[162.6, 54.5],
[152.4, 47.3],
[170.2, 67.7],
[165.1, 80.9],
[172.7, 70.5],
[165.1, 60.9],
[170.2, 63.6],
[170.2, 54.5],
[170.2, 59.1],
[161.3, 70.5],
[167.6, 52.7],
[167.6, 62.7],
[165.1, 86.3],
[162.6, 66.4],
[152.4, 67.3],
[168.9, 63.0],
[170.2, 73.6],
[175.2, 62.3],
[175.2, 57.7],
[160.0, 55.4],
[165.1, 104.1],
[174.0, 55.5],
[170.2, 77.3],
[160.0, 80.5],
[167.6, 64.5],
[167.6, 72.3],
[167.6, 61.4],
[154.9, 58.2],
[162.6, 81.8],
[175.3, 63.6],
[171.4, 53.4],
[157.5, 54.5],
[165.1, 53.6],
[160.0, 60.0],
[174.0, 73.6],
[162.6, 61.4],
[174.0, 55.5],
[162.6, 63.6],
[161.3, 60.9],
[156.2, 60.0],
[149.9, 46.8],
[169.5, 57.3],
[160.0, 64.1],
[175.3, 63.6],
[169.5, 67.3],
[160.0, 75.5],
[172.7, 68.2],
[162.6, 61.4],
[157.5, 76.8],
[176.5, 71.8],
[164.4, 55.5],
[160.7, 48.6],
[174.0, 66.4],
[163.8, 67.3],
name: "Male",
color: "rgba(119, 152, 191, .5)",
data: [
[174.0, 65.6],
[175.3, 71.8],
[193.5, 80.7],
[186.5, 72.6],
[187.2, 78.8],
[181.5, 74.8],
[184.0, 86.4],
[184.5, 78.4],
[175.0, 62.0],
[184.0, 81.6],
[180.0, 76.6],
[177.8, 83.6],
[192.0, 90.0],
[176.0, 74.6],
[174.0, 71.0],
[184.0, 79.6],
[192.7, 93.8],
[171.5, 70.0],
[173.0, 72.4],
[176.0, 85.9],
[176.0, 78.8],
[180.5, 77.8],
[172.7, 66.2],
[176.0, 86.4],
[173.5, 81.8],
[178.0, 89.6],
[180.3, 82.8],
[180.3, 76.4],
[164.5, 63.2],
[173.0, 60.9],
[183.5, 74.8],
[175.5, 70.0],
[188.0, 72.4],
[189.2, 84.1],
[172.8, 69.1],
[170.0, 59.5],
[182.0, 67.2],
[170.0, 61.3],
[177.8, 68.6],
[184.2, 80.1],
[186.7, 87.8],
[171.4, 84.7],
[172.7, 73.4],
[175.3, 72.1],
[180.3, 82.6],
[182.9, 88.7],
[188.0, 84.1],
[177.2, 94.1],
[172.1, 74.9],
[167.0, 59.1],
[169.5, 75.6],
[174.0, 86.2],
[172.7, 75.3],
[182.2, 87.1],
[164.1, 55.2],
[163.0, 57.0],
[171.5, 61.4],
[184.2, 76.8],
[174.0, 86.8],
[174.0, 72.2],
[177.0, 71.6],
[186.0, 84.8],
[167.0, 68.2],
[171.8, 66.1],
[182.0, 72.0],
[167.0, 64.6],
[177.8, 74.8],
[164.5, 70.0],
[192.0, 101.6],
[175.5, 63.2],
[171.2, 79.1],
[181.6, 78.9],
[167.4, 67.7],
[181.1, 66.0],
[177.0, 68.2],
[174.5, 63.9],
[177.5, 72.0],
[170.5, 56.8],
[182.4, 74.5],
[197.1, 90.9],
[180.1, 93.0],
[175.5, 80.9],
[180.6, 72.7],
[184.4, 68.0],
[175.5, 70.9],
[180.6, 72.5],
[177.0, 72.5],
[177.1, 83.4],
[181.6, 75.5],
[176.5, 73.0],
[175.0, 70.2],
[174.0, 73.4],
[165.1, 70.5],
[177.0, 68.9],
[192.0, 102.3],
[176.5, 68.4],
[169.4, 65.9],
[182.1, 75.7],
[179.8, 84.5],
[175.3, 87.7],
[184.9, 86.4],
[177.3, 73.2],
[167.4, 53.9],
[178.1, 72.0],
[168.9, 55.5],
[157.2, 58.4],
[180.3, 83.2],
[170.2, 72.7],
[177.8, 64.1],
[172.7, 72.3],
[165.1, 65.0],
[186.7, 86.4],
[165.1, 65.0],
[174.0, 88.6],
[175.3, 84.1],
[185.4, 66.8],
[177.8, 75.5],
[180.3, 93.2],
[180.3, 82.7],
[177.8, 58.0],
[177.8, 79.5],
[177.8, 78.6],
[177.8, 71.8],
[177.8, 116.4],
[163.8, 72.2],
[188.0, 83.6],
[198.1, 85.5],
[175.3, 90.9],
[166.4, 85.9],
[190.5, 89.1],
[166.4, 75.0],
[177.8, 77.7],
[179.7, 86.4],
[172.7, 90.9],
[190.5, 73.6],
[185.4, 76.4],
[168.9, 69.1],
[167.6, 84.5],
[175.3, 64.5],
[170.2, 69.1],
[190.5, 108.6],
[177.8, 86.4],
[190.5, 80.9],
[177.8, 87.7],
[184.2, 94.5],
[176.5, 80.2],
[177.8, 72.0],
[180.3, 71.4],
[171.4, 72.7],
[172.7, 84.1],
[172.7, 76.8],
[177.8, 63.6],
[177.8, 80.9],
[182.9, 80.9],
[170.2, 85.5],
[167.6, 68.6],
[175.3, 67.7],
[165.1, 66.4],
[185.4, 102.3],
[181.6, 70.5],
[172.7, 95.9],
[190.5, 84.1],
[179.1, 87.3],
[175.3, 71.8],
[170.2, 65.9],
[193.0, 95.9],
[171.4, 91.4],
[177.8, 81.8],
[177.8, 96.8],
[167.6, 69.1],
[167.6, 82.7],
[180.3, 75.5],
[182.9, 79.5],
[176.5, 73.6],
[186.7, 91.8],
[188.0, 84.1],
[188.0, 85.9],
[177.8, 81.8],
[174.0, 82.5],
[177.8, 80.5],
[171.4, 70.0],
[185.4, 81.8],
[185.4, 84.1],
[188.0, 90.5],
[188.0, 91.4],
[182.9, 89.1],
[176.5, 85.0],
[175.3, 69.1],
[175.3, 73.6],
[188.0, 80.5],
[188.0, 82.7],
[175.3, 86.4],
[170.5, 67.7],
[179.1, 92.7],
[177.8, 93.6],
[175.3, 70.9],
[182.9, 75.0],
[170.8, 93.2],
[188.0, 93.2],
[180.3, 77.7],
[177.8, 61.4],
[185.4, 94.1],
[168.9, 75.0],
[185.4, 83.6],
[180.3, 85.5],
[174.0, 73.9],
[167.6, 66.8],
[182.9, 87.3],
[160.0, 72.3],
[180.3, 88.6],
[167.6, 75.5],
[186.7, 101.4],
[175.3, 91.1],
[175.3, 67.3],
[175.9, 77.7],
[175.3, 81.8],
[179.1, 75.5],
[181.6, 84.5],
[177.8, 76.6],
[182.9, 85.0],
[177.8, 102.5],
[184.2, 77.3],
[179.1, 71.8],
[176.5, 87.9],
[188.0, 94.3],
[174.0, 70.9],
[167.6, 64.5],
[170.2, 77.3],
[167.6, 72.3],
[188.0, 87.3],
[174.0, 80.0],
[176.5, 82.3],
[180.3, 73.6],
[167.6, 74.1],
[188.0, 85.9],
[180.3, 73.2],
[167.6, 76.3],
[183.0, 65.9],
[183.0, 90.9],
[179.1, 89.1],
[170.2, 62.3],
[177.8, 82.7],
[179.1, 79.1],
[190.5, 98.2],
[177.8, 84.1],
[180.3, 83.2],
[180.3, 83.2],
export {
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