Commit 03149702 authored by Hanadi's avatar Hanadi
Browse files

Initial Commit

export type GeoProximity = {
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
distance: number;
export type UnitsType = "metric" | "imperial";
export type FlowResponse = {
* A list of Roadway (RW) items.
RWS: Roadways[];
* Units of measurements used for flow items.
UNITS: UnitsType
export type Roadways = {
* This is the composite item for flow across an entire roadway.
* A roadway item will be present for each roadway with traffic flow information available.
RW: Roadway[];
* Units of measurements used for flow items in this RWS element.
UNITS: UnitsType
export type Roadway = {
* A list of Flow Item (FI) elements
FIS: FlowItems[];
* Unique string identifier for this Linear
LI: string;
* Text description of the road
DE: string;
* Basetimestamp used as a reference for all predictive calculations in this Roadway
PBT: string;
export type FlowItems = {
* A single flow item.
FI: FlowItem[];
export type FlowItem = {
* An ordered collection of TMC locations.
* Current Flow. This element contains details about speed and Jam Factor information for the given flow item.
CF: CFType[];
* A list of the flow item segments.
SHP?: SegmentInformation[];
export type SegmentInformation = {
* A value of the points in the segment represented as lat,lon string separated by spaces.
* E.g. "48.78905,9.18971 48.78916,9.18932 48.78919,9.1892 48.78921,9.1891 "
value: string;
export type TMCType = {
* Point TMC Location Code
PC: number;
* Description for the given location.
DE: string;
* Queuing direction. '+' or '-'. Note this is the opposite of the travel direction in the fully qualified ID,
* for example for location 107+03021 the QD would be '-'.
QD: "+" | "-";
* Length of item (based on UNITS)
LE: number;
export type CFType = {
* Used when it is needed to differentiate between different kinds of location types.
TY: string;
* Speed (based on UNITS) capped by speed limit.
SP: number;
* Speed (based on UNITS) not capped by speed limit
SU: number;
* The free flow speed on this stretch of road.
FF: number;
* The number between 0.0 and 10.0 indicating the expected quality of travel. When there is a road closure, the Jam Factor will be 10.
* As the number approaches 10.0 the quality of travel is getting worse. -1.0 indicates that a Jam Factor could not be calculated.
JF: number;
* Confidence, an indication of how the speed was determined. -1.0 road closed. 1.0=100% 0.7-100% Historical Usually a value between .7 and 1.0.
CN: number;
\ No newline at end of file
import fetch from "node-fetch";
import {FlowResponse, GeoProximity, UnitsType} from "./DataTypes";
const BASE_URL = "";
const TRAFFIC_PATH = "traffic/6.1";
export class HereClient {
private apiKey: string
) {}
async flow(position: GeoProximity, units: UnitsType = "metric"): Promise<FlowResponse> {
const prox = `${position.latitude},${position.longitude},${position.distance}`;
const urlPath = `${TRAFFIC_PATH}/flow.json`;
return this.get(urlPath, {prox, units});
private async get(urlPath: string, params: { [key: string]: string }): Promise<any> {
let url = `${BASE_URL}/${urlPath}`;
if (!params)
params = {};
params.apiKey = this.apiKey;
params.responseattributes = "shape";
url += "?";
url += Object.entries(params)
.map(([key, value]) => `${key}=${value}`)
return fetch(url).then(res => res.json());
const log = (text: string, logType: "INFO" | "ERROR" | "DEBUG") => {
const time = new Date().toISOString();
console.log(`${time} ${logType} ${text}`);
export const info = (text: string) => log(text, "INFO");
export const error = (text: string, err?: Error) => {
log(text, "ERROR");
if (err)
export const debug = (text: string) => log(text, "DEBUG");
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "commonjs",
"target": "es6",
"lib": [
"sourceMap": true,
"rootDir": "./",
"outDir": "./build",
"strict": true,
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true
"exclude": [
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