Commit c4fa2d62 authored by JOE XMG's avatar JOE XMG
Browse files


parent 63b0c450
Pipeline #6074 passed with stage
in 8 seconds
Showing with 86696 additions and 17 deletions
+86696 -17
image: alpine:latest
- test
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stage: test
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// <h2>EnSys-LE Visualization Dashboard</h2>
// The joint project between HFT Stuttgart with ewi Köln analyses local energy markets as a link
// between regional and central energy system transformation. The sub-project of the HFT Stuttgart is
// concerned with the model-based analysis of regional power generation systems based on the simulation
// platform SimStadt. EnSys-LE addresses the question of how local and national energy systems behave
// in relation to each other. For four representative districts in Germany, the potential for renewable
// energies is investigated and how it compares to the national targets for renewable energies.
// <a href="">Read more ...</a>
// `
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<h2>EnSys-LE 3D Viewer</h2>
<a href="../index.html">Back to main page</a>
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