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# Stock Asset Review
> **_BPT - Assignment 3:_** Partly automated Workflows with Camunda
BPT - Assignment 3/4: Partly automated Workflows with Camunda
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## Table of Contents
1. [Set up Application](#set-up-application)
2. [Set up Camunda Modeler](#set-up-camunda-modeler)
3. [Claim API Key](#claim-api-key)
4. [Create Process](#create-process)
5. [Run Application (MAVEN)](#run-application-maven)
6. [Run Application (DOCKER)](#run-application-docker)
6. [How to use Application](#how-to-use-application)
## Set up Application
Camunda Spring Boot Application created with [Camunda Platform Initializr].
| Settings | Version |
| ------ | ------ |
| Camunda Platform Version | 7.16.0 |
| Spring Boot Version | 7.5.4 |
| Java Version | 11 |
| Dependencies |
| ------ |
| Webapps |
| Spin (XML & JSON) |
| Credentials | Value |
| ------ | ------ |
| Admin Username | demo |
| Admin Password | demo |
### Additional Dependencies
Also added [GSON] dependency for parsing JSON objects to `pom.xml`.
> **_INFO:_** Required new clean build to include the GSON JAR file automatically to the classpath of the application.
> **_INFO:_** Used version `2.8.4`, because other failed with spring boot.
### Additional Settings
Enabled process application to disables the `SpringProcessEngineConfiguration` auto-deploy feature.
> **_INFO:_** Without `@EnableProcessApplication` using embedded forms always failed.
### IDE
Used development enviroment is [Visual Studio Code].
- Version `1.62.3`
## Set up Camunda Modeler
Downloaded [Camunda Modeler], unziped the file and ran `Camunda Modeler.exe`.
- Version `4.11.1`
## Claim API Key
Got free [Alpha Vantage] API Key:
## Create Process
Created camunda BPMN process as described in [BPT Moodle Course].
- Start Event
- End of month as manually triggered Start-Event
- First User Task
- User enters into a dialog (HTML form: [company_form.html]) a company name, of which their company own stocks.
- The step stores the name in a process variable `stock`.
- First Service Task
- System queries a REST-WebService at
- The Search Endpoint for `stock`.
- The step stores the resulting symbol in a process variable `symbol`.
- Used the `Java Delegate` class for implementation.
- Connecting the delegate class [] with the service task takes place selecting `Java Class` instead of `Expression` and entering the full classpath.
- Second Service Task
- System queries a REST-WebService at
- The Quote Endpoint stores the current price in a process variable `price` and the change in a process variable `change`.
- Used the `Java Delegate` class for implementation.
- Connecting the delegate class [] with the service task takes place selecting `Java Class` instead of `Expression` and entering the full classpath.
- Gateway
- Gateway decides by price and change for a sell recommendation
- if `price<1 and change negative`, the system should execute the second user task.
- else, the system leads to second end event
- Second User Task
- System displays to the user a dialog (HTML form: [sell_form.html]) with `symbol`, `price`, `change` and a button `Sell` and a button `Cancel`.
- There are no functions implemented for the buttons!
- First End Event
- The process terminates.
- Second End Event
- The process terminates.
- Set to `default` sequence flow.
### BPMN Process
Saved process model in application resource folder: [process.bpmn].
## Run Application (MAVEN)
Clone Repository:
git clone
Build Application:
mvn clean install
Run Spring-Boot Application:
mvn spring-boot:run
Application starts on port 9999. Open in Browser:
## Run Application (DOCKER)
Run Docker Image
docker run -p 9999:9999 kebidge/stock-asset-review:jib
> **_INFO:_** Do not run container in detached mode! Otherwise you will not see application logs.
Application starts on port 9999. Open in Browser:
### Image Details
Type: [Google Jib]\
Size: `302MB`\
Compressed Size: `133.38MB`\
OS/ARCH: `linux/amd64`
| Description | Size | Comment |
| ------ | ------ | ------ |
| jib-maven-plugin:3.1.4 | 4.32kB | jvm arg files |
| jib-maven-plugin:3.1.4 | 2.38kB | classes |
| jib-maven-plugin:3.1.4 | 3.06kB | resources |
| jib-maven-plugin:3.1.4 | 57.7MB | dependencies |
| /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/o… | 0B | |
| /bin/sh -c set -eux; ARCH="$(dpkg --prin… | 128MB | |
| /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV JAVA_VERSION=jdk-11.0… | 0B | |
| /bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get ins… | 43.2MB | |
| /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LANG… | 0B | |
| /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["bash"] | 0B | |
| /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:8d2f4a45a58b3f542… | 72.8MB | |
## How to use Application
### Use Real Data
##### Login to Camunda Platform:
| Username | Password |
| ------ | ------ |
| demo | demo |
##### Open `Tasklist` and start new process:
##### Select `Stock Review Process`:
##### Start `Stock Review Process`:
##### Refresh Website and click on appeared user task `Set Company Name`:
##### Switch to `Cockpit` view and click on `Running Process Instances`:
##### Select `Stock Review Process`:
##### Process stops at `UserTask_1` as expected:
##### Now go back to `Tasklist` view, set value (e.g. `IBM`), first click on `Save` and afterwards on `Complete`:
> **_INFO:_** After completing the user task `Set Company Name` the process `Stock Review Process` ends. Usually the requested stock price will be greater than `1.0`, so the process will not run into second user task `Sell Stock`. To see second user task run application with the help of dummy data!
##### Take a look at the application logs:
### Use Dummy Data
> **_INFO:_** Force second user task `Sell Stock` with the help of dummy data.
##### Disable real data! Comment out line 125 and line 126 of `GlobalQuoteDelegate` class.
##### Build, run and open application in browser! Then do same steps as in the case of [Use Real Data](#use-real-data):
- Login to Camunda Platform
- Open `Tasklist` and start new process
- Select `Stock Review Process`
- Start `Stock Review Process`
- Refresh Website and click on appeared user task `Set Company Name`
- Switch to `Cockpit` view and click on `Running Process Instances`
- Select `Stock Review Process`
- Process stops at `UserTask_1` as expected
- Now go back to `Tasklist` view, set value (e.g. `IBM`), first click on `Save` and afterwards on `Complete`
##### After completing `UserTask_1` the system runs both service tasks and stops at `UserTask_2` as expected. Take a look in `Cockpit` view:
##### Go back to `Tasklist` view, review the stock data (`stock`, `price` and `change`) and complete the task by clicking on `Complete`:
> **_INFO:_** Buttons `Sell` and `Cancel` are not implemented.
##### Take a look at the application logs:
[//]: # (reference links)
[Camunda Platform Initializr]: <>
[GSON]: <>
[Visual Studio Code]: <>
[Camunda Modeler]: <>
[Alpha Vantage]: <>
[company_form.html]: <>
[BPT Moodle Course]: <>
[]: <>
[]: <>
[sell_form.html]: <>
[process.bpmn]: <>
[Google Jib]: <>
[process]: assets/process.png "BPMN process"
[start-new-process]: assets/real-data_01_start-process.png "start new process"
[select-process]: assets/real-data_02_select-process.png "select process"
[start-process]: assets/real-data_03_start.png "start selected process"
[view-process]: assets/real-data_04_view-process.png "view process"
[cockpit]: assets/real-data_05_cockpit.png "cockpit"
[select-running-process]: assets/real-data_06_select-running-process.png "select running process"
[show-user-task-1]: assets/real-data_07_show-running-process.png "show user task 1"
[complete-user-task-1]: assets/real-data_08_complete-process.png "complete user task 1"
[real-data-logs]: assets/real-data_09_logs.png "application real data logs"
[disable-real-data]: assets/dummy-data_01_disable-real-data.png "disable real data"
[show-user-task-2]: assets/dummy-data_02_show-user-task2.png "show user task 2"
[complete-user-task-2]: assets/dummy-data_03_complete-user-task2.png "complete user task 2"
[dummy-data-logs]: assets/dummy-data_04_logs.png "application dummy data logs"
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