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       <h1>Web 3D visualization</h1>
          <p>3D tiles is an OGC standard developed by Cesium to deliver, render and visualise massive 3D geospatial data on web. As of today, Cesium web globe is able to render 3D tiles out of box. CityGML can be out of box converted to 3D tiles using Cesium ion which is a cloud platform provided by Cesium to convert and host 3D geospatial data. For free users, a limit of 5GB is applicable on using cesium ion for data hosting. Alternatively, Feature Manipulation Engine (FME) can be used to convert CityGML to 3D tiles. However, via FME, data is not hosted on cloud using cesium ion but stored on a local machine. Such an arrangement can be useful if data sharing privacy and security is of importance.  
            Ones CityGML is converted to 3D tiles, it can be render on web using CesiumJS for cesium web globe. CesiumJS is an open source JavaScript library for creating interactive 3D web applications. </p>
        <span class="center"><img src="img/biomass_marbarch.jpg" alt="Visualisation of the Marbach’s biomass potential using its CityGML LandUse model " width="90%" height="90%" /></span>
         <span class="center">"Visualisation of the Marbach’s biomass potential using its CityGML LandUse model"</span>