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Update Biomass.html

parent 37c8b174
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<h1>Biomass Simulator</h1>
<p>SimStadt is an urban simulation tool in development during various research projects since 2015. Up to now the potential of photovoltaic, solar thermal energy and building heating demands can be assessed at the level of individual buildings. SimStadt uses the City Geography Mark-up Language (CityGML), which describes 3D urban building models.</p>
<p>Work has been conducted to extend SimStadt tool with a new FWE assessment extension. So far, the extensive analysis of biomass potential has been realized. The extension takes the integration map between CityGML and satellite crop distribution map , which allows the workflow to assess the local biomass potential with high resolution and reliability instead of using general statistic data. </p>
<p>This biomass assessment workflow gives the primary energy potential as well as the secondary technical potential, e.g. energy wood, biogas, bio ethanol, residue, etc. User is allowed to give parameters relating to specific energy scenarios, e.g. the ratio for energy production from crop, the ratio of harvesting forest and etc. The workflow only consider the energy potential directly from vegetation rather from animal products.</p>
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