Unverified Commit 79a3d390 authored by mntmn's avatar mntmn Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Remove windows prerelease from README

Releases should be tested and built via CI/CD.
parent 628ceb6c
......@@ -6,10 +6,6 @@ The spacedeck.com online service was shut down on May 1st 2018. We decided to op
We appreciate filed issues, pull requests and general discussion.
**Windows users:** Try the one-click release at https://github.com/spacedeck/spacedeck-open/releases/tag/v0.9
Desktop releases for Linux and Mac will be published here soon. In the meantime, you have to install Node.JS to run Spacedeck.
# Features
- Create virtual whiteboards called *Spaces* with virtually unlimited size
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