Commit ddd1ed2c authored by mntmn's avatar mntmn
Browse files

landing: add screenshot

parent 2ac0d49f
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.footer {
margin-left: 300px;
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margin-left: 300px;
margin-top: 100px;
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@media screen and (max-width: 1000px) {
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Spacedeck can help you.
Spacedeck is the right tool for you if you want to quickly put together a collage of your
idea or concept, either for yourself or to share it with teammembers, clients or students.
Spacedeck is a browser based application. It is the right tool for you if you want to quickly put together a collage of your idea or concept, either for yourself or to share it with teammembers, clients or students. Changes are updated in realtime.
Spacedeck is not meant for creating polished designs, but it is a good fit for:
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<li>Shared Whiteboards</li>
<li>Design Thinking</li>
<img src="/images/sd6-screenshot.png" alt="Screenshot of Spacedeck 6.0">
The hosted version of Spacedeck 6.0 is currently in beta and invite only. You can also self-host and <a href="">participate in the open source development</a>.
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