Commit f4b8e3d4 authored by Wolfgang Knopki's avatar Wolfgang Knopki
Browse files

Merge branch 'saml-integration' into 'master'

Saml integration

See merge request !4
parents 75b5f79c 710c1038
......@@ -19,9 +19,11 @@
var ENV = {
name: 'development',
webEndpoint: location.origin,
apiEndpoint: location.origin,
websocketsEndpoint: location.origin.replace("https:","wss:").replace("http:","ws:")
webEndpoint: "<%= config.endpoint %>",
apiEndpoint: "<%= config.api_endpoint %>",
prefix: "<%= config.prefix %>",
//websocketsEndpoint: location.origin.replace("https:","wss:").replace("http:","ws:")
websocketsEndpoint: "<%= config.endpoint %>".replace("https:","wss:").replace("http:","ws:")
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