Commit fa81fd3d authored by Lukas F. Hartmann's avatar Lukas F. Hartmann
Browse files

remove unfinished docker paragraph from README

parent 648a59c8
......@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ Spacedeck uses the following major building blocks:
- Vue.js (Frontend)
- Node.js 7.x (Backend / API)
- MongoDB 3.x (Datastore)
- Redis 3.x (Datastore for realtime channels)
- MongoDB 3.x (Data store)
- Redis 3.x (Data store for realtime channels)
It also has some binary dependencies for media conversion and PDF export:
......@@ -52,13 +52,6 @@ see: config/config.json
npm start
open http://localhost:9666
# experimental docker(compose) support
We have a docker base image at that includes all required binaries. Based on this image we can use Docker Compose to bootstrap a Spacedeck including data storage.
docker-compose build
docker-compose run -e ENV=development -p 9666:9666 -e NODE_ENV=development spacedeck-open
# License
Spacedeck Open is released under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (GNU AGPLv3).
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