1. 23 Jul, 2020 1 commit
    • Mishkin Berteig's avatar
      Fixed star and starburst objects so that they render properly within… (#79) · 28f4c5d5
      Mishkin Berteig authored
      * Fixed star and starburst objects so that they render properly withing the selection bounding box. Lots of math. Still to do is to handle situations when the bounding box is very small and the stroke width of the star[burst] makes the interior corners overlap.  Currently causes weird rendering.
      * Fixed some minor typos and formatting errors in the comments.  No changes to executable code.
  2. 22 Jul, 2020 3 commits
  3. 24 Jun, 2020 1 commit
  4. 02 Jun, 2020 1 commit
    • mntmn's avatar
      Allow embedding of folders and access to folders to anonymous editors with... · 0c5fa597
      mntmn authored
      Allow embedding of folders and access to folders to anonymous editors with edit_hash/spaceAuth links (#63)
      * add subspaces to be listed with edit_hash/spaceAuth authorization
      * remove dead code from api_helpers.js
      * add edit_hash authorization for requested space thumbnails
      * handle /s/:hash links in frontend router
      * set space_auth via a function, allow passing it to load_space
      * rename variable in /s/:hash router in backend
      * hide search, profile, breadcrumb in folders if not logged in, construct links to subspaces differently for anonymous editors
  5. 19 May, 2020 2 commits
    • P. J. Reed's avatar
      Allow anonymous SMTP connections (#59) · 8ddbec6b
      P. J. Reed authored
      This adds support for anonymously connecting to SMTP servers
      that do not require authentication; if a username is not provided,
      it will not attempt to authenticate.
    • Florian Kohrt's avatar
      Add docker files (#55) · 3ce40c51
      Florian Kohrt authored
      * Add docker files
      * Improve docker-compose compatibility
      * Use Openstack's standard port
      * Use package ffmpeg-dev instead of ffmpeg
      * improve dockerfile and config
      * Add short docker guide
      * adhere to previous naming conventions
      * document former json comments
      * Undo init.sh approach to touching the db file
      * Make clear that it's about files on the host system
      * add local path specifier
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDenys Vitali <denys.vitali@swisscom.com>
  6. 11 May, 2020 11 commits
  7. 19 Apr, 2020 3 commits
  8. 09 Apr, 2020 18 commits