1. 24 Jun, 2020 1 commit
  2. 02 Jun, 2020 1 commit
    • mntmn's avatar
      Allow embedding of folders and access to folders to anonymous editors with... · 0c5fa597
      mntmn authored
      Allow embedding of folders and access to folders to anonymous editors with edit_hash/spaceAuth links (#63)
      * add subspaces to be listed with edit_hash/spaceAuth authorization
      * remove dead code from api_helpers.js
      * add edit_hash authorization for requested space thumbnails
      * handle /s/:hash links in frontend router
      * set space_auth via a function, allow passing it to load_space
      * rename variable in /s/:hash router in backend
      * hide search, profile, breadcrumb in folders if not logged in, construct links to subspaces differently for anonymous editors
  3. 19 May, 2020 2 commits
    • P. J. Reed's avatar
      Allow anonymous SMTP connections (#59) · 8ddbec6b
      P. J. Reed authored
      This adds support for anonymously connecting to SMTP servers
      that do not require authentication; if a username is not provided,
      it will not attempt to authenticate.
    • Florian Kohrt's avatar
      Add docker files (#55) · 3ce40c51
      Florian Kohrt authored
      * Add docker files
      * Improve docker-compose compatibility
      * Use Openstack's standard port
      * Use package ffmpeg-dev instead of ffmpeg
      * improve dockerfile and config
      * Add short docker guide
      * adhere to previous naming conventions
      * document former json comments
      * Undo init.sh approach to touching the db file
      * Make clear that it's about files on the host system
      * add local path specifier
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDenys Vitali <denys.vitali@swisscom.com>
  4. 11 May, 2020 11 commits
  5. 19 Apr, 2020 3 commits
  6. 09 Apr, 2020 22 commits