Commit baa31d6d authored by Adesso's avatar Adesso
Browse files


parent 246c5d9b
......@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ Dataset created by A. Hofmann at the Stuttgart University of Applied Science, 20
# Copyright
All provided synthetic CAD models were modeled by looking at real components for research in the field of motion and assembly planning.
Therefore the provided components look real and behave geometrically like real components with regard to motion planning, but do not have all the physical properties of their templates.
This dataset is provided for the convenience of academic research only.
All provided synthetic CAD models were modeled by looking at real components for research in the field of motion and assembly planning. Therefore the provided components look real and behave geometrically like real components with regard to motion planning, but do not have all the physical properties of their templates. This dataset is provided for the convenience of academic research only. If the data set is used scientifically, this source must be properly cited.
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