Commit 2a5b3e1a authored by dobli's avatar dobli
Browse files

Added command to assign building roles to nodes

parent 25586620
......@@ -49,6 +49,23 @@ def get_machine_env(machine_name):
# Docker client commands
def assign_label_to_node(nodeid, label, value):
"""Assigns a label to a node (e.g. building)
:nodeid: Id or name of the node
:label: Label you want to add
:value: The value to assign to the label
client = docker.from_env()
node = client.nodes.get(nodeid)
spec = node.attrs['Spec']
spec['Labels'][label] = value
def run_command_in_service(service, command, building=None):
"""Runs a command in a service based on its name.
When no matching container is found or the service name is ambigous
......@@ -82,9 +99,23 @@ def run_command_in_service(service, command, building=None):
command,, service_container.short_id,
# CLI base commands and main
def assign_building_command(args):
"""Assigns the role of a building to a node
:args: parsed commandline arguments
node = args.node
building = args.building
print('Assign role of building {} to node {}'.format(building, node))
assign_label_to_node(node, 'building', building)
def execute_command(args):
"""Top level function to manage command executions from CLI
......@@ -130,6 +161,15 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
'target', help='Name of the machine to restore to')
# Assign building command
parser_assign_building = subparsers.add_parser(
'assign_building', help='Assign the role of a building to a node')
'node', help='Name (or ID) of the node that gets the role assigned')
'building', help='Name of the building that will be assigned')
# Execute command
parser_exec = subparsers.add_parser(
'exec', help='Execute commands in a service container')
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