Commit 446d7948 authored by dobli's avatar dobli
Browse files

update landing config on move

parent 0130921a
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from typing import NamedTuple
import logging
import os
import sys
import json as pyjson
from hashlib import md5
from shutil import copy2
from subprocess import PIPE, run
......@@ -960,6 +961,28 @@ def generate_pb_framr_file(frames):
EDIT_FILES['pb_framr_pages'], configs, json=True)
def update_pb_framr_host(old_host, new_host):
"""Updates framr config to use changed host name
:old_host: old host that shall be replaced
:new_host: host that will be the new target
configs = []
config_path = EDIT_FILES['pb_framr_pages']
custom_config_path = f'{custom_path}/{config_path}'
with open(custom_config_path, 'r') as file:
configs = pyjson.load(file)
for c in configs:
for e in c['entries']:
if e['url'] == f"http://{old_host}/":
e['url'] = f"http://{new_host}/"
if configs:
EDIT_FILES['pb_framr_pages'], configs, json=True)
def create_or_replace_config_file(config_path, content, json=False):
"""Creates or replaces a config file with new content
......@@ -1328,7 +1351,7 @@ def remove_label_from_nodes(label, value, manager=None):'Remove label {label} with value {value} from {m}')
return [ for n in matching_nodes]
return [n.attrs['Description']['Hostname'] for n in matching_nodes]
def assign_label_to_node(nodeid, label, value, manager=None):
......@@ -1418,6 +1441,7 @@ def restore_building_backup(manager, building, new_machine=None):
run_command_in_service('backup', 'restore', new_machine)
# When building was moved update host entry of openhab in compose
move_openhab_service(building, new_machine)
update_pb_framr_host(old_nodes[0], new_machine)
f"Failed to start services on {new_machine}, "
......@@ -1426,6 +1450,7 @@ def restore_building_backup(manager, building, new_machine=None):
remove_label_from_nodes('building', building, manager)
for on in old_nodes:
assign_label_to_node(on, 'building', building, manager)
update_pb_framr_host(new_machine, on)
# execute restore command in backup service
run_command_in_service('backup', 'restore', manager)
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