Commit 5f21a387 authored by Dobli's avatar Dobli
Browse files

added menu to remove services

parent 86355da0
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import crypt
from enum import Enum
import logging
import os
import sys
from hashlib import md5
from shutil import copy2
from subprocess import PIPE, run
......@@ -89,6 +90,8 @@ class Service(Enum):
# ******************************
# Compose file functions <<<
# ******************************
# Functions to generate initial file
def generate_initial_compose(base_dir):
"""Creates the initial compose using the skeleton
......@@ -222,13 +225,54 @@ def add_postgres_service(base_dir, hostname):
service_name = f'postgres_{hostname}'
# template
template = get_service_template(base_dir, Service.POSTGRES.prefix)
# only label contraint is building
# only label constraint is building
template['deploy']['placement']['constraints'][0] = (
f"{CONSTRAINTS['building']} == {hostname}")
add_or_update_compose_service(compose_path, service_name, template)
# Functions to delete services
def delete_service(base_dir, service_name):
"""Deletes a service from the compose file
:base_dir: dir to find files in
:returns: list of current services
base_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR
# compose file
compose_path = base_path + '/' + COMPOSE_NAME
with open(compose_path, 'r+') as compose_f:
# load compose file
compose = yaml.load(compose_f)
# generate list of names
compose['services'].pop(service_name, None)
# start writing from file start
# write new compose content
yaml.dump(compose, compose_f)
# reduce file to new size
# Functions to extract information
def get_current_services(base_dir):
"""Gets a list of currently used services
:base_dir: dir to find files in
:returns: list of current services
base_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR
# compose file
compose_path = base_path + '/' + COMPOSE_NAME
with open(compose_path, 'r') as compose_f:
# load compose file
compose = yaml.load(compose_f)
# generate list of names
service_names = [n for n in compose['services']]
return service_names
# Helper functions
def get_service_template(base_dir, service_name):
"""Gets a service template entry from the template yaml
......@@ -979,18 +1023,12 @@ def main_menu(args):
if base_dir is None:
base_dir = os.getcwd()
# Main menu prompts
# Main menu prompts selection contains function
choice ='Public Building Manager - Main Menu',
choices=load_main_entires(base_dir), style=st).ask()
if 'Create' in choice:
elif 'Execute' in choice:
elif 'User' in choice:
return choice
# Call funtion of menu entry
def load_main_entires(base_dir):
......@@ -1003,16 +1041,27 @@ def load_main_entires(base_dir):
entries = []
if not os.path.exists(custom_path):
entries.append('Create initial structure')
entries.append({'name': 'Create initial structure',
'value': init_menu})
entries.append('Execute a command in a service container')
entries.append('Manage Users')
entries.append({'name': 'Manage Services',
'value': service_menu})
entries.append({'name': 'Manage Users',
'value': user_menu})
entries.append({'name': 'Execute a command in a service container',
'value': exec_menu})
entries.append({'name': 'Exit', 'value': sys.exit})
return entries
def exit_menu(args):
"""Exits the programm
# *** Init Menu Entries ***
def init_menu(args):
"""Menu entry for initial setup and file generation
......@@ -1132,7 +1181,7 @@ def user_menu(args):
# Ask for action
choice ="What do you want to do?", choices=[
'Add a new user', 'Modify existing user'],
'Add a new user', 'Modify existing user', 'Exit'],
if "Add" in choice:
......@@ -1207,6 +1256,51 @@ def modify_user_menu(base_dir):
add_user_to_traefik_file(base_dir, user, password)
# *** Service Menu Entries ***
def service_menu(args):
"""Menu entry for service managment
:args: Passed commandline arguments
# Base directory for configs
base_dir = args.base_dir
if base_dir is None:
base_dir = os.getcwd()
# Ask for action
choice ="What do you want to do?", choices=[
'Modify existing services', 'Add additional service',
'Exit'], style=st).ask()
if "Add" in choice:
elif "Modify" in choice:
def service_modify_menu(base_dir):
"""Menu to modify services
:base_dir: Directory of config files
services = get_current_services(base_dir)
service =
'What service do you want to modify?', choices=services).ask()
if service in ['proxy', 'landing']:
choices = [{'name': 'Remove service',
'disabled': 'Disabled: cannot remove framework services'},
choices = ['Remove service', 'Exit']
action =
f"What should we do with {service}?", choices=choices, style=st).ask()
if 'Remove' in action:
delete_service(base_dir, service)
# *** Menu Helper Functions ***
def generate_cb_choices(list, checked=False):
"""Generates checkbox entries for lists of strings
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