Commit 6e4fdf07 authored by dobli's avatar dobli
Browse files

added generation of ssh host keys and known_hosts file

parent bacf5986
......@@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ The openhab-pb stack consists of multiple configuration files that need to be av
- contains entry for openhab package
- *nodered_settings.js*: basic node red config
- copy from template folder
- contains `httpNodeAuth` for users
......@@ -23,7 +23,10 @@ TEMPLATE_FILES = [
"mosquitto_passwords": "mosquitto/mosquitto_passwords",
"sftp_users": "ssh/sftp_users.conf",
"traefik_users": "traefik/traefik_users"
"traefik_users": "traefik/traefik_users",
"id_rsa": "ssh/id_rsa",
"host_key": "ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key",
"known_hosts": "ssh/known_hosts"
# Default Swarm port
......@@ -145,6 +148,55 @@ def generate_sftp_file(base_dir, username, password, direcories=None):
def generate_id_rsa_files(base_dir):
"""Generates id_rsa and private/public keys using ssh-keygen
:base_dir: path that contains custom config folder
id_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR + "/" + EDIT_FILES['id_rsa']
# execute ssh-keygen
id_result = run(
['ssh-keygen', '-t', 'rsa', '-b', '4096', '-f', id_path, '-N', ''],
return id_result.returncode == 0
def generate_host_key_files(base_dir, hosts):
"""Generates ssh host keys and matching known_hosts using ssh-keygen
:base_dir: path that contains custom config folder
key_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR + "/" + EDIT_FILES['host_key']
# ssh-keygen generates public key with .pub postfix
pub_path = key_path + '.pub'
# execute ssh-keygen
id_result = run(['ssh-keygen', '-t', 'ed25519', '-f', key_path, '-N', ''],
# read content of public key as known line
known_line = ""
with open(pub_path, 'r') as pub_file:
pub_line = pub_file.readline()
split_line = pub_line.split()
# delete last list element
del split_line[-1]
# collect hosts as comma separated string
hosts_line = ','.join(h for h in hosts)
split_line.insert(0, hosts_line)
# collect parts as space separated string
known_line = ' '.join(sp for sp in split_line)
# write new known_line file
create_or_replace_config_file(base_dir, EDIT_FILES['known_hosts'],
return id_result.returncode == 0
def generate_traefik_file(base_dir, username, password):
"""Generates a traefik password file
......@@ -476,6 +528,8 @@ def init_menu(args):
generate_sftp_file(base_dir, answers['username'], answers['password'])
generate_mosquitto_file(base_dir, answers['username'], answers['password'])
generate_traefik_file(base_dir, answers['username'], answers['password'])
generate_host_key_files(base_dir, ["host1", "host2"])
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