Commit acd96a32 authored by Dobli's avatar Dobli
Browse files

Added option to change password

parent b3f6a8d8
......@@ -605,9 +605,9 @@ def add_user_to_traefik_file(base_dir, username, password):
:password: password that will be used
# generate line and save it into a file
users = get_traefik_users(base_dir)
current_users = get_traefik_users(base_dir)
# ensure to delete old entry if user exists
users = [u for u in users if u['username'] is not username]
users = [u for u in current_users if u['username'] != username]
# collect existing users lines
user_lines = []
for u in users:
......@@ -1155,12 +1155,30 @@ def modify_user_menu(base_dir):
:base_dir: Directory of config files
current_users = get_users_from_files(base_dir)"Choose user to modify:",
choices=current_users, style=st).ask()
user ="Choose user to modify:",
choices=current_users, style=st).ask()
action ="What should we do with {user}?", choices=[
'Delete user', 'Change password'], style=st).ask()
if 'Delete' in action:
elif 'Change' in action:
password_match = False
while not password_match:
password = qust.password(
f'Choose a password for the user {user}:', style=st).ask()
confirm = qust.password(
f'Repeat password for the user {user}:', style=st).ask()
if password == confirm:
password_match = True
print("Passwords did not match, try again")
add_user_to_traefik_file(base_dir, user, password)
# *** Menu Helper Functions ***
def generate_cb_choices(list, checked=False):
"""Generates checkbox entries for lists of strings
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