Commit e2118fa6 authored by dobli's avatar dobli
Browse files

Enabled device managament using docker-machine

parent e31730b9
......@@ -913,6 +913,46 @@ def generate_swarm(machines):
machine, manager=leader)
def check_dir_on_machine(dirpath, machine):
"""Checks weather a dir exists on a machine
:dirpath: Directory to check
:machine: Machine to check
:returns: True when dir exists false otherwise
check_command = f"[ -d {dirpath} ]"
check_result = run(['docker-machine', 'ssh', machine, check_command])
return check_result.returncode == 0
def check_file_on_machine(filepath, machine):
"""Checks weather a file exists on a machine
:filepath: File to check
:machine: Machine to check
:returns: True when file exists false otherwise
check_command = f"[ -f {filepath} ]"
check_result = run(['docker-machine', 'ssh', machine, check_command])
return check_result.returncode == 0
def copy_files_to_machine(filepath, machine):
"""Copyies a directory and its content or a file to a machine
:filepath: Direcotry or file to copy
:machine: Machine to copy to
run(['docker-machine', 'scp', '-r', filepath, f'{machine}:'])
def execute_command_on_machine(command, machine):
"""Executes a command on a docker machine
:command: Command to execute
:machine: Machine to execute command
run([f'docker-machine ssh {machine} {command}'], shell=True)
# >>>
......@@ -1427,13 +1467,12 @@ def device_menu(args):
# Ask for action
choice ="What do you want to do?", choices=choices,
choice ="What do you want to do? (root required)",
choices=choices, style=st).ask()
if "Install" in choice:
print("Installing device scripts (needs root)")
elif "Link" in choice:
print("Linking device with service")
......@@ -1442,10 +1481,21 @@ def device_install_menu(base_dir):
:base_dir: Base directory of configuration files
install_script = f"{base_dir}/"
# execute install script
run([f'sudo {install_script}'], shell=True)
machine = docker_client_prompt(" to install usb support")
# Name of base dir on machines
external_base_dir = os.path.basename(base_dir)
# Check if files are available on targeted machine
machine_dir = f"{external_base_dir}/"
if not check_file_on_machine(machine_dir, machine):
print("Scripts missing on machine, will be copied")
copy_files_to_machine(base_dir, machine)
print("Scripts available on machine")
execute_command_on_machine(f'sudo {machine_dir}', machine)
def device_link_menu(base_dir):
......@@ -1453,12 +1503,13 @@ def device_link_menu(base_dir):
:base_dir: Base directory of configuration files
machine = docker_client_prompt(" to link device on")
device ="What device should be linked?",
# Start systemd service that ensures link
link_cmd = f"sudo systemctl start swarm-device@" + \
run([link_cmd], shell=True)
execute_command_on_machine(link_cmd, machine)
print(f"Linked device {device} to openHAB service")
echo "Copy swarm device enabler"
cp ./template_configs/devices/enable-swarm-device /usr/bin/enable-swarm-device
cp $BASE_DIR/template_configs/devices/enable-swarm-device /usr/bin/enable-swarm-device
echo "Copy swarm device service watcher"
cp ./template_configs/devices/swarm-device-watcher /usr/bin/swarm-device-watcher
cp $BASE_DIR/template_configs/devices/swarm-device-watcher /usr/bin/swarm-device-watcher
echo "Copy swam device rules"
cp ./template_configs/devices/docker-devices.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/99-docker-devices.rules
cp $BASE_DIR/template_configs/devices/docker-devices.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/99-docker-devices.rules
echo "Copy swarm device service file"
cp ./template_configs/devices/swarm-device@.service /etc/systemd/system/swarm-device@.service
cp $BASE_DIR/template_configs/devices/swarm-device@.service /etc/systemd/system/swarm-device@.service
echo "Reload udev rules"
udevadm control --reload-rules
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