Commit ef903cc2 authored by Dobli's avatar Dobli
Browse files

added basic command execution menu

parent 8f8dd7f8
......@@ -656,19 +656,49 @@ def generate_swarm(machines):
# ******************************
# Docker client commands {{{
# ******************************
def resolve_service_nodes(service):
"""Returnes nodes running on a specified service
:service: name or id of a service
:returns: list of nodes running the service
node_result = run(['docker', 'service', 'ps', service,
'--format', '{{.Node}}',
'-f', 'desired-state=running'],
return node_result.stdout.splitlines()
def get_container_list(manager=None):
"""Return a list of containers running on a machine
:manager: Docker machine to use for command, otherwise local
:returns: list of containers
client = get_docker_client(manager)
return [ for c in client.containers.list()]
def get_service_list(manager=None):
"""Return a list of services managed by a machine
:manager: Docker machine to use for command, otherwise local
:returns: list of services
client = get_docker_client(manager)
return [ for s in]
def assign_label_to_node(nodeid, label, value, manager=None):
"""Assigns a label to a node (e.g. building)
:nodeid: Id or name of the node
:label: Label you want to add
:value: The value to assign to the label
:manager: Dpcker machine to use for command, otherwise local
:manager: Docker machine to use for command, otherwise local
if manager:
building_env = get_machine_env(manager)
client = docker.from_env(environment=building_env)
client = docker.from_env()
client = get_docker_client(manager)
node = client.nodes.get(nodeid)
spec = node.attrs['Spec']
......@@ -689,11 +719,7 @@ def run_command_in_service(service, command, building=None):
:param building: Optional building, make service unambigous (Default: None)
if building:
building_env = get_machine_env(building)
client = docker.from_env(environment=building_env)
client = docker.from_env()
client = get_docker_client(building)
# Find containers matching name
service_name_filter = {"name": service}
......@@ -708,12 +734,24 @@ def run_command_in_service(service, command, building=None):
service_container = containers[0]
print(f'Executing {command} in container {}'
f'({}) on building {building}')
f'({}) on building {building}\n')
command_exec = service_container.exec_run(command)
def get_docker_client(manager=None):
"""Returns docker client instance
:manager: Optional machine to use, local otherwise
:returns: Docker client instance
if manager:
machine_env = get_machine_env(manager)
client = docker.from_env(environment=machine_env)
client = docker.from_env()
return client
# }}}
......@@ -807,15 +845,40 @@ def main_menu(args):
'choices': load_main_entires(base_dir)
answers = prompt(questions)
choice = answers['main']
if 'Create' in answers['main']:
if 'Create' in choice:
elif 'Execute' in choice:
return answers
def load_main_entires(base_dir):
"""Loads entries for main menu depending on available files
:base_dir: directory of configuration files
:returns: entries of main menu
custom_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR
entries = []
if not os.path.exists(custom_path):
entries.append('Create initial structure')
entries.append('Execute a command in a service container')
return entries
# *** Main Menu Entries ***
def init_menu(args):
"""Menu entry for initial setup and file generation
:args: Passed commandline arguments
# Base directory for configs
base_dir = args.base_dir
......@@ -898,6 +961,32 @@ def init_menu(args):
def exec_menu(args):
"""Menu entry for executing commands in services
:args: Passed commandline arguments
machine = docker_client_prompt(" to execute command at")
questions = [
'type': 'list',
'name': 'service_name',
'message': 'Which service container shall execute the command?',
'choices': get_container_list(machine)
'type': 'input',
'name': 'command',
'message': 'What command should be executed?'
answers = prompt(questions)
answers['service_name'], answers['command'], machine)
# *** Sub Menu Entries ***
def init_machine_menu(base_dir, host, increment):
"""Prompts to select server services
......@@ -935,25 +1024,7 @@ def init_machine_menu(base_dir, host, increment):
def load_main_entires(base_dir):
"""Loads entries for main menu depending on available files
:base_dir: directory of configuration files
:returns: entries of main menu
custom_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR
entries = []
if not os.path.exists(custom_path):
entries.append('Create initial structure')
entries.append('Execute command')
return entries
# *** Menu Helper Functions ***
def generate_checkbox_choices(list, checked=False):
"""Generates checkbox entries for lists of strings
......@@ -962,6 +1033,24 @@ def generate_checkbox_choices(list, checked=False):
:returns: A list of dicts with name keys
return [{'name': m, 'checked': checked} for m in list]
def docker_client_prompt(message_details=''):
"""Show list of docker machines and return selection
:manager: Optional machine to use, prompt otherwise
:returns: Docker client instance
questions = [
'type': 'list',
'name': 'machine',
'message': f'Choose manager machine{message_details}',
'choices': get_machine_list()
answers = prompt(questions)
return answers['machine']
# }}}
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