Commit fdd08177 authored by dobli's avatar dobli
Browse files

added basic backup support

parent 08d627d9
......@@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ class Service(ServiceBody, Enum):
POSTGRES = ServiceBody("Postgre SQL", "postgres", True, False)
MQTT = ServiceBody("Mosquitto MQTT Broker", "mqtt", True, False)
FILES = ServiceBody("File Manager", "files", False, True, icon='folder')
BACKUP = ServiceBody("Volumerize Backups", "backup",
False, False, sftp=True)
def service_by_prefix(cls, prefix):
......@@ -278,7 +280,7 @@ def add_postgres_service(base_dir, hostname, postfix=None):
def add_file_service(base_dir, hostname):
"""Generates an file manager entry and adds it to the compose file
"""Generates a file manager entry and adds it to the compose file
:base_dir: base directory for configuration files
:hostname: names of host that the services is added to
......@@ -287,7 +289,7 @@ def add_file_service(base_dir, hostname):
# compose file
compose_path = base_path + '/' + COMPOSE_NAME
# service name
service_name = f'files_{hostname}'
service_name = f'{Service.FILES.prefix}_{hostname}'
# template
template = get_service_template(base_dir, Service.FILES.prefix)
# add command that sets base url
......@@ -308,6 +310,32 @@ def add_file_service(base_dir, hostname):
add_or_update_compose_service(compose_path, service_name, template)
def add_volumerize_service(base_dir, hostname):
"""Generates a volumerize backup entry and adds it to the compose file
:base_dir: base directory for configuration files
:hostname: names of host that the services is added to
base_path = base_dir + '/' + CUSTOM_DIR
# compose file
compose_path = base_path + '/' + COMPOSE_NAME
# service name
service_name = f'{Service.BACKUP.prefix}_{hostname}'
# template
template = get_service_template(base_dir, Service.BACKUP.prefix)
# only label contraint is building
template['deploy']['placement']['constraints'][0] = (
f"{CONSTRAINTS['building']} == {hostname}")
# attach volumes
volume_base = '/source/'
base_dir, volume_base, hostname))
add_or_update_compose_service(compose_path, service_name, template)
# Functions to delete services
def delete_service(base_dir, service_name):
"""Deletes a service from the compose file
......@@ -417,9 +445,13 @@ def get_attachable_volume_list(base_dir, volume_base, host):
for host_service in host_services:
name, instance = get_service_entry_info(host_service)
volume_service = Service.service_by_prefix(name)
# only apply to services that want their volumes attatched
if volume_service.sftp:
volumes = get_service_volumes(base_dir, host_service)
vlist = [f'{v}:{volume_base}{v}' for v in volumes]
# collect volumes not already in list
vlist = [
f'{v}:{volume_base}{v}' for v in volumes
if f'{v}:{volume_base}{v}' not in volume_list]
return volume_list
......@@ -752,7 +784,8 @@ def generate_id_rsa_files(base_dir):
# execute ssh-keygen
id_result = run(
['ssh-keygen', '-t', 'rsa', '-b', '4096', '-f', id_path, '-N', ''],
['ssh-keygen', '-m', 'PEM', '-t', 'rsa',
'-b', '4096', '-f', id_path, '-N', ''],
universal_newlines=True, stdout=PIPE)
return id_result.returncode == 0
......@@ -837,7 +870,8 @@ def generate_volumerize_file(base_dir, hosts):
for h in hosts:
host_config = {
'description': f'Backup Server on {h}',
'url': f'sftp://ohadmin@sftp_{h}://home/ohadmin/backup_data/{h}'
'url': f'sftp://ohadmin@sftp_{h}:'
......@@ -1410,7 +1444,7 @@ def init_menu(args):
# Generate config files based on input
username = ADMIN_USER
generate_sftp_file(base_dir, username, password)
generate_sftp_file(base_dir, username, password, ['backup_data/backup'])
generate_postgres_files(base_dir, username, password)
generate_mosquitto_file(base_dir, username, password)
generate_traefik_file(base_dir, username, password)
......@@ -1462,6 +1496,8 @@ def init_machine_menu(base_dir, host, increment):
add_mqtt_service(base_dir, host, increment)
if Service.POSTGRES in services:
add_postgres_service(base_dir, host)
if Service.BACKUP in services:
add_volumerize_service(base_dir, host)
if Service.FILES in services:
add_file_service(base_dir, host)
if Service.SFTP in services:
......@@ -52,11 +52,6 @@ services:
image: blacklabelops/volumerize
- "openhab_userdata:/source/openhab_userdata"
- "openhab_conf:/source/openhab_conf"
- "openhab_addons:/source/openhab_addons"
- "nodered_data:/source/nodered_data"
- "influxdb_data:/source/influxdb_data"
- "backup_cache:/volumerize-cache"
- "backup_data:/backup"
......@@ -70,7 +65,7 @@ services:
mode: 0400
- VOLUMERIZE_TARGET='multi:///backup_config.json?mode=mirror&onfail=abort'
- VOLUMERIZE_TARGET=multi:///backup_config.json?mode=mirror&onfail=abort
- VOLUMERIZE_DUPLICITY_OPTIONS=--ssh-options "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no"
- habnet
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