Commit e35a6a72 authored by JOE XMG's avatar JOE XMG
Browse files


parent a4a25209
Pipeline #6879 passed with stage
in 18 seconds
// update cesium Container Width to fit the Web Frame after document ready
$(document).ready(function () {
// $("#cesiumContainer").css("width", "auto");
// $( window ).resize(function() {
// $("#cesiumContainer").css("width", "auto");
// });
var PVPotential_legend_context = `
<small class="font-weight-bold">PV Potential MWh/year </small> <br>
......@@ -17,19 +13,6 @@ var PVPotential_legend_context = `
<span class="dot" style="background-color: #FFFFD4"></span> 0 - 5<br>
// var PVPotential_legend_context = `
// <small class="font-weight-bold">PV Potential MW⋅h<sub>el</sub> </small> <br>
// <span class="dot" style="background-color: #F22E22"></span> >= 8 <br>
// <span class="dot" style="background-color: #F56D1F"></span> 7 - 8 <br>
// <span class="dot" style="background-color: #F9A717"></span> 6 - 7 <br>
// <span class="dot" style="background-color: #FECE02"></span> 5 - 6 <br>
// <span class="dot" style="background-color: #F6EC00"></span> 4 - 5 <br>
// <span class="dot" style="background-color: #D1E023"></span> 3 - 4 <br>
// <span class="dot" style="background-color: #B2D531"></span> 2 - 3 <br>
// <span class="dot" style="background-color: #A4C711"></span> 1 - 2<br>
// <span class="dot" style="background-color: #61B949"></span> 0 - 1<br>
// <br>
// `
if ($("#PVPotential-legend").length > 0) {
$("#PVPotential-legend").html(PVPotential_legend_context) // Add Bioenergy menu if the "#id" exist
......@@ -63,42 +46,9 @@ var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', {
homeButton: false,
fullscreenButton: true,
infoBox: true,
// imageryProvider: new Cesium.MapboxStyleImageryProvider({
// // check style ID at
// // styleId: 'dark-v10',
// styleId: 'light-v10',
// // styleId: 'navigation-day-v1',
// accessToken: 'pk.eyJ1IjoidGh1bnlhdGhlcCIsImEiOiJjamFpOWV4a2gxd21vMndxdXd2M3VoY3hmIn0.jLlCscei0yH-ZHwcfxF_ug'
// })
// terrainExaggeration: 1.5,
// var tileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(
// new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
// url: Cesium.IonResource.fromAssetId(75343),
// })
// );{
"destination": {
"x": 4123560.966179314,
"y": 707228.713304919,
"z": 4798899.985567952
"orientation": {
"direction": {
"x": -0.9622773420432754,
"y": 0.19744630073107838,
"z": 0.18718246530522495
"up": {
"x": 0.23048908682520655,
"y": 0.22606307618215207,
"z": 0.946451407332434
// binding full screen button
$("#full-screen-button").click(function () {
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