Commit c0f2ef47 authored by Rushikesh Padsala's avatar Rushikesh Padsala
Browse files

added HFT viewer

parent f67ddac7
## Contributing to ArcGIS API for JavaScript
This guide describes how you can contribute code improvements to the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
1. Review the [README](
2. Create a new feature branch in your local repo.
* The name of the branch doesn't matter, but as a best practice use a descriptive name like "add-annotation-layer".
3. Write code to add an enhancement or fix the problem.
4. Test your code.
### Submitting changes
1. Push your feature branch to the repo or your fork of the repo if you don't have push access.
2. Submit a [pull request]( against the "master" branch.
* Clearly describe the issue including steps to reproduce; or if an enhancement, indicate the functionality you built.
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var options = {
livereload: true,
port: grunt.option('port') || 8888,
hostname: grunt.option('server') || "localhost",
// Project configuration.
watch: {
livereload: {
// Here we watch any files changed
options: {
livereload: true
files: [
connect: {
app: {
options: options
concat : {
dist : {
src : ['src/js/**/*.js'],
dest : '.tmp/main.js'
uglify : {
dist : {
src : 'dist/main.min.js',
dest : 'dist/main.min.js'
htmlmin: {
dist: {
options: {
removeComments: true,
collapseWhitespace: true
files: {
'dist/index.html': 'dist/index.html'
copy: {
dist: {
files: [
expand: true,
src: ['src/**/*.css'],
dest: 'dist/'
comments: {
dist: {
options: {
singleline: true,
multiline: true
src: [ 'dist/*.html' ]
includeSource: {
options: {
basePath: 'dist'
dist: {
files: {
'dist/index.html': './index.html'
run: {
tscDist: {
cmd: 'npx',
args: [
// dist
// Load grunt plugins
// Register tasks
grunt.registerTask("default", ["connect", "watch"]);
grunt.registerTask("dist", ["run:tscDist", "includeSource:dist", "copy:dist", "uglify:dist", "htmlmin:dist", "comments:dist"]);
# Building Viewer
This demonstrates the use of [ArcGIS API 4 for JavaScript]( and [Building Scene Layers]( in a compelling website.
The application presents the [Turanga library]( in 3D. The visitor can explore the library by navigating around, and then inside, floor by floor, to discover this amazing building.
[Visit the live website here.](
![The live website](./docs/images/screenshot_1.png)
## Features
* Building exploration - discover the great Turanga library
* Customisation - use this app to display your own building
* Discover the building floor by floor on a 2D visualisation
* Get a broader perspective of the building surroundings
## Instructions
### To get a live copy on your machine
1. Clone the repo and `npm install` dependencies
2. Remove ref to this repo: `rm -rf .git`
3. `npm run build` to compile `src/js/*.ts` and `src/css/*.sccs` files in the same folder and watch for changes
4. `npm run server` launches a webserver.
5. Open your browser and enter the local address `http://localhost:8888/`. You should see now the Building Viewer running.
### To add your own building
1. Create a webscene with a BuildingSceneLayer named `Building
2. Open `src/config.tsx` in your favorite code editor
3. Delete all the content except the two first obscure lines
4. Now you need to define 2 parameters in the config to get started:
The `websceneId` of the webscene you created above
export const websceneId = "YOUR WEBSCENE ID HERE";
*Note that you may to also export on which portal this webscene resides if different from the ArcGis's portal: `export const portalUrl = "";`*
The `sections` you'd like to have in your Building Viewer (see documentation about sections). Let's start with only one section, the home page:
// first import the section:
import HomeSection = require("./sections/HomeSection");
// then export the `sections` parameter:
export const sections = [
new HomeSection({})
5. Recompile the code and reload the website.
Checkout the documentation in the `docs` folder, and in particular the [quick start guide](./docs/
## Requirements
* Notepad or your favorite HTML editor
* `npm` and some knowledge of [Typescript](
* Web browser with access to the Internet
## Resources
The following external libraries, APIs, open datasets and specifications were used to make this application:
* [ArcGIS API for JavaScript](
* [Calcite Web](
* Turangua's BIM data provided by [Christchurch City Council](
* [Christchurch city model]( provided by [Christchurch City Council](
* [Roboto font](
## Issues
Find a bug or want to request a new feature? Please let us know by submitting an issue.
## Contributing
Esri welcomes contributions from anyone and everyone. Please see our [guidelines for contributing](
## Licensing
Copyright 2019 Esri
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
A copy of the license is available in the repository's [license.txt](license.txt) file.
# Naming conventions
## Layers
Besides the required the building scene layer, without which the entire application would not have any sense, there are some layers and their names that have specific meaning. Any other layer you add to the scene will be left untouched and visible at all time in your application.
All the names need to include the following, but you can have longer layer's name, e.g. "Building: Turanga Library".
- `"Building"`: this is the only required layer in your webscene. It needs to be a [Building Scene Layer](
- `"City model"`: this is an optional layer in your webscene that show the surroundings. It needs to be a [Scene Layer](
- `"Floor points"`: this layer needs to be a [`FeatureLayer`]( that will be added to the `FloorsSection`. Additionally, if every features have a number attribute `BldgLevel`, the feature filtered depending on the selected floor (See [FloorsSection](./Sections.html)).
- `"Floor pictures"`: this layer needs to be a [`FeatureLayer`](, displaying icons, with the string attributes `url`, `title` and `credit`. It will be added to the `FloorsSection`. When a user cliks on it, a popup is displayed with the information provided through the attributes. Additionally, if every features have a number attribute `BldgLevel`, the feature filtered depending on the selected floor (See [FloorsSection](./Sections.html)).
- `"External pictures"`: this layer needs to be a [`FeatureLayer`](, displaying icons, with the string attributes `url`, `title` and `credit`. It will be added to the `HomeSection`. When a user cliks on it, a popup is displayed with the information provided through the attributes.
### Prefix
- `"Surroundings:"`: Any layer with name starting with this prefix will be added to the `SurroundingsSection` on the left. A toggle allows user to turn them on or off (off by default).
## Slides
Slides with the following names have specific roles:
- `"Overview"`: The slide's camera will be automatically be applied to the view when a user goes to the `HomeSection`
- `"Floor by floor"`: The slide's camera will be automatically be applied to the view when a user goes to the `FloorsSection`
- `"Surroundings"`: The slide's camera will be automatically be applied to the view when a user goes to the `SurroundingsSection`
- In general, a section is looking among the slide's names and any slide matching the section's title will be applied to the view when a user goes to this section
### Prefix
Additionally, this prefix has also a specific meaning:
- `"Points of Interest:"`: this suffix is used by the `SurroundingsSection` to display different interactive point of interests. When a user clicks on any of the point of interests, the camera is applied to the view.
# Minimal setup
### Prepare a minimal webscene:
1. Create a new webscene
1. Add a Building Scene layer and add the suffix `Building:` in front of it's name
1. Save the webscene, give it a nice title and copy the webscene id. You will need it in a few next steps
### Get your own copy of the Building Viewer
1. Clone the git repository in your local machine and then go into the folder:
git clone
cd BSL-Demo-App
1. Remove the `.git` repository reference `rm -rf .git`
1. Install dependency: `npm run install`
1. Compile the code: `npm run build`
1. Start the server: `npm run server`
1. Open your browser and enter the local address `http://localhost:8888/`. You should see now the Building Viewer running:
![The default Building Viewer running](./images/screenshot_1.png)
### Edit the content with your own webscene
1. Open `src/config.tsx` in your favorite code editor
2. Delete all the content except the two first obscure lines
3. Now you need to define 2 parameters in the config to get started:
1. The `websceneId` of the webscene you created above
export const websceneId = "YOUR WEBSCENE ID HERE";
*Note that you may to also export on which portal this webscene resides if different from the ArcGis's portal: `export const portalUrl = "";`*
2. The `sections` you'd like to have in your Building Viewer (see documentation about sections). Let's start with only one section, the home page:
// first import the section:
import HomeSection = require("./sections/HomeSection");
// then export the `sections` parameter:
export const sections = [
new HomeSection({})
4. Recompile the code (note that the Building Viewer ships with a little util that watch files and recompile for you. Just run `npm run dev` in a differnet terminal window)
5. You should see your building in the Building Viewer now if you reload your webviewer:
![Your building in the Building Viewer](./images/screenshot_2.png)
### Let's add content
The title of the home page is the title of your scene. If you would like to change it, you can simply update the title of the scene.
1. First, the view of the building when opening the Building Viewer isn't really Building appealing. Let's change this.
1. Go back to your webscene
2. Navigate to a view that please you
3. Save a slide with name "Overview"
4. Save your webscene and reload the demo Building Viewer. You should have a better view when you enter the Building Viewer:
![The first view](./images/screenshot_3.png)
2. Let's add some description on the left side:
1. Go back to your webscene and go to "Properties"
2. Add your text in the webscene description
3. Save the webscene and reload the demo Building Viewer. You should now see your text on the left side:
![Description appeared](./images/screenshot_4.png)
3. Let's add different point of views for the user to appreciate the building in all corners:
1. Go back to your webscene and go to "Slides"
2. Move your view to the location you would like
3. Create a new slide
4. Repeat as much as you want, and then save your scene
5. Reload the demo app, you should see now some points of view:
![The point of views](./images/screenshot_5.png)
4. Let's add the opening hours:
1. Go now to the file `src/config.tsx`
2. Import the necessary classes:
import {Timetable, DayTimetable} from "./widgets/Timetable/Timetable";
import Collection = require("esri/core/Collection");
3. Add the timetable to the home section, and add all your opening hours for every day:
new HomeSection({
timetable: new Timetable({
dates: new Collection([
new DayTimetable({
opens: "8:00",
closes: "20:00"
new DayTimetable({
opens: "8:00",
closes: "20:00"
new DayTimetable({
opens: "8:00",
closes: "20:00"
new DayTimetable({
opens: "8:00",
closes: "20:00"
new DayTimetable({
opens: "8:00",
closes: "20:00"
new DayTimetable({
opens: "10:00",
closes: "17:00"
new DayTimetable({
opens: "10:00",
closes: "17:00"
4. Save your file, recompile the typsecrip and reload the app
5. You should now see the time table on the bottom left of the home page:
![The time table](./images/screenshot_6.png)
5. Change the ground colour
1. The design of the Building Viewer has been set to work well with darker colours. Let's change the background for a dark solid colour
2. Go back to your webscene and click on "Ground". Choose a good ground colour
3. Go to the basemap gallery, and check "No basemap".
4. Save your webscene *(as the initial state)* and reloads the Building Viewer:
![Your building on a dark ground](./images/screenshot_7.png)
5. Finally, let's add city buildings:
1. If you have the city as Building Scene Layer, you can add it to your webscene and name it "City model".
2. Save your webscene and reload the Building Viewer, you should see now the surroundings building:
![The city surrounds your building](./images/screenshot_8.png)
*Note that all others layers or configuration of your webscene will appear in your demo app.*
To go beyond and add more section, please read [the sections documentation](./Section.html). You can always check the [naming conventions](./NameConventions.html) for a quick look at the different layer and slide names.
# Sections
The demo uses 3 different sections, the home section, the floor section and the surroundings section. In the following content, we will go through the initialisation of the different sections and explore how you can create new sections.
## General section parameters
- Every section has a configurable `title` which is then the word appearing in the menu.
- To configure the camera of any section, you can add a slide with the coresponding home's title as the name of the slides.
## Home section
The home section ships with 3 main part:
- The **description of the building** on the left. By default, the description is taken from the scene's description. As shown in the `Quickstart` guide, you can add your text in the `Properties` pane of the Scene Viewer. However, if you'd like to add more complex content, e.g. involving html or somejavacsript logic, you can always pass a parameter `content` to the `HomeSection` constructor. This parameter is a function that takes in argument the section and return some `VNodes` that will be later added to the left. You are now totally free to design the exact content you would like.
- The **viewpoints**: every slides that you create in your webscene with automatically be added as a viewpoints on the right of the HomeSection if the slide's name is not part of the [reserved names](./
- The **building opening hours**: you can pass to your Building Viewer a list of opening hours as follow:
new HomeSection({
timetable: new Timetable({
dates: new Collection([
new DayTimetable({
opens: "8:00",
closes: "20:00"
new DayTimetable({
opens: "8:00",
closes: "20:00"
new DayTimetable({
opens: "8:00",
closes: "20:00"
new DayTimetable({
opens: "8:00",
closes: "20:00"
new DayTimetable({
opens: "8:00",
closes: "20:00"
new DayTimetable({
opens: "10:00",
closes: "17:00"
new DayTimetable({
opens: "10:00",
closes: "17:00"
## Floor section
The floor section will display a floor picker on the right that allows the user to discover the different level's of the building. There is two way to initialise the floor section. You can either pass the lowest floor number and the hightest floor number as follow:
new FloorsSection({
minFloor: 0,
maxFloor: 2
which will allow the user to go through floors 0 to 2. Or you can pass every floor with the content it needs to display on the left of the building when a user select one:
new FloorsSection({
floors: new Collection([
new Floor({
title: "The name of the floor",
subtitle: "A subtitle",
floor: 0,
content: () => (<div>Some html content</div>)
This uses [TSX]( to render the content. Be sure to include the `tsx` function [from the ArcGIS for Javascript API]( to compile this code.
## Surroundings section
The surroundings section display toggles for extra layers you can setup in your webscene or point of view for different building in your surrounding layer, using your webscene's slides (See [naming concention](./
It does not take any parameter to be initialised:
new SurroundingsSection({})
- To add toggle for extra layers, just add `"Surroundings:"` in front of their layer's name in your webscene.
- To add toggle for point of view of building in your "surroundings" layer, just add slides with `"Points of Interest:"` in their title.
## Create your own section
The building viewer as been designed so that you can easily extend it. Every section share a common base class `Section` which defines the minimal structure for it to be displayed. If you want to create your own section, you can simple extend this class and define the `title`, give it a unique `id` and define what goes on the right side by delcaring `, and what goes on the left by define `render`.
As an example:
class MySection extends declared(Section) {
title = "My section"
id = "my-section"
render() {
return (<div></div>);
paneRight() {
return (<div></div>);
You can of course create a complex widget here. This is following the ArcGIS for Javascript API's [widget convention and structure]( Be sure to check their [guide first](
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="minimal-ui">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./src/css/main.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./src/js/sections/css/sections.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./src/js/widgets/widgets.css">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
var locationPath = location.pathname.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, "/");
window.dojoConfig = {
packages: [
name: "app",
location: locationPath + "src/js/"
<script src=""></script>
<!-- include: "type": "js", "files": "**/*.js" -->
<div id="mainViewDiv"></div>
<div id="appDiv">
) {
var args = {
// The container where to display the map:
mapContainer: "mainViewDiv",
// The id to the scene for the BSL you'd like to display:
websceneId: config.websceneId,
// Your different sections:
sections: config.sections,
// The container where to display the html element:
container: document.getElementById("appDiv")
if (config.portalUrl) {
args.portalUrl = config.portalUrl;
if (config.floorMapping) {
args.floorMapping = config.floorMapping;
if (config.extraQuery) {
args.extraQuery = config.extraQuery;
new BuildingViewer(args);
Apache License - 2.0
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License.
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This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
"name": "building-viewer",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "This application demonstrates the use of various Building Scene Layer related API",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"scripts": {
"dev": "tsc -w & sass --watch src:src",
"lint": "tslint './src/*.ts'",
"build": "tsc & sass src:src",
"dist": "grunt dist",
"server": "grunt"
"keywords": [
"author": "Yannik Messerli <>",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "^1.3.0",
"grunt-contrib-concat": "*",
"grunt-contrib-connect": "*",
"grunt-contrib-copy": "*",
"grunt-contrib-htmlmin": "*",
"grunt-contrib-uglify": "*",
"grunt-contrib-watch": "*",
"grunt-dojo": "^1.1.2",
"grunt-include-source": "^1.1.0",
"grunt-run": "^0.8.1",
"grunt-stripcomments": "^0.7.2",
"js-yaml": ">=3.13.1",
"tslint": "^4.2.0",
"tslib": "~2.4.0",
"sass": "^1.49.10"
"dependencies": {
"@types/dojo": "1.9.41",
"typescript": "4.2.4"
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