Joe T.S.'s avatar
closed issue #1 "Clean and Send 3D CityGML to Joe" at iCityDigitalTwinFramework / Prototypes
Joe T.S.'s avatar
closed issue #2 "Create an OGC API Processes Service" at iCityDigitalTwinFramework / Prototypes
Joe T.S.'s avatar
closed issue #3 "Create use case #1 protytype application" at iCityDigitalTwinFramework / Prototypes
Joe T.S.'s avatar
opened issue #4 "The CI/CD of this Prototypes does not work; so the new project is created" at iCityDigitalTwinFramework / Prototypes
Joe T.S.'s avatar
Joe T.S.'s avatar
Joe T.S.'s avatar
accepted merge request !1 "update" at iCityDigitalTwinFramework / Prototypes
Joe T.S.'s avatar
opened merge request !1 "update" at iCityDigitalTwinFramework / Prototypes
Joe T.S.'s avatar
pushed new branch main at iCityDigitalTwinFramework / Prototypes
Joe T.S.'s avatar
Joe T.S.'s avatar
opened issue #3 "Create use case #1 protytype application" at iCityDigitalTwinFramework / Prototypes
Joe T.S.'s avatar
opened issue #2 "Create an OGC API Processes Service" at iCityDigitalTwinFramework / Prototypes
Joe T.S.'s avatar
opened issue #1 "Clean and Send 3D CityGML to Joe" at iCityDigitalTwinFramework / Prototypes
Sven Schneider's avatar